Ivanauskiella albimarginata, Bidzilya & Karsholt & Šumpich, 2023

Bidzilya, Oleksiy, Karsholt, Ole & Šumpich, Jan, 2023, A revision of the genus Ivanauskiella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 63 (1), pp. 135-164 : 162-163

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Felipe (2023-06-05 13:22:17, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-09 09:03:28)

scientific name

Ivanauskiella albimarginata

sp. nov.

Ivanauskiella albimarginata View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 41–43 View Figs 35–44 , 68–69 View Figs 68–71 , 86–87 View Figs 86–87 )

Material examined. HOLOTYPF: J, ARMENIA: ARARAT: Vedi env., Goravan vill., Gorovan Sands, 956 m, 39°53′20″N, 44°43′58″E, sandy steppe, 31.v.2017, J. Šumpich leg. (Barcode NMPC-Lep-0727) ( NMPC). PARATYPFS: 7 JJ 1 ♀, same locality as for holotype (gen. prep. 23007, JŠ; 23008, JŠ; 23006, JŠ) ( NMPC); 7 JJ 2 ♀♀, same locality as for preceding but 25.–29.v.2019, O. Karsholt & N. Savenkov leg. ( ZMUC, ECKU); 2 JJ 1 ♀, Urtsadzor env., EcoLodge in Wildlife Refuge, 39°56′57″N, 44°53′10″E, 20.–30.v.2019, H. Roweck & N.Savenkov leg. ( ECKU); 1 J, Noravank monastery, 1330 m, 39°41′44″N, 45°12′52″E, 2.vi.2017 (gen. prep. 23009, JŠ), J. Šumpich leg. ( NMPC); 2 JJ, Vedi env., Dashtakar vill., rocky steppe, 1013 m, 39°56′45″N, 44°44′41″E, 1.vi.2017, J. Šumpich leg.( NMPC). IRAN: TEHRAN: 5 JJ, 40 km östl. [east] Teheran, 1500 m, 16.vi.1969, H.G. Amsel leg. (gen. slide 237/21, 3/22, 14/22, OB) ( SMNK). KORDESTAN: 1 J, Strasse Sageh-Baneh, 21 km NE Baneh, 1950 m, 30.vi–2.vii.1975, G. Ebert & H. Falkner leg. (gen. slide 1/23, OB) ( SMNK). ZANJAN: 1 ♀, Ab Bar circuit, Hezar Rud. vill. (51 km N Zanjan), 800 m, 29.–30.iv.2008, E. Rutjan leg. (gen. slide 120/23, OB) ( ZMKU).

Diagnosis. The species is characteristic due to its brown forewing with white costal and dorsal margins. The male genitalia with about 10–12 needle-shaped cornuti in the vesica resemble those of I. ainella (12–15 cornuti) and I. limoniella sp. nov. (8–10 cornuti), but I. ainella has the saccus much broader at the base. The female genitalia resemble those of I. limoniella sp. nov., but can be separated by laterally directed (posteriorly directed in I. limoniella sp. nov.) horns of posterior signum.

Description. Adult ( Figs 41–43 View Figs 35–44 ). Wingspan 9.2–10.4 mm. Head dirty white to light grey, frons white; labial palpus light brown with white apex, inner surface light grey to white; scape of antenna light brown, flagellum brown ringed with grey; thorax, tegulae and forewing covered with grey, brown-tipped scales, costal and dorsal margin of forewing white to light grey, fringe grey; hindwing grey.

Male genitalia ( Figs 68–69 View Figs 68–71 ). Uncus very slender from base to 2/3, then strongly widened towards triangular or rounded apex, extending to top of valva, posterior margin weakly serrate; tegumen subrectangular; valva comparatively broad, in middle twice as broad as medial portion of uncus, dorsal margin straight, ventral margin bent, apical 1/3 slightly broader than apex of uncus; sacculus about half length and as broad as valva in middle; vinculum short; saccus very slender to broadly triangular; phallus with 10–12 elongate, needle-shaped and a few very small thorn-shaped spines, distal plate large, of irregular shape.

Female genitalia ( Figs 86–87 View Figs 86–87 ). Papilla analis subovate, covered with short hair-like setae and strong basal setae; apophysis posterioris slightly longer than apophysis anterioris; segment VIII weakly sclerotised, subtrapezoidal, slightly broader than long; apophysis anterioris straight; ductus bursae of even width except for gradually broadened anterior portion, colliculum with two comparatively large thorn-shaped sclerites, situated at 1/3 of ductus bursae; corpus bursae rounded, anterior signum rounded plate, posterior signum irregular plate with two lateral horns.

Variability. Horns of posterior signum vary from long, slender, weakly curved in specimen from Iran to comparatively short and strongly curved in Armenian specimens. Molecular data. Holotype was barcoded but only 355 bp were obtained. Despite the short sequence, BIN: BOLD:ADD9916 was assigned to it. However, this BIN belongs to I. limoniella sp. nov., and full sequence most likely will generate new BIN. In future, holotype will be barcoded once again using primers for degraded material.

Etymology. The name of the new species is derived from the Latin words ‘ albus ʼ (= white), and ‘ margo ʼ (= margin), referring to the forewing pattern of the new species; adjective.

Biology. Host plant unknown. Adults have been recorded from mid-June to early July at altitudes between 800 and 1950 m. Armenian specimens were observed flying in sandy habitats ( Fig. 88 View Figs 88–92 ).

Distribution. Armenia, Iran (north regions).

Ivanauskiella turkmenica

Ivinskis & Piskunov, 1980, sp. restit.

( Figs 44 View Figs 35–44 , 70–71 View Figs 68–71 )

Ivanauskiella turkmenica Ivinskis & Piskunov, 1980: 25 View in CoL . TL: Turkmenistan, Serhetabad [Kushka]

Ivanauskiella psamathias View in CoL (misidentification): PlSKUNOv (1990: 309);

FALKOvlTSH & BlDZlLYA (2006); FALKOvlTSH & BlDZlLYA (2009).

Type material examined. HOLOTYPF: J, TURKMENISTAN: MARY PROVINCE: ‘g. Kushka, Turkmenskaya SSR, 26.iv.1974, P. Ivinskis | Mikr.Prep.№ 14809, J, holotypus | Ivanauskiella turkmenica Ivinskis et Piskunov , sp. n., gen. n., 1979 | Ivanauskiella turkmenica Ivinskis et Pisk., 1979 , J, det. Piskunov | Ivanauskiella turkmenica Ivinskis et Piskunov, Turkmenia, Piskunov, J | “ Coll. ZIN, Zool.Inst.AN, Leningrad, J, gen. prep. №:, V. Piskunov, Jʼ ( ZIN).

Additional material examined. UZBEKISTAN: BUKHARA REGION: 1 J, 140 km NW Shafrikan, Zhamansai, 18.iv.1966, M. Falkovitsh leg. (gen. slide 168/20, OB) ( ZIN). KAZAKHSTAN: TURKISTAN: 1 J, 150 km NE Alma-Ata, Ili river, right bank, Mynbulak, e. l. from Limonium , 31.viii.1990, M. Falkovitsh leg. ( ZIN). AZERBAIJAN: QOBUSTAN: 1 J, 50 km S Baku, Gobustan, 6.v.1987, R. Puplesis leg. (gen. slide 5427 OK) ( ZMUC).

Diagnosis. Ivanauskiella turkmenica is a uniformly coloured species with slightly bronze-brown sheen and indistinct pale subapical fascia. Numerous minute spines in the vesica (contrary to distinct large needle-shaped spines in other Ivanauskiella species) of phallus are characteristic for the male genitalia.

Redescription. Adult ( Fig. 44 View Figs 35–44 ). Wingspan 9.0–10.0 mm. Head, thorax, tegulae and forewing uniformly greyish brown with slight bronze sheen; labial palpus dirty white with dark apex; scape of antenna and flagellum brown; forewing with indistinct pale broadly interrupted subapical fascia at 3/4, fringe grey; hindwing grey.

Male genitalia ( Figs 70–71 View Figs 68–71 ). Uncus very slender from base to about half of its length, then strongly widened towards triangular apex, extending to top of valva; tegumen subrectangular; valva comparatively broad, in middle 3 times as broad as medial portion of uncus, dorsal margin almost straight, ventral margin bent, apical 1/3 as broad as top of uncus; sacculus about 1/3 length of valva and in its base broader than valva in middle; vinculum short; saccus broadly triangular, weakly pointed; phallus with numerous minute spines in vesica, distal plate large, of irregular shape.

Female genitalia. Unknown.

Molecular data. No barcode available.

Biology. Larvae were observed feeding in inflorescence of Limonium sp. in SE Kazakhstan in September. The mature larva overwinters. Adults emerged in late August. Other specimens were collected in late April which suggests the existence of two generations (FALKOvlTSH & BlDZlLYA 2006: 98, 2009: 71).

Distribution. Verified records from Azerbaijan (new record), SE Kazakhstan (FALKOvlTSH & BlDZlLYA 2006), Turkmenistan (IvlNSKlS & PlSKUNOv 1980) and Uzbekistan (FALKOvlTSH & BlDZlLYA 2009). A record from Mongolia (PlSKUNOv 1990: 309) needs verification. Records from Russia (KOSTIUK et al. 1994; BlDZlLYA 1997: 124; BlDZlLYA 2009: 3; JUNNlLAlNFN et al. 2010: 27) refer to I. limoniella sp. nov.

Remarks. The species was described based on the male holotype collected in Kushka (now Serhetabad), South Turkmenistan. Later I. turkmenica was synonymized with I. psamathias (PlSKUNOv 1990: 309). We have no doubt that I. turkmenica is a separate species that differs well both externally and in the male genitalia from I. psamathias and it is here reinstated as a separate species. Ivanauskiella psamathias differs in having light forewing with distinct markings and a few large thorn-shaped cornuti in the vesica.

IVINSKIS P. & PISKUNOV V. 1980: Opisanie roda semeistva vyemchatokrylykh molei Ivanauskiella Ivinskis et Piskunov, gen. n. i vida Ivanauskiella turkmenica Ivinskis et Piskunov, sp. n. iz Turkmenskoi SSR. [Description of Gelechiid moth genus Ivanauskiella Ivinskis et Piskunov, gen. n. and species Ivanauskiella turkmenica Ivinskis et Piskunov, sp. n. from the Turkmenian SSR]. Lietuvos TSR Moksl u Akademijos Darbai, C Serija 2 (90): 23 - 27 (in Russian).

Gallery Image

Figs 35–44.Adults of Ivanauskiella species. 35–40 – I. occitanica (Nel & Varenne, 2013): 35–36 – Croatia: 35 – male (gen. slide 23001, JŠ); 36 – male (gen.slide 18507, JŠ); 37 – female, Italy, Sardinia (gen. slide 38/20, OB); 38 – female, Italy, Sicily; 39 – male, Spain (gen.slide 185/22, OB); 40 – female, Spain (gen. slide 184/22, OB). 41–43 – I. albimarginata sp. nov., males: 41 – holotype, Armenia (barcode NMPC-Lep_0727); 42 – paratype, Iran (gen. slide 14/22, OB); 43 – paratype, Iran (gen. slide 1/23, OB). 44 – I. turkmenica Ivinskis & Piskunov, 1980, male, Uzbekistan (gen. slide 168/20, OB).

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Figs 68–71. Male genitalia of Ivanauskiella species. 68–69 – I. albimarginata sp. nov.: 68 – paratype, Iran (gen. slide 14/22); 69 – paratype, Armenia (gen. prep. 23008, JŠ). 70–71 – I. turkmenica Ivinskis & Piskunov, 1980: 70 – holotype, Turkmenistan (gen. slide 14809, Piskunov, remounted by OK); 71 – Uzbekistan (gen. slide 168/20, OB).

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Figs 86–87. Female genitalia of Ivanauskiella albimarginata sp. nov. 86 – Iran (gen. slide 120/23, OB); 87 – Armenia (gen. prep. 23006, JŠ). a – colliculum (enlarged); b – posterior and anterior signa (enlarged).

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Figs 88–92. Habitats of Ivanauskiella species. 88 – sands near Vedi in Armenia – habitat of I. albimarginata sp. nov.. 89 – rocky steppe near Tabernas in Spain – habitat of I. nigripunctata sp. nov.. 90 – coast near Pirovac in Croatia – habitat of I. occitanica (Nel & Varenne, 2013). 91–92 – habitats of I. limoniella sp. nov., Russia: 91 – southern Ural, steppe near Kidriasovo; 92 – Altai Mts, Kurai steppe near Kurai village.


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