Parapleurocrypta Chopra, 1923

López-Blanco, Charo, Epp, Ohrideja Tasevska, García-Alix, Antonio, Kostoski, Goce, Vicente, Eduardo & Laura, S., 2024, Fig. 4 in Positive association between PTN polymorphisms and schizophrenia in Northeast Chinese Han population., Zoological Studies 63 (13), pp. 141-149 : 3-10

publication ID 10.6620/ZS.2024.63-13

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scientific name

Parapleurocrypta Chopra, 1923


Genus Parapleurocrypta Chopra, 1923 View in CoL

Type-species: Parapleurocrypta alphei Chopra, 1923 by original designation.

Diagnosis: Female: Body more or less rounded, slightly asymmetrical; head distinct from first pereomere, with or without frontal lamina; eyes present or absent; maxilliped with non-articulated palp, bearing long setae; barbula with one or two pairs of lateral projections on each side; dorsolateral bosses present on at least pereomeres 1–4; coxal plates absent or present on pereomeres 1–4; tergal projections absent; lateral projections present or absent on pleon; pleopods uniramous or absent; uropods uniramous.

Male: Head distinct from pereon, eyes present. All pleomeres completely fused, pleopods and uropods absent.

Other species: Parapleurocrypta digitata Bourdon, 1976 , Parapleurocrypta duofratres sp. nov. (described below).

Remarks: The generic diagnosis has been expanded to include morphological characters from Parapleurocrypta duofratres sp. nov. (see Remarks for the new species below). Some morphological characters described by Bourdon (1976) for P. digitata also expand Chopra’s (1923) original diagnosis of the genus, and were also included in the updated diagnosis provided above (presence of frontal lamina on the head, coxal plates on pereomeres 1–4, and absence of lateral plates on pleomeres).

Parapleurocrypta duofratres sp. nov. ( Figs. 2–6 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Material examined: Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, Brazil. Holotype: mature female (1.75 mm TL) (MZUSP #44176), Laje Dois Irmãos, 30 June 2022, infesting left branchial chamber of male Synalpheus herricki Coutière, 1909 (3.1 mm CL; MZUSP #44175). Allotype: mature male (1.13 mm TL) (MZUSP #44177), found with holotype.

Paratypes: mature female (1.96 mm TL) and mature male (1.13 mm TL) (DZ/UFRGS #7006), same collection data as holotype, infesting right branchial chamber of male S. herricki (4.8 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #7007); mature female (1.98 mm TL) and mature male (1.21 mm TL) (DZ/UFRGS #7076), same collection data as holotype, infesting left branchial chamber of male S. herricki (3.4 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #7077), both used for SEM; mature female (broken) and mature male (1.35 mm TL) (DZ/UFRGS #7008), same collection data as holotype, infesting right branchial chamber of male S. herricki (4.3 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #7009); mature female (3.00 mm TL) and mature male (1.45 mm TL) (DZ/UFRGS #7000), same collection data as holotype, infesting right branchial chamber of male S. herricki (4.1 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #7001); mature female (2.43 mm TL) and mature male (1.44 mm TL) (DZ/UFRGS #7002), same collection data as holotype, infesting right branchial chamber of male S. herricki (4.6 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #7003); mature female (3.35 mm TL) and mature male (1.68 mm TL) (DZ/ UFRGS #7078), same collection data as holotype, infesting left branchial chamber of male S. ruetzleri Macdonald & Duffy, 2006 (5.4 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #7079); mature female (1.85 mm TL) and mature male (1.17 mm TL) (DZ/UFRGS #7080), same collection data as holotype, infesting left branchial chamber of male S. herricki (3.7 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #7081); mature female (2.27 mm TL) and mature male (1.47 mm TL) (DZ/UFRGS #7004), same collection data as holotype, infesting left branchial chamber of female S. herricki (4.8 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #7005); mature female (2.69 mm TL) and mature male (1.25 mm TL) (DZ/UFRGS #6998), same collection data as holotype, infesting right branchial chamber of male S. herricki (4.2 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #6999); mature female (2.76 mm TL) and mature male (1.44 mm TL) (UFRGS #6994), Ponta da Sapata, 30 June 2022, infesting right branchial chamber of male S. herricki (5.0 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #6995); mature female (2.48 mm TL) and mature male (1.33 mm TL) (DZ/UFRGS #7082), Ponta da Sapata, 30 June 2022, infesting right branchial chamber of male S. herricki (3.7 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #7083); mature female (0.94 mm TL) and mature male (0.99 mm TL) (DZ/UFRGS #6996), Ponta da Sapata, 30 June 2022, infesting right branchial chamber of male S. ruetzleri (2.5 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #6997); mature female (1.69 mm TL) and mature male (1.08 mm TL) (DZ/UFRGS #6992), Ilha do Meio, 26 June 2022, infesting right branchial chamber of male S. ruetzleri (3.1 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #6993); mature female (2.00 mm TL) (DZ/UFRGS #7084), Buraco do Inferno, 26 June 2022, infesting right branchial chamber of male S. ruetzleri (3.0 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #7085); mature female (2.97 mm TL) and mature male (1.57 mm TL) (DZ/UFRGS #6990), Buraco do Inferno, 26 June 2022, infesting left branchial chamber of male S. herricki (5.2 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #6991); mature female (1.47 mm TL) and mature male (1.01 mm TL) (DZ/ UFRGS #6986), Cagarras, 25 June 2022, infesting right branchial chamber of male S. herricki (2.9 mm CL; DZ/ UFRGS #6987); mature female (2.72 mm TL) (DZ/ UFRGS #6984), Cagarras, 25 June 2022, infesting left branchial chamber of male S. herricki (4.5 mm CL; DZ/ UFRGS #6985); immature female (2.14 mm TL) (DZ/ UFRGS #6988), Ressureta, 25 June 2022, infesting left branchial chamber of male S. herricki (4.0 mm CL; DZ/UFRGS #6989); mature female (2.19 mm TL) and mature male (broken in half) (DZ/UFRGS #7010), Buraco do Inferno, 18 June 2019, infesting left branchial chamber of male S. herricki (4.3 mm CL; DZ/ UFRGS #7011).

Description of female: Holotype female ( Figs. 2A–B View Fig , 3A–B View Fig ): total body length 1.8 mm, maximal width 2.1 mm at pereomere 3, head length 0.5 mm, head width 0.7 mm, pleon length 0.5 mm. Body nearly symmetrical, slight sinistral rotation, body wider than long, broadest at pereomere 3. All body regions and pereomeres distinct. Irregular spots of pigmentation on dorsal surface of head, posterior pereomeres and anterior pleomeres ( Fig. 2A–B View Fig ).

Head: subquadrangular, deeply inset into first pereomere ( Fig. 3A View Fig ). Frontal lamina absent. Eyes well developed, suboval and close to anterior margin of head ( Fig. 3A View Fig ); single irregular spot of pigmentation present dorsally between eyes ( Fig. 3A View Fig ). Antennules of three articles each, all with setae on distolateral edges and articles covered by fine scales, approximately seven setae on terminal article ( Figs. 3C View Fig , 4B View Fig ). Antennae of three articles each, terminal article with approximately six setae, all articles covered by scales ( Figs. 3C View Fig , 4C View Fig ). Barbula with single broad projection on each side, without medial projections ( Fig. 3D View Fig ). Maxilliped ( Figs. 3G View Fig , 4F View Fig ) with anterior article longer than posterior; palp prominent and non-articulated, slightly inset into anterior margin; inner margin of palp fringed with four long setae ( Figs. 3G View Fig , 4G View Fig ), bearing spinous scales at the base and setules along length and tip ( Fig. 4G View Fig ); spur stout and short; margins of both articles covered in fine scales.

Pereon: broader than long, broadest across third pereomere ( Fig. 3A View Fig ). First pereomere shorter than others. Dorsolateral bosses present on both sides of pereomeres 1–5, boss on left side of pereomere 5 not as prominent ( Fig. 3A View Fig ). Pereomere 2 with large swelling on longer side, posterior to dorsolateral boss ( Fig. 3A View Fig ). Coxal plates and tergal projections absent. Marsupium open ( Fig. 3B View Fig ). Oostegite 1 ( Figs. 3E–F View Fig , 4H View Fig ) anterior lobe rounded; inner ridge smooth and without digitations ( Figs. 3E View Fig , 4H View Fig ), surface covered with small scales ( Fig. 4J View Fig ); posterior lobe inner margin rounded with small notches, outer margin with lateral projection slightly longer than anterior lobe and rounded ( Fig. 3E– F View Fig ), margins setose ( Fig. 4I View Fig ). Oostegite 5 with long setae on posterior margin ( Fig. 3B View Fig ). Pereopods increase in size slightly in posterior segments; each with six articles ( Figs. 3H–I View Fig , 4D View Fig ); all articles except dactylus covered with small scales ( Fig. 4D–E View Fig ). Pereopod 1 ( Figs. 3H View Fig , 4D View Fig ) with three long setae on outer margin of carpus, near propodus. Pereopod 7 ( Figs. 3I View Fig , 4E View Fig ) with two long setae on outer margin of carpus, similar to pereopod 1. Pereomeres 4–7 with few dorsolateral spots of pigmentation ( Figs. 2A View Fig , 3A View Fig ).

Pleon of six segments ( Fig. 3A View Fig ). Pleomeres 1–5 with lamellar lateral plates ( Fig. 3B View Fig ). Pleopods absent in holotype ( Fig. 3B View Fig ; but see Variation in paratypes below). Uropods uniramous, similar in shape and size to lateral plates. Pleomeres 1 and 2 with irregular spots of pigmentation on dorsal surface ( Figs. 2A View Fig , 3A View Fig ).

Description of male: Allotype male ( Figs. 2D View Fig , 5A– B View Fig ): total body length 1.1 mm, maximal width 0.5 mm at pereomere 3, head length 0.1 mm, head width 0.4 mm, pleon length 0.2 mm. All body regions and pereomeres distinct, pleomeres 1–5 fused. Pigmentation irregularly distributed on all body regions and segments ( Figs. 2D View Fig , 5A–B View Fig ).

Head: slightly inset into first pereomere, middle portion extending dorsally into pereomere 1 ( Fig. 5A View Fig ). Eyes large, approximately kidney shaped and present towards posterolateral margin of head. Antennules ( Figs. 5C View Fig , 6B View Fig ) of three articles each, all articles with approximately four setae on anterior margins; terminal article with approximately five very long setae. Antennae ( Figs. 5C View Fig , 6B View Fig ) of four articles each, all articles with one setae on distal margins, approximately five long setae on terminal article; second article with few small scales ( Fig. 6B View Fig ). Irregular pattern of pigment on left side of head ( Figs. 2D View Fig , 5A View Fig ).

Pereon of seven segments, broadest at third pereomere ( Fig. 5A View Fig ). Pereopods each of six articles ( Figs. 5D–E View Fig , 6C–D View Fig ), all similar in size ( Fig. 5B View Fig ). Pereopod 1 ( Figs. 5D View Fig , 6C View Fig ) and pereopod 7 ( Figs. 5E View Fig , 6D View Fig ) with setae on outer margin of carpus, near propodus; no scales visible on any articles ( Fig. 6C– D View Fig ). Irregular pigment pattern on dorsal side of all pereomeres, ranging from isolated spots to meandering lines, denser on pereomeres 6 and 7 ( Figs. 2D View Fig , 5A View Fig ).

Pleon with all pleomeres fused ( Figs. 5A–B View Fig , 6A View Fig ). Pleopods and uropods absent. Pigmentation pattern similar to that of posterior pereomeres, distributed dorsally on anterior half of pleon ( Figs. 2D View Fig , 5A View Fig ), few spots of pigment on ventral side ( Fig. 5B View Fig ).

Variation: Other females from the type series show variation in the number of dorsolateral bosses ( Fig. 4A View Fig ) and the presence and number of pleopods ( Fig. 3J View Fig ). One female has well defined dorsolateral bosses on pereomeres 1–4, and small, indistinct bosses on pereomeres 5–7 on both sides (DZ/UFRGS #7010). Three females have dorsolateral bosses on pereomeres 1–7 on a single side only, with last three bosses indistinct, and opposite side similar to the holotype (DZ/UFRGS #6994, DZ/UFRGS #7000, DZ/UFRGS #7082). Females lack (15 specimens) or have reduced (six specimens) pleopods. Of the six females with reduced pleopods, they are always uniramous and of varying numbers (one to four), nearly all only on one side of the pleon. One female has four reduced pleopods on the shorter side but absent on the opposite side and the pleon is asymmetrical, with the terminal pleomere lacking a lobe on the shorter side (DZ/UFRGS #6998) ( Fig. 3J View Fig ). One female has a larger pleopod 1, while pleopod 2 is reduced to a small, round nub only on the longer side of the pleon, and no other pleopods are visible (DZ/UFRGS #7082). Another female has a larger pleopod 1 and small, round nubs on pleomeres 2 and 3, but only on the longer side of the body (DZ/UFRGS #6994). One female has pleopods 1 and 2 present on the longer side of the body, both as long as lateral plates, but no other pleopods visible (DZ/UFRGS #6986). One female has a single pleopod 1 on the longer side of the pleon but no other visible pleopods (DZ/UFRGS #6984). Lastly, one female has a pair of large pleopods on the sides of pleomere 1, but no other visible pleopods (DZ/ UFRGS #6990).

Males vary in the broadest pereomere; four individuals are broadest at pereomere 3, five are broadest at pereomere 4, and five are broadest at pereomeres 3 and 4.

Etymology: The species is named after the type locality in the Fernando de Noronha archipelago, Laje Dois Irmãos, translated into Latin. Dois Irmãos (Two Brothers in English and Duo Fratres in Latin), is the name of the famous pair of rocky peaks that emerge from the ocean near the shore of the archipelago’s main island. The type locality is a diving spot close to the twin peaks that are its namesake.

Type locality: Laje Dois Irmãos, Fernando de Noronha, state of Pernambuco, Brazil (03°50'40.2"S, 32°26'34.6"W) ( Fig. 1 View Fig ).

Distribution: To date the species has been found at six locations around the Fernando de Noronha archipelago in Brazil ( Fig. 1 View Fig ).

Hosts: Synalpheus herricki Coutière, 1909 (type host) ( Fig. 2C View Fig ), and Synalpheus ruetzleri Macdonald & Duffy, 2006 .

Ecology and Reproduction: The host shrimps were collected from sponges at depths of 8– 17 m. In total, across all the specimens of Synalpheus species collected, approximately 12.7% (20 of 158) of the shrimps were infested with Parapleurocrypta duofratres sp. nov.

The brood size of Parapleurocrypta duofratres sp. nov. was 719.33 ± 621.44 eggs (n = 3): DZ/UFRGS #6998: 1303 eggs; DZ/UFRGS #6996: 66 eggs; DZ/ UFRGS #7002: 789 eggs.

Remarks: Parapleurocrypta duofratres sp. nov. is the third species of Parapleurocrypta described, the first species collected from the Atlantic Ocean, and the first to have its host identified to species. The present specimens fit well with Chopra’s (1923) original description of the genus, but necessitate a slightly expanded diagnosis for the genus which now contains species with barbula of one ( P. duofratres sp. nov.) or two lobes ( P. alphei and P. digitata ) and either lacks pleopods ( P. duofratres sp. nov.) or has uniramous pleopods ( P. alphei and P. digitata ). Some researchers might argue that these differences justify the establishment of a new genus, but considering the intraspecific variation seen in the pleopods of P. duofratres sp. nov., and without more data on the intra- and interspecific variation in these features as well as molecular data on all species within the genus Parapleurocrypta , we do not feel this is warranted. The specimens appear to be most morphologically similar to P. alphei parasitizing Synalpheus sp. , collected from Andaman Island (Indian Ocean). In addition to the features indicated above, the new species can be distinguished from P. alphei based on the number of dorsolateral bosses in females (present on at least pereomeres 1–5 in the new species vs. present only on pereomeres 1–4 in P. alphei ) and the number of antennal articles in males (four articles on the new species vs. three in P. alphei ).

Parapleurocrypta digitata View in CoL was described from an unknown host (likely an alpheid shrimp) collected in Madagascar, but unfortunately only the females of the species are known ( Bourdon 1976). The females of P. duofratres View in CoL sp. nov. can be distinguished from P. digitata View in CoL based on the absence of frontal lamina (present in P. digitata View in CoL ), the presence of dorsolateral bosses on at least pereomeres 1–5 (vs. present only on pereomeres 1–4 in P. digitata View in CoL ), and pleomeres with lateral plates (vs. lateral plates absent in P. digitata View in CoL ) ( Bourdon 1976).

Regarding the long setae on the maxilliped palp of Parapleurocrypta duofratres View in CoL sp. nov., similar setae were also noted in P. alphei View in CoL by Chopra (1923), who wrote that “some of the long setae of the palp bear small secondary hairs”. Bourdon (1976) did not mention any “secondary hairs” or setules on the maxilliped palp setae of P. digitata View in CoL , but he did mention that the maxilliped has a “palpe bien développé orné de grandes soies” (well-developed palp adorned with large setae). Considering that description and the illustration of the maxilliped provided by Bourdon (1976), it is likely that the palp setae of P. digitata View in CoL also bear setules along their length. Visualization of these setae is difficult without using SEM, though as shown by Chopra (1923) they can also be observed at higher magnification on a light microscope. Further work on these and other features could provide additional taxonomically informative characters for Parapleurocrypta View in CoL .












Parapleurocrypta Chopra, 1923

López-Blanco, Charo, Epp, Ohrideja Tasevska, García-Alix, Antonio, Kostoski, Goce, Vicente, Eduardo & Laura, S. 2024

P. duofratres

López-Blanco & Epp & García-Alix & Kostoski & Vicente & Laura 2024

Parapleurocrypta duofratres

López-Blanco & Epp & García-Alix & Kostoski & Vicente & Laura 2024

Parapleurocrypta digitata

Bourdon 1976

P. digitata

Bourdon 1976

P. digitata

Bourdon 1976

P. digitata

Bourdon 1976

P. digitata

Bourdon 1976

P. digitata

Bourdon 1976

P. digitata

Bourdon 1976

P. alphei

Chopra 1923


Chopra 1923
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF