Cranichis garayana Dodson & R. Vasquez , Icon. Pl. Trop., ser. 2. 3: pl. 210. 1989.
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Cranichis garayana Dodson & R. Vasquez , Icon. Pl. Trop., ser. 2. 3: pl. 210. 1989. |
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7. Cranichis garayana Dodson & R. Vasquez, Icon. Pl. Trop., ser. 2. 3: pl. 210. 1989. View in CoL
BOLIVIA. Vásquez Ch. 612 (holotype MO) .
Plants 20-40 cm tall. Leaves 2, basal, petiolate; petiole 4-6 cm long, narrow, canaliculate; blade 2.8-8.0 cm long, 3.0-5 cm wide, ovate, acuminate. Scape glabrous, enclosed in about 4-5 non-foliaceous sheaths. Inflorescence 4.0-10 cm long, cylindrical, sub-laxly few- to many-flowered. Flowers whitish-brown, glabrous. Floral bracts 5.0 mm long, lanceolate, acute. Pedicellate ovary 7.5 mm long, almost glabrous. Dorsal sepal 5.0-6.0 mm long, 2.3-3.0 mm wide, oblong-elliptical to ovate, obtuse, 3-veined. Petals 4.5-5.0 mm long, 1.7-2.0 mm wide, obliquely oblanceolate to spathulate, obtuse, 1-veined, glabrous. Lateral sepals 5.1-6.0 mm long, 2.3-3.5 mm wide, obliquely ovate, obscurely 2-veined. Lip 4.5-5.0 mm long, 4.5-5.0 mm wide, concave, subsessile, 3-lobed above the elliptical base, lateral lobes subquadrate, deeply laciniate, middle lobe ovate, rounded or obtuse; disc with 5 dendritic branching veins. Gynostemium 2.9 mm long. Fig. 9 View Figure 9 .
Habitat and ecology.
Terrestrial or epiphytic in Yungas montane wet forest at altitudes between 1880-2240 m. Flowers in March. According to Vásquez et al. (2014) this species occurs in Yungas ecoregion at altitudes between 1500-2500 m.
Representative specimens.
BOLIVIA. Cochabamba: Chapare, km 100, Cochabamba to Villa Tunari, 1880 m. 22 March 1981. R. Vásquez Ch. 612 (MO). La Paz: Prov. Nor Yungas. PN-ANMI Cotapata, sendero Sandillani al segundo campamento, 2240 m. 4 March 2006. I. Jimenez & F. Miranda 3854 (LPB!). Fig. 2 View Figure 2 .
Cranichis garayana is a Bolivian endemic easily distinguished from other species by its 3-lobed lip above an elliptical base with subquadrate, deeply laciniate, lateral lobes and ovate, rounded middle lobe.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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