Adendrocera carmelita, Roza & Hansen & Ferreira, 2024

Roza, André Silva, Hansen, Aslak Kappel & Ferreira, Vinicius S., 2024, Redescription of Adendrocera Wittmer, 1976 (Coleoptera: Phengodidae: Penicillophorinae) with Description of a Second Species of the Genus from Guatemala, The Coleopterists Bulletin 78 (2), pp. 155-164 : 160-161

publication ID 10.1649/0010-065X-78.2.155

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scientific name

Adendrocera carmelita


Adendrocera flavula Wittmer, 1976 ( Figs. 1A–G View Fig , 4A View Fig )

Adendrocera flavulum Wittmer 1976: 523 View in CoL (original description); Zaragoza-Caballero 1984: 319 (catalog); Zaragoza-Caballero and PÉrez-Hernández 2014: 85 (catalog); Zaragoza-Caballero and Zurita-García 2015: 528 (phylogenetic analysis). In addition to the aforementioned published literature, the species was also included in a PhD dissertation by Roza (2022).

Type Locality. Coban, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.

Diagnosis. Body overall light brown to pale yellow, head brown, antennomeres I–III pale yellow, IV–VII light brown, pronotum light brown with posterior margin yellowish, elytra light brown, abdomen and legs pale yellow. Eyes moderately large and protruding, occupying close to one-third of head width in dorsal view, postocular area similar in length to eye in lateral view, eye posterior margin straight. Antennomere I slightly longer than II, II around 1.5× longer than III, IV 2.5× longer than III, subequal to subsequent antennomeres until X. Pronotum distinctly longer than wide. Elytron around 4× longer than wide.

Adendrocera flavula can be easily distinguished from A. carmelita by the overall light brown body (dark brown in A. carmelita ), eye occupying close to one-third of head in dorsal view (one-fourth of head in A. carmelita ), postocular area similar in length to eye in lateral view (about 1.5× eye length in lateral view in A. carmelita ), antennomere IV 2.5× longer than III (IV 3× longer than III in A. carmelita ), and elytron around 4× longer than wide (around 5× longer than wide in A. carmelita ).

Description, Male. Measurements. Total length: 4.00 mm.Head length: 0.49 mm.Head width: 0.46 mm. Pronotum length: 0.49 mm. Pronotum maximum width: 0.43 mm. Elytron length: 1.2 mm. Elytron maximum width: 0.33 mm. Morphology. Head slightly longer than wide, integument glossy, shagreened, finely punctured, eye moderately large and protruding, occupying close to one-third width of head in dorsal view ( Fig. 1C View Fig ), postocular area similar in length to eye in lateral view, eye posterior margin straight ( Fig. 1E View Fig ); antennomeres I and II subequal, around 1.5× longer than III, IV 2.5× longer than III, subequal to subsequent antennomeres until X ( Fig. 1D View Fig ). Pronotum distinctly longer than wide, integument glossy, shagreened, finely punctured, anterior margin slightly rounded, lateral margins subparallel, posterior margin pointed medially ( Fig. 1C View Fig ). Elytron with dense, setigerous punctures, around 4× longer than wide ( Fig. 1A View Fig ). Hind wings with venation as noted in the genus description( Fig.1G View Fig ). Abdomen and aedeagus as noted in the genus description. Coloration. Body overall light brown to pale yellow, head brown, antennomeres I–III pale yellow, IV–VII light brown, pronotum light brown with posterior margin yellowish, elytra light brown, abdomen and legs pale yellow.

Female and Immature Stages. Unknown.

Biology and Distribution. There is no data regarding the biology, seasonality, or habitat of A. flavula .

Remarks. Holotype glued to a card and hind wing glued to a second card. The left antenna is broken, with only seven antennomeres (10 at the time of description; Wittmer 1976), and the right one is also broken, with only four antennomeres. Most of the ventral morphology is not currently visible. We considered the specimen too fragile to be unglued and remounted.

The generic name Adendrocera is feminine in grammatical gender; therefore, we corrected the specific name from flavulum (neuter) to flavula (feminine).

Holotype. GUATEMALA . “ Holotype \\ Coban,/ Vera Paz./ Conradt\\ 1903-263\\ 55\\ Holotypus \\

Adendrocera / flavulum/ Wittm./ det. W. Wittmer\\ NHMUK 014062942 ( NHM)”.


Natural History Museum, London


University of Nottingham














Adendrocera carmelita

Roza, André Silva, Hansen, Aslak Kappel & Ferreira, Vinicius S. 2024

Adendrocera flavulum

Zaragoza-Caballero, S. 1984: 319
Wittmer, W. 1976: 523
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF