Ivanauskiella ainella ( Chrétien, 1908 )

Bidzilya, Oleksiy, Karsholt, Ole & Šumpich, Jan, 2023, A revision of the genus Ivanauskiella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 63 (1), pp. 135-164 : 145

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Felipe (2023-06-05 13:22:17, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-09 09:03:28)

scientific name

Ivanauskiella ainella ( Chrétien, 1908 )


Ivanauskiella ainella ( Chrétien, 1908) View in CoL

( Figs 12–15 View Figs 12–24 , 45 View Figs 45–50 , 54 View Figs 51–54 , 76 View Figs 76–77 )

Apodia ainella Chrétien, 1908: 91 View in CoL . TL: Algeria, Biskra

Ivanauskiella ainella ( Chrétien, 1908) View in CoL : PlSKUNOv (1990: 309)

Type material examined. PARATYPFS: J, ‘ Apodia ainella Chret. | 11.4 | Paratype ʼ (gen.slide 193/20, OB) ( SMNK); 2 ♀♀, ‘ Biskra, 30.4.[19]07 ʼ ( MNHN).

Additional material examined. ALGERIA: 1 J, Biskra, i.–v.1901, Steinbach leg. (genitalia in vial, 139/20, OB) ( MfN). MOROCCO: 12 JJ 10 ♀♀, Erfoud/Rissani area, 13.–14.iv. 1989, 900 m, O. Karsholt leg. (gen.slide 177/22J; 178/ 22♀; 180/22J, OB) ( NMPC, ZMKU, ZMUC).

Diagnosis. Ivanauskiella ainella is a comparatively large light brown species with dark brown markings (spots and streaks). The male genitalia are characterised by 10–11 slender spine-like cornuti in vesica in combination with equilateral triangular saccus. The female genitalia resemble those of I. nigripunctata sp. nov. but differ in upcurved rather than transverse processes of posterior signum.

Redescription. Adult ( Figs 12–15 View Figs 12–24 ). Wingspan 10.0–13.0 mm. Head and tegulae uniformly greyish brown, frons light grey, thorax dark brown; labial palpus slender, upcurved, light brown, darker on outer surface, segment 2 with light apical ring; scape of antenna brown, flagellum brown, indistinctly ringed with grey; forewing light greyish-brown with dark brown suffusion along veins, in fold, below costal margin and in subapical 1/4, diffuse blackish spots in cell and below base of costa, blackish elongate spot and slender streak in fold; fringe grey, brown tipped; hindwing light grey.

The examined specimens show variation in the colour of the forewing, from light brown to blackish brown. In specimens with dark forewings the blackish spots become obsolete.

Male genitalia ( Figs 45 View Figs 45–50 , 54 View Figs 51–54 ). Uncus slender from base to 2/3, then strongly widened towards rounded apex, extending to top of valva, posterior margin serrate; tegumen subrectangular; valva gradually bent, in middle twice as broad as medial portion of uncus, apical 1/3 as broad as top of uncus; sacculus about half length and as broad as valva in middle; vinculum short; saccus broad, triangular, weakly acute; phallus with 12–15 elongated, needle-shaped spines and a few small thorns, distal plate large, of irregular shape.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 76 View Figs 76–77 ). Papilla analis subovate, covered with short hair-like setae and strong basal setae; apophysis posterioris straight, slightly longer than apophysis anterioris; segment VIII weakly sclerotised, subtrapezoidal, as broad as long; apophysis anterioris straight; ductus bursae weakly broadened anteriorly, colliculum with one large thorn-shaped sclerite, situated at 2/3 of ductus bursae; corpus bursae egg-shaped, anterior signum rounded plate, posterior signum irregular plate with two upcurved horns.

Molecular data. No barcode available.

Biology. Host plant unknown. Adults were recorded in April–May.

Distribution. Algeria, Morocco (new record).

Remarks. Apodia ainella was described based on an unspecified number of specimens collected in April and May at the oasis of Biskra, Algeria. It was compared with I. psamathias , and stated to differ in larger size, darker wings and elongate (instead of rounded) black spots in the forewing (CHRḖTlFN 1908: 91).A male and a female from the type series deposited in MNHN were examined by D. Povolný, who designated the male as lectotype (POvOLNỶ 1983: 184–185) and provided drawings of its left wings (POvOLNỶ 1983: fig. 29) and genitalia (POvOLNỶ 1983: pl. 6, fig. 31).

CHRETIEN P. 1908: Description de deux Gelechides nouvelles dʼAlgerie. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France 13: 91 - 93.

Gallery Image

Figs 12–24.Adults of Ivanauskiella species. 12–15 – I. ainella (Chrétien, 1908): 12 – male, paratype, Algeria (gen. slide 139/20, OB); 13–15 – Morocco: 13 – male (gen. slide 180/22, OB); 14 – male (gen. slide 177/22, OB); 15 – female (gen. slide 187/22, OB). 16–22 – I. nigripunctata sp. nov., Spain: 16 – holotype, male; 17 – paratype, female (gen. slide 136/20, OB); 18 – paratype, male (gen. slide 135/20, OB); 19 – paratype, female (gen. slide 151/20, OB); 20 – paratype, male (gen. slide 18084, JŠ); 21 – paratype, male (gen. slide 23015, JS); 22 – paratype, female (gen. slide 183/22, OB). 23–24 – I. annekristinae sp. nov., males, France, Corsica, paratypes: 23 – gen. slide 137/20, OB; 24 – male.

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Figs 45–50. Details of morphology of Ivanauskiella species. 45–46 – male abdominal segments VII–VII: 45 – I. ainella (Chrétien, 1908) (gen. slide 139/20, OB); 46 – I. bovis sp. nov. (gen. slide 131/20, OB). 47–48 – female abdominal segments VI–VII: 47 – I. limoniella sp. nov. (gen. slide 22/20, OB); 48 – I. occitanica (Nel & Varenne, 2013) (gen. slide 141/20, OB). 49–50 – male genitalia of I. occitanica with coremata: 49 – grape-shaped and hair-like coremata, Greece (gen. slide 188/22, OB); 50 – hair-like coremata, Turkey (gen. slide 152/20, OB).

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Figs 51–54. Male genitalia of Ivanauskiella species. 51 – I. sutteri sp. nov., paratype, Greece, Crete (gen. slide 6630, R. Sutter). 52 – I. bovis sp. nov., Morocco, paratype (gen. slide 131/20, OB). 53 – I.psamathias (Meyrick, 1891), Tunisia (gen. slide 24/20, OB).54 – I. ainella (Chrétien, 1908):paratype, Algeria (gen. slide 139/20, OB).

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Figs 76–77. Female genitalia of Ivanauskiella species. 76 – I. ainella (Chrétien, 1908), Morocco (gen. slide 178/22, OB). 77 – I. nigripunctata sp. nov., Spain, paratype (gen. slide 183/22, OB). a – colliculum (enlarged); b – signa (enlarged).


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