Persicaria dorofeevii Arbuzova (2006: 21)

Doweld, Alexander B., 2017, New names in Fallopia, Persicarioipollis, Polygonum and Reynoutria (Polygonaceae), living and fossil, Phytotaxa 308 (1), pp. 66-79 : 70

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Felipe (2024-09-04 21:00:29, last updated 2024-09-04 21:11:39)

scientific name

Persicaria dorofeevii Arbuzova (2006: 21)


6. Persicaria dorofeevii Arbuzova (2006: 21) .

Type:— RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Bashkortostan, Staro-Barjatino (holotype, BIN 23/1- K 582 ( LE), figured by Arbuzova 2006: pl. 95, fig. 1).

–“ Polygonum pliocenicum ” in Dorofeev (1966: 204, pl. 2, figs 43–47; text-fig. 3: 12), nom. inval. (Art. 40.1).

–“ Polygonum pliocenicum ” in Dorofeev ex Velichkevich & Zastawniak (2003: 176), nom. inval. (Arts. 40.6–7), non Polygonum pliocaenicum Givulescu & Ţicleanu (1978: 47) .

Stratigraphy:— Pliocene.

Status:— Fruits.

IFPNI registration lsid:— 5959EE2F-E452-4B7A-8E07-3FFFFEDC5B2C

Note:— The fossil-species P. pliocenicum Dorofeev (1966: 204) , based on the fruits from the Pliocene sediments of the European part of Russia (Bashkortostan), was not validly published since no holotype was indicated (Art. 40.1) (see IFPNI: 01E24836-0986-4AAD-9C20-7E70C5D39620). Later Velichkevich & Zastawniak (2003: 176) designated ‘lectotype’ for the specimen previously figured by Dorofeev (1966: pl. 2, fig. 45), but, though providing required description in English, they failed to provide the name of obligatory repository of the designated type of species (Art. 40.6). As a result, “ Polygonum pliocenicum “ Dorofeev (l.c.) was not validated by Velichkevich & Zastawniak (l.c.). Nevertheless, after establishing of the validly published Polygonum pliocaenicum Givulescu & Ţicleanu (1978: 47) , on the basis of fossil foliage from the Upper Miocene (Pannonian G / H) of Romania (see discussion above under Fallopia pliocaenica comb. nov.), the validation of the fossil fruit species with the same epithet from the Urals would be in any way a later homonym (illegitimate name). The correct species name for the fossil fruits currently known as “ Polygonum pliocenicum Dorofeev ”, which is still widely but not correctly accepted in palaeobotanical and geological literature on European palaeofloras as validly published in 1966 (see Mai & Walther 1988, von Bülow & Mai 1992, Velichkevich & Zastawniak (l.c.), Irace & al. 2015), is Persicaria dorofeevii Arbuzova (2006: 21) (see IFPNI: 5959EE2F-E452-4B7A-8E07-3FFFFEDC5B2C).

Bulow, W. von & Mai, D. H. (1992) Die sudlichen Trebser Schotter aus dem Oberpliozan Sudwest-Mecklenburgs. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart 42: 25 - 39.

Dorofeev, P. I. [Doрoфiiv, P. I.] (1966 1965 ) Нovыi daнныi o pлiotiнovoй флoрi Baskiрii [New data on the Pliocene flora of Bashkiria]. In: Yakhimovich, V. L. & Lider, V. A. [Яkiмovic, V. Л. & Лidiр, V. A.] (Ed.) СtрatigрaфiЯ citviрticныk (aнtрopogiнovыk) otЛoziнiй UрaЛa. Tрudы Citviрticнoй Koмiссii UрaЛьсKogo мizvidoмсtviннogo сoviщaнiЯ po рaZрabotKi рigioнaЛьнoй сtрatigрaфiciсKoй SKaЛы UрaЛa (7 мaЯ 1962 g. - 6 apрiЛЯ 1963 g.) [Stratigraphy of the Quarternary (Anthropogene) sediments of the Urals]. Izdatel'stvo Nedra , Moscow, pp. 190 - 219. [in Russian] Available from: http: // fossilplants. info / publications / FE 9 C 3582 - 3403 - 49 AB-B 0 A 5 - C 354 CDBB 4134 (accessed 1 June 2017)

Givulescu, R. & Ticleanu, N. (1978) Neue und interessante Pflanzen aus dem Fundort Chiuzbaia (MaramureS) (I). Studii si comunicari Muzeul Brukenthal, Series Stiințe Naturale 22: 43 - 51. Available from: http: // fossilplants. info / publications / 15 F 7 A 3 C 6 - 4399 - 48 AA- 928 D- 09 D 0248 B 45 F 0 (accessed 1 June 2017)

Irace, A., Monegato, G., Tema, E., Martinetto, E., Gianolla, D., Vassio, E., Bellino, L., Violanti, D. (2015) Unconformity-bounded stratigraphy in the Plio-Pleistocene continental record: new insights from the Alessandria Basin (NW Italy). Geological Journal 52 (2): 177 - 206. http: // doi. org / 10.1002 / gj. 2744

Mai, D. H. & Walther, H. (1988) Die pliozanen Floren von Thuringen, Deutsche Demokratische Republik. Quartarpalaontologie, Abhandlungen und Berichte des Instituts fur Quartarpalaontologie Weimar 7: 55 - 297.

Velichkevich, F. Y. & Zastawniak, E. (2003) The Pliocene flora of Kholmech, south-eastern Belarus and its correlation with other Pliocene floras of Europe. Acta Palaeobotanica 43: 137 - 259. Available from: http: // bomax. botany. pl / pubs / data / article _ pdf? id = 561 (accessed 1 June 2017)


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University of Helsinki