Tarunus banggaienis (Günther)

Riedel, Alexander, 2024, Taxonomic review of weevils of the tribe Celeuthetini, mainly from Sundaland, Sulawesi and the Lesser Sunda Islands (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae), Zootaxa 5464 (1), pp. 1-75 : 62-64

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5464.1.1

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scientific name

Tarunus banggaienis (Günther)


Tarunus banggaienis (Günther) , stat. n.

Coptorrhynchus wolterecki banggaiensis Günther, 1938: 41 . Type locality: Banggai.

Description. Male ( Fig. 35a View FIGURE 35 ). Length. Pronotum plus elytron 5.30 mm. Femora ferruginous. Rostrum 1.14 X longer than wide. Pronotum 0.95 X as long as wide. Elytra 1.36 X as long as wide; intervals with rows of long erect setiform scales, their length subequal to width of elytral interval; intervals 3, 5, 7, 9 with patches of white, densely overlapping scales. Abdomen. Male ventrites 1–2 at middle weakly concave, nude, rugose, sublaterally densely squamose; ventrites 3–5 subglabrous, ventrites 4–5 with transverse row of erect setae. Genitalia. Penis ( Fig. 35b View FIGURE 35 ) with sides subparallel, diverging to weakly concave apex; apex laterally weakly pincer-like projecting; subapically with short median ridge. Apodeme 1.6 X as long as body of penis. Intraspecific variation. Length. Pronotum plus elytron 5.30–8.20 mm. Female ventrites 3–5 hardly retracted, well visible in ventral aspect; female ventrites 3–4 forming simple ridge, with row of erect setae.

Material examined. Type specimens. Female, lectotype ( Fig. 35e View FIGURE 35 ), by present designation: INDONESIA, C-Sulawesi, Banggai; labels ( Fig. 35d View FIGURE 35 ); condition: fair, originally pinned through right elytron, right mesotarsus missing; genitalia in glycerol in microtube; labelled "typus“ ( Fig. 35d View FIGURE 35 ), DNA extraction ARC7422 View Materials (DNA degraded) ( SMTD) . Paralectotypes: INDONESIA, C-Sulawesi, Banggai: 2 exx, leg. H. Kühn, 1885 ( SMTD); 1 ex, leg. Richter; condition somewhat teneral, right midleg missing; DNA extraction ARC7437 View Materials (not sequenced) ( SMTD) . Other material examined: 1 ex, leg. H. Kühn, 1885, labels ( Fig. 35c View FIGURE 35 ); DNA extraction ARC7438 View Materials ( GenBank # OR557461) ( SMTD).

Notes. Günther (1938) based the original description on four specimens from Banggai , an island narrowly separated from east Sulawesi; he did not designate a holotype. Four specimens with type labels were found at SMTD and a lectotype is designated to ensure stability of nomenclature. One additional male specimen at SMTD ( Fig. 35 a View FIGURE 35 ) was collected together with the type series and could be used for sequencing. Its genital structures are sufficiently hardened while the syntypes are in teneral condition. Although not being part of the type series there can be little doubt that all five specimens at SMTD are conspecific. They deserve the status of a distinct species and can be clearly separated from Tarunus wolterecki (Günther) by the different shape of the penis, the simple ventrites 3–5 of the female, and the rows of long elytral bristles .














Tarunus banggaienis (Günther)

Riedel, Alexander 2024

Coptorrhynchus wolterecki

Gunther, K. 1938: 41
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