Pseudotectococcus anonae Hempel

Hodgson, Chris & Miller, Dug, 2010, A Review of the Eriococcid Genera (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccoidea) of South America 2459, Zootaxa 2459 (1), pp. 1-101 : 76-80

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Felipe (2021-08-22 23:33:56, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 10:36:25)

scientific name

Pseudotectococcus anonae Hempel


Pseudotectococcus anonae Hempel View in CoL

Pseudocapulinia lanosa Hempel 1934: 139–140 View in CoL .

First-instar nymph (sex not determined) ( Fig. 38 View FIGURE 38 )

Diagnosis. Unmounted material. Elongate oval. Mounted material. Body oval. Dorsum. Dorsal setae conical, sometimes slightly curved, of 1 rather variable size, arranged in a pair of submedial lines and in a pair of mediolateral lines. Macrotubular ducts absent. Microtubular ducts rather large, with a small, sclerotised, cone-like pore; sparse, in a mediolateral line and also marginally. Loculate pores absent. Anal lobes sclerotised, elongate, each with a rounded apex; without microtubular ducts. Median plate present. Margin. Marginal setae spinose, similar in size and shape to those on dorsum. Anal ring located between anal lobes, with 6 setae. Venter. Setae of 2 sizes, short setae submarginally and longer setae medially; suranal setae rather spinose, each on a small protuberance. Macrotubular and microtubular ducts absent. Cruciform pores: 1 present near margin on thorax. Loculate pores each with 3 or 5 loculi, 1 near each peritreme. Antennae 3 segmented. Labium probably 2 segmented. Legs well developed, without pores; tibia slightly shorter than tarsus; tarsal digitules capitate, about equal in size; claw probably with a denticle; claw digitules dissimilar, with 1 conspicuously swollen, other about same size as tarsal digitules.

Comment. The first-instar nymphs of P. anonae are quickly separated from other known eriococcid firstinstar nymphs in having 3-segmented antennae, sclerotised anal lobes and cruciform pores. Other important characters are: (i) microtubular ducts present only on dorsum; (ii) loculate pores present singly just laterad to each spiracle; and (iii) claw digitules dissimilar, 1 broader than other. It is perhaps most similar to Aculeococcus , but the latter genus lacks cruciform pores and has cupolate-shaped dorsal setae. For other differences, see in the key.

Adult male ( Fig. 39 View FIGURE 39 )

Diagnosis. Mounted material. Less than 1 mm long. Loculate and other pores absent. Most setae fleshy, each short and stout, clearly different from hair-like setae. Head. With 2 pairs of subequal simple eyes. Most setae fleshy, frequent both on occipital ridge and genae. Dermal reticulations absent. Postoccipital ridge an inverted U shape. Antennae short, 8 segmented; hair-like setae quite long; fleshy setae short and fat, clearly shorter than width of segments; capitate setae present on apical 2 segments. Thorax. Prothorax with prosternal setae but no antespiracular setae and no setae dorsally. Meso- and metathorax showing nothing distinctive. Forewings without an alar lobe, alar setae and alar sensoria. Hamulohalteres absent. Legs. Well developed; campaniform pores on each trochanter oval and in a line; trochanter setae all short; tarsi 2 segmented; tarsal digitules not capitate; claw without a denticle; claw digitules probably minutely capitate; fleshy setae short and stout, as elsewhere. Abdomen. Dorsal abdominal setae few, fewer than ventral abdominal setae; pleural setae in distinct groups; tergites and sternites only present on segment VIII; glandular pouches present, pouch pores present only with pouch; glandular pouch setae well developed. Penial sheath typical of Eriococcidae , divided into 2 parts, anterior part about half length of penial sheath, parallel-sided, with anus at posterior end; posterior part narrower, narrowing to a sharp apex; setae few.

Comment. The most distinct characters of the adult male of P. anonae are: (i) rather thick fleshy setae on antennae, body and legs, very obviously different from hair-like setae; (ii) rather long penial sheath, more than 2x the basal width and with the anterior half only slightly shorter than the posterior half; and (iii) 8 segmented antennae.

Hempel, A. (1934) Descriptcao de tres especies novas, tres generos novas e uma subfamilia nova de coccideos (Hemiptera, Homoptera) [Descriptions of three new species, three genera and one new subfamily of coccids (Hemiptera, Homoptera).] Revista de Entomologia, 4, 139 - 147.

Hodgson, C. J., Goncalves, S. J. M. R., Miller, D. R. & Isaias, R. M. S. (2004) A key to genera of Eriococcidae (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) from the Neotropical region and a revision of Pseudotectococcus Hempel (Eriococcidae), a gall inducing scale insect genus from Brazil, with a description of a new species. Lundiana, 5 (1), 51 - 72.

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FIGURE 38. Pseudotectococcus anonae Hempel. First-instar nymph, where B = dorsal microtubular duct; G = dorsal view of anal lobe; H = ventral view of anal lobe; J = ventral submarginal seta; L = ventral loculate pore; P = anterior spiracle; R = marginal spinose seta; T = preantennal tubercle; U = cruciform pore; V = antenna, W = metathoracic leg, and Z = side view of nymph (modified after Hodgson et al., 2004).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 39. Pseudotectococcus anonae Hempel. Adult male, where C = fleshy setae; E = dorsal view of penial sheath; F = ventral view of penial sheath; L = apical four antennal segments, and K = distal end of metathoracic leg (modified after Hodgson et al., 2004). For other abbreviations, see under ‘Figure captions’ on p.5.











