Cranichis garayana Dodson & R. Vasquez , Icon. Pl. Trop., ser. 2. 3: pl. 210. 1989.

Kolanowska, Marta, Baranow, Przemyslaw, Nowak, Slawomir & Fuentes, Alfredo, 2021, Materials to the revision of the genus Cranichis (Orchidaceae) in Bolivia, PhytoKeys 186, pp. 11-41 : 11

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PhytoKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Cranichis garayana Dodson & R. Vasquez , Icon. Pl. Trop., ser. 2. 3: pl. 210. 1989.


7. Cranichis garayana Dodson & R. Vasquez, Icon. Pl. Trop., ser. 2. 3: pl. 210. 1989. View in CoL


BOLIVIA. Vásquez Ch. 612 (holotype MO) .


Plants 20-40 cm tall. Leaves 2, basal, petiolate; petiole 4-6 cm long, narrow, canaliculate; blade 2.8-8.0 cm long, 3.0-5 cm wide, ovate, acuminate. Scape glabrous, enclosed in about 4-5 non-foliaceous sheaths. Inflorescence 4.0-10 cm long, cylindrical, sub-laxly few- to many-flowered. Flowers whitish-brown, glabrous. Floral bracts 5.0 mm long, lanceolate, acute. Pedicellate ovary 7.5 mm long, almost glabrous. Dorsal sepal 5.0-6.0 mm long, 2.3-3.0 mm wide, oblong-elliptical to ovate, obtuse, 3-veined. Petals 4.5-5.0 mm long, 1.7-2.0 mm wide, obliquely oblanceolate to spathulate, obtuse, 1-veined, glabrous. Lateral sepals 5.1-6.0 mm long, 2.3-3.5 mm wide, obliquely ovate, obscurely 2-veined. Lip 4.5-5.0 mm long, 4.5-5.0 mm wide, concave, subsessile, 3-lobed above the elliptical base, lateral lobes subquadrate, deeply laciniate, middle lobe ovate, rounded or obtuse; disc with 5 dendritic branching veins. Gynostemium 2.9 mm long. Fig. 9 View Figure 9 .

Habitat and ecology.

Terrestrial or epiphytic in Yungas montane wet forest at altitudes between 1880-2240 m. Flowers in March. According to Vásquez et al. (2014) this species occurs in Yungas ecoregion at altitudes between 1500-2500 m.

Representative specimens.

BOLIVIA. Cochabamba: Chapare, km 100, Cochabamba to Villa Tunari, 1880 m. 22 March 1981. R. Vásquez Ch. 612 (MO). La Paz: Prov. Nor Yungas. PN-ANMI Cotapata, sendero Sandillani al segundo campamento, 2240 m. 4 March 2006. I. Jimenez & F. Miranda 3854 (LPB!). Fig. 2 View Figure 2 .


Cranichis garayana is a Bolivian endemic easily distinguished from other species by its 3-lobed lip above an elliptical base with subquadrate, deeply laciniate, lateral lobes and ovate, rounded middle lobe.