Antillorena sanjacintensis, Quijano-Cuervo & Brescovit, 2018

Quijano-Cuervo, Luis G. & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2018, A new species of Antillorena from Colombia (Araneae: Zodariidae: Lachesaninae), Iheringia, Série Zoologia (e 2018039) 108, pp. 1-7 : 2-6

publication ID 10.1590/1678-4766e2018039

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Antillorena sanjacintensis

sp. nov.

Antillorena sanjacintensis View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 1-11 View Figs 1, 2 View Figs 3-7 View Figs 8-11 , 14-17 View Figs 14-17 )

Type material. Male holotype from Vereda La Flecha , 9°51’26.61”N, 75°10’48.46”W, 470-520 m, San Jacinto, Bolívar, Colombia, IX. 2014, L. Quijano col. (ICN-Ar 8229) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 3♂ frOm the same LOcaLity Of hOLOtype (2♂ ICN-Ar 8231; ♂ IBSP 168379 View Materials ) anD ♀ (ICN-Ar8230) anD 3♂ (2♂ ICN-Ar 8232; ♂ IBSP 168740 View Materials ) from Reserva Campesina La Montaña , 10°46’02.6”N, 75°02’34”W, 160-250 m, Usiacurí, Atlántico, Colombia, III.2016, L. Martinez col. GoogleMaps

Other material examined. One subadult male, two subadult female and one juvenile from the same locality of holotype (ICN-Ar 8231) .

EtymOLOgy. The specific name refer tO tOpOnym San Jacinto, one of the municipality where the type specimens were collected.

Diagnosis. Males of A. sanjacintensis sp. nov. are similar to those of A. polli (see Figs 12,13; Jocqué, 1991:35, figs 48-51, 94) by the simpLe VentraL tibiaL apOphysis, the origin and shape of the cymbium basal projection and by the size, direction and shape of the median apophysis. However, can be distinguished by having the retrolateral tibial apophysis with the distal area shorter and acuminate at the tip, narrower and longer proximal tegular apophysis and by the shorter and bent conductor than in A. polli ( Figs 3-5 View Figs 3-7 ; 8,9; 14-17). The females resemble those of the A. polli by the long folding of the ducts with more than seven tUrns, bUt Differs by the pOre Of the atriUm at the pOsteriOr border of the median septum ( Figs 6 View Figs 3-7 , 10 View Figs 8-11 ) and by presenting eight turns of the ducts ( Figs 7 View Figs 3-7 , 11 View Figs 8-11 ).

Description. Male (holotype, ICN-Ar 8229). Total length 7.46. Carapace 3.92 long, 2.65 wide. Carapace pear-shaped, dark brown, highest at the fovea region and clearer. Labium triangular, brown. Endites orange-brown, with white apex. Chelicerae and sternum brown. Legs orange-brown, except the femora with green-brown color. Abdomen dark grey dorsally with a pattern of white spots on the median area arriving just before of the spinnerets, ventrally white with black lines in the lateral and medial areas. Spinnerets orange ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1, 2 ). Eye sizes and interdistances: PLE>PME>ALE>AME; AME: 0.114, ALE: 0.125, PME: 0.130, PLE: 0.134, AME-AME: 0.04, AME-ALE: 0.10, PME-PME: 0.07, PME-PLE: 0.18, ALE-PLE: 0.05, MOQ: 0.27 anterior width, 0.33 posterior width, 0.30 long. Leg formula: 4123. Leg measurements: I femur 2.46/ patella 1.29/ tibia 1.97/ metatarsus 1.88/ tarsus 0.90/ total 8.52; II 2.24/ 1.26/ 1.57/ 1.72/ 0.92/ 7.74; III 1.97/ 1.09/ 0.92/ 1.79/ 0.84/

6.64; IV 2.35/ 1.25/ 1.55/ 2.64/ 0.95/ 8.76. Leg spination: III patella d0-0-1, p0-1-0, r0-1-1, v0; tibia d1-1-0, p0-1-1, r1-1-1, v2-2-2; metatarsus d1-2-2, p0-0-1, r1-1-1, v2-2-2; tarsus d0, p0, r0, v0-1-2. IV patella d0-0-1, p0-1-0, r0-1-1, v0; tibia d1-1-0, p0-1-1, r1-1-1, v2-2-2; metatarsus d1-2- 2, p0-0-1, r1-1-1, v2-2-2; tarsus r0-0-1. Palp: retrolateral tibial apophysis long with a curved tip. Cymbium with a retrolatero-basal projection. Tegulum with a long and curved proximal tegular apophysis and a ventral tegular apophysis; median apophysis long and curved, with base covered by tegulum; hyaline and voluminous apical conductor, embolus S-shaped extremely long, originating from retrolateral side ( Figs 3-5 View Figs 3-7 ; 8, 9 View Figs 8-11 ; 14-17 View Figs 14-17 ). Female (Paratype, ICN-Ar 8230). Total length 8.36. Carapace 3.53 long, 2.16 wide. Carapace pear-shaped, brown, less intense than in the male, highest at the fovea region. Labium triangular, brown. Endites light brown with white apex. Chelicerae and sternum brown. Legs and abdomen as in male ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1, 2 ). Eye sizes and interdistances: PLE>PME>ALE>AME; AME: 0.107, ALE: 0.123, PME:

0.127, PLE: 0.135, AME-AME: 0.028, AME-ALE: 0.109, PME-PME: 0.059, PME-PLE: 0.152, ALE-PLE: 0.042, MOQ: 0.226 anterior width, 0.309 posterior width, 0.292 long. Leg formula: 4123. Leg measurements: I femur 1.75/ patella 1.11/ tibia 1.53/ metatarsus 1.23/ tarsus 0.81/ total 6.45; II 1.81/ 0.97/ 1.26/ 1.29/ 0.82/ total 6.18; III 1.59/ 0.82/ 0.89/ 1.35/ 0.79/ total 5.45; IV 2.01/ 0.97/ 1.38/ 1.91/ 0.87/ total 7.16. Leg spination: I metatarsus d0, p0, r0, v2- 2-2 II tibia d0, p0, r0, v0-2-0; metatarsus d0, p0, r0, v2-2-2, III patella d0-0-1, p0-1-0, r1-1-0; v0; tibia d1-1-0, p0-1-1, r1-1-1, v2-1-2; metatarsus d2-2-2, p0-0-1, r0-0-1, v2-1-2; tarsus d0, p0, r-0-1-0, v0-1-2; IV patella d0-0-1, p0-1-0, r1-1-0, v0; tibia d1-1-0, p0-1-1, r1-1-1, v2-2-2; metatarsus d2-2-2, p0-1-0, r0-1-1, v2-2-2; tarsus d0, p0-1-0, r0, v0-1-2. Epigynum with shallow lateral depressions, atrium oval, median septum triangular with two large pockets ( Figs 6 View Figs 3-7 , 10 View Figs 8-11 ); internally, long copulatory ducts, basal rounded spermathecae and long fertilization ducts in the base of spermathecae ( Figs 7 View Figs 3-7 , 11 View Figs 8-11 ).

Variation. Length (7 males): total: 6.46-7.98; carapace: 3.48-4.15; femur I: 2.53-2.93.

Natural history. The specimens of A. sanjacintensis sp. nov. were found in leaf litter, open trail and near of low grasslands, in a landscape with dry tropical forest in the northern from Colombia ( Figs 18, 19 View Figs 18, 19 ).

Distribution. Atlántico and Bolívar departments, Colombia ( Fig. 20 View Fig ).

Key to species of Antillorena View in CoL

1. Female…………………................……………………… 2 Male ………………………...................................…….... 5

2. Epigynal plate with broad median septum and globose pockets, internally, copulatory ducts with three coils ( Brescovit & Ruiz, 2011: fig. 9) ….................. A. patapata Epigynal View in CoL plate with triangular median septum and elongate pockets, internally, copulatory ducts with more than three coils (Figs 10,11; Brescovit & Ruiz, 2011:fig. 15) ….…. 3

3. Copulatory ducts with four coils ( Brescovit & Ruiz, 2011:fig. 16) ……........................................………. A. gaia View in CoL COpULatOry DUcts with mOre than fiVe cOiLs ( Fig. 11 View Figs 8-11 ) ....…. 4

4. Copulatory ducts with eight coils, oval atrium, medium septum with large pockets ( Fig. 11 View Figs 8-11 ) ……............................. .................................………………. sanjacintensis View in CoL sp. nov. Copulatory ducts with seven coils, lung-shaped atrium, medium septum with straight pockets ( Jocqué, 1991:fig. 51) …….…....….…………………………………. A. polli View in CoL

5. RTA short and straight, with less than half the length of the cymbium ( Brescovit & Ruiz, 2011:fig. 8) …………… ………………………....……...………......… A. patapata RTA View in CoL elongate, with almost half the length of the cymbium ( Figs 3-5 View Figs 3-7 , 9 View Figs 8-11 , 14, 15 View Figs 14-17 ; Brescovit & Ruiz, 2011:fig. 14) ………………………..….……………….…………. 6

6. RTA with bifiD DistaL tip, shOrt PTA with enLargeD base ( Jocqué, 1991:fig. 48) ………….......….................. A. polli RTA View in CoL with acuminate distal tip, long PTA with straight base ( Figs 3-5 View Figs 3-7 ; 9 View Figs 8-11 ; 14, 15 View Figs 14-17 ; Brescovit & Ruiz, 2011:fig. 14).…...…...……………...……………….…………….… 7

7. Embolus long, almost three times the length of the palp, cymbium without dorsal depression, conductor with conspicuous base and not covered by the tegulum, sinuous RTA ( Figs 3-5 View Figs 3-7 , 8,9 View Figs 8-11 , 14, 15 View Figs 14-17 ).……. A. sanjacintensis View in CoL sp. nov. Embolus short, almost two times the length of the palp; cymbium with dorsal depression, conductor without conspicuous base and covered by the tegulum, straight RTA ( Brescovit & Ruiz, 2011:figs 13, 14) ....……… A. gaia View in CoL













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