Brucepattersonius Hershkovitz 1998

Wilison, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Cricetidae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 955-1189 : 1104

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Guido (2022-12-13 04:19:03)

scientific name

Brucepattersonius Hershkovitz 1998


Brucepattersonius Hershkovitz 1998

Brucepattersonius Hershkovitz 1998 , Bonn. Zool. Beitr., Vol. 47: 227.

Type Species: Brucepattersonius soricinus Hershkovitz 1998

Species and subspecies: 8 species:

Species Brucepattersonius albinasus Hershkovitz 1998

Species Brucepattersonius griserufescens Hershkovitz 1998

Species Brucepattersonius guarani Mares and Braun 2000

Species Brucepattersonius igniventris Hershkovitz 1998

Species Brucepattersonius iheringi ( Thomas 1896)

Species Brucepattersonius misionensis Mares and Braun 2000

Species Brucepattersonius paradisus Mares and Braun 2000

Species Brucepattersonius soricinus Hershkovitz 1998

Discussion: Akodontini. Morphological traits resemble those of Oxymycterus , considered its probable nearest generic relative by Hershkovitz (1998). Parsimony and likelihood trees derived from cytochrome b data instead most closely relate the genus to Blarinomys , within a clade that includes Lenoxus , Kunsia , and Scapteromys (D’Elía et al., 2003; Smith and Patton, 1999). With recognition of this distinctive genus, attention should be directed to documenting the status and distributions of the newly described forms, most known only from their type locality and based on differentiating traits that intimate age and-or individual variation.

Braun, J. K., M. A. Mares, and R. A. Ojeda. 2000. A new species of grass mouse, genus Akodon (Muridae: Sigmodontinae), from Mendoza Province, Argentina. Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde, 65: 216 - 225.

Hershkovitz, P. 1998. Report on some sigmodontine rodents collected in southeastern Brazil with descriptions of a new genus and six new species. Bonner Zoologische Beitrage, 47: 193 - 256.

Smith, M. F., and J. L. Patton. 1999. Phylogenetic relationships and the radiation of sigmodontine rodents in South America: Evidence from cytochrome b. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 6: 89 - 128.

Thomas, O. 1896 [1897]. On the genera of rodents: An attempt to bring up to date the current arrangement of the order. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1896: 1012 - 1028.









