Endotribelos jaragua, Trivinho-Strixino, Susana & Pepinelli, Mateus, 2015

Trivinho-Strixino, Susana & Pepinelli, Mateus, 2015, A systematic study on Endotribelos Grodhaus (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Brazil including DNA barcoding to link males and females, Zootaxa 3936 (1), pp. 1-41 : 17-18

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Plazi (2016-04-18 20:51:27, last updated 2023-10-29 17:53:13)

scientific name

Endotribelos jaragua

sp. nov.

Endotribelos jaragua View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 9–10 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 )

Type material. Holotype: Male with pupal exuviae, slide mounted in Euparal, Brazil, São Paulo, SP, Parque Estadual do Jaraguá , xi/2001, F. Roque (E2-37, LEIA-UFSCar). Paratypes: 1 male (E2-38, LEIA-UFSCar); 1 female with pupal exuviae (E2-39, LEIA-UFSCar); 1 female (E2-40, LEIA-UFSCar); 2 4th instar larvae (E2-41 and E2-42, LEIA-UFSCar). All specimens were collected in the same locality inside fruits of Ficus sp. ( Moraceae ).

Etymology. The name jaragua refers to the locality where the species were collected, Parque Estadual do Jaraguá located in São Paulo city.

Diagnostic characters. Endotribelos jaragua sp. n. differs from all other species of the genus by the combination of the following characters. Adult male: thorax yellowish with large dark brown stripe down the middle of the scutum which expands posteriorly; postnotum brown; anal point apex broader than base and shorter than inferior volsella. Pupa: abdominal posterolateral spur simple; intersegmental membrane III/IV and IV/V with two patches of shagreen. Larva: mentum with fourteen teeth; median teeth and slightly shorter than first laterals; mandible with fourth inner teeth.

Description. Male (n=2). Size. Total length 4.1–4.9 mm. Wing 2.1–2.2 mm long and 0.5–0.6 mm wide.

Coloration. Head yellowish; third and fourth palpomeres and antenna brown. Thorax scutum yellowish with large dark brown stripe down the middle line of scutum which exapands posteriorly; pleura yellowish; postnotum brown ( Figs 9 View FIGURE 9 a, b). Abdomen brown ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 c). Legs pale brown.

Head. Temporal setae 20. Clypeus with 25 setae. Antenna 1.19–1.24 mm long; AR 1.55–1.91. Palpomere 2–5 lengths: 56, 188–212, 81–100, 144–156 µm.

Thorax. Ac 22–24; Dc 16–21; Pa 5; Scts 11–12 coarse, in a straight posterior row and with 10–11 finer setae on anterior face. Scutal tubercle absent.

Wings. VR 1.18–1.19. Brachiolum with two setae. R with 26–31, R 1 27–34 and R4+5 43–45 setae, remaining veins bare. Squama with 10 setae.

Legs. Scale on fore tibia 49–54 µm long, with a short spine at apex ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 f). Tibial combs of mid and hind legs partly fused; mid tibial spur on posterior comb 68–71 µm long; hind tibial spur anterior 54 µm, posterior 77–83 µm long. Lengths and proportions as in Table 7 View TABLE 7 .

Hypopygium ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 d). Anal point 46–61 µm long; apex broader than base. Tergite IX with 13–14 strong setae. Laterosternite IX with four setae. Transverse sternapodeme 50–62 µm long. Phallapodeme 109–115 µm long. Gonocoxite 179–175 µm long. Superior volsella 77–92 µm long, broad basally and strongly curved distally, with three long basal setae and one long distolateral, subapical seta ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 e). Gonostylus 209–211 µm long. HR 0.80. HV 1.93–2.30.

Female (n=2). Dimension and coloration. Length 5.4 mm. Wing length 2.5–2.6 mm. Coloration as male.

Head. Temporal setae 23. Clypeus with 33–36 setae. Antenna 0.72–0.76 mm long; AR 0.30–0.34. Palpomere 2–5 lengths: 75–87, 181–200, 131, 175–187 µm.

Thorax. Ac 25–30; Dc 23–29; Pa 5–6; Scts 12–17 coarse and 9 finer setae on anterior face. Wings. VR 1.16–1.22. Brachiolum with two setae. R with 41–43, R1 60–63, R4+5 97–98, M 3–8 setae, remaining veins bare. Squama with 13–15 setae.

Legs. Scale on front tibia 47 µm long, with a short spine at apex. Tibial combs of mid and hind legs partly fused; mid tibial spur anterior 78 µm long; hind tibial spur anterior 53 µm, posterior 87–94 µm long. Lengths and proportions as in Table 8 View TABLE 8 .

Genitalia. Setal patches on sternite VIII with 29−32 setae. GC IX with 4–5 setae. Segment X with 15 setae. Notum 118−131 µm long, rami 48–62 µm. Gonocoxapodeme semicurved 153–159 µm long.

Pupa (n=2, 1 male, 1 female). Abdomen 4.1–5.1 mm long. Wing sheath 1.4–1.6 mm long. Exuviae coloration greyish; intersegment dark gray.

Cephalothorax. Cephalic tubercles conical, apically with several pointed spinules; frontal setae 109–131 µm long. Antepronotal seta 1, precorneal setae 2, dorsocentral setae 4. Distance between Dc1 and Dc 2 31–44 µm, between Dc2 and Dc3 256–265 µm, between Dc3 and Dc4 22 µm.

Abdomen. Tergite I bare, II with fine shagreen, III–VI covered with shagreen, spines near central part of anterior margin stronger, VII and VIII bare. Paratergites V and VI with spines posteriorly. Conjuntives III/IV and IV/V with two large patches of anteriorly directed spines. Hook row continuous with near 62 curved spines occupying near 1/2 width of segment II. Pedes spurii A and B present. Spur on segment VIII simple ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 a). Abdominal lateral setation: segment II–IV with three L setae, V–VI with three taeniate setae, VII–VIII with four taeniate setae. Anal lobes with 40−44 taeniate fringe setae on each side.

4th instar larva (n=2). Head capsule yellowish, tips of mandibles, mentum and occipital ring blackish. Larvae bright red when alive. Total length near 7 mm.

Head. Dorsal head length 538–550 µm; ventral 219−244 µm; width 394 µm; IC 1.36–1.39. Antenna 108 µm long; basal segment 54–55 µm. AR 1.03; antennal blade slightly shorter than antennal flagelum ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 e). Clypeus 40–22 µm long ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 f). Pecten epipharyngis formed by three toothed plates ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 b). Premandible 88 µm long with two major and one minor teeth; brush well developed ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 c). Mandible 178–183 µm long, with small dorsal tooth, apical and four inner teeth dark; seta subdentalis slender, 50 µm long ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 d). Mentum 92–125 µm wide, with fourteen teeth; median teeth slightly shorter than first laterals; 2nd lateral teeth slightly smaller than 3rd lateral ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 g). Ventromental plate 113–129 µm width, with very distinct striations; distance between ventramental plates 42–44 µm.

Abdomen. ( Fig.10 View FIGURE 10 h) Procercus short as long as wide, with 7 anal setae. Anal tubules large, 275–325 µm, with median constriction. Posterior parapods with brownish claws.

Remarks. The association between the larvae and adults of E. jaragua sp. n. is tentative, but we believe that they belong to the same species, since they were collected together in the same fruit substrate.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 9. Endotribelos jaragua sp. n. Male. a. Thorax, dorsal view. b. Thorax, lateral view. c. Abdomen. d. Hypopygium, left dorsal view, right dorsal view, tergite IX removed and with detail of left superior volsella. e. Superior volsella. f. Fore tibial spine.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 10. Endotribelos jaragua sp. n. Pupa a. Spur. Larva. b. Pecten epipharingis. c. Premandible. f. Dorsal sclerites of head. e. Antenna. d. Mandible. g. Mentum and ventromental plate. h. Abdomen posterior.

TABLE 7. Lengths (in Μm) and proportions of legs of Endotribelos jaragua sp. n. male.

fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3
p1 1185–1354 1092–1185 1354–1446 846–892 646–738
p2 1031–1200 923–1008 631–646 338 292
p3 1261–1354 1061–1307 908–1000 477–554 400–538

TABLE 8. Lengths (in Μm) and proportions of legs of Endotribelos jaragua sp. n. female.

  fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3
p1 1631–1692 1324–1415 1892–1923 1123–1154 877–923
p2 1492–1538 1385–1415 769–785 431 323–354
p3 1461–1615 1446–1492 1185–1200 661–677 585











