Holographis verticillata (Hemsl.) T.F. Daniel, L.A. McDade, and C.A. Kiel, 2020

Daniel, Thomas F., McDade, Lucinda A. & Kiel, Carrie A., 2020, Aphelandra verticillata transferred to Holographis (Acanthaceae: Acantheae), Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 66 (11), pp. 299-304 : 299-303

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.11512802



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scientific name

Holographis verticillata (Hemsl.) T.F. Daniel, L.A. McDade, and C.A. Kiel

comb. nov.

Holographis verticillata (Hemsl.) T.F. Daniel, L.A. McDade, and C.A. Kiel View in CoL , comb. nov.

Aphelandra verticillata Hemsl. View in CoL , Biol. Centr. Amer. Bot. 2:513. 1882. Crossandra haenkeana Nees View in CoL in Alph. de Candolle, Prodr. 11:281. 1847, non Aphelandra haenkeana Nees, 1847 View in CoL .

Type.— MEXICO. Western Mexico , 1791, T. Haenke s.n. (holotype: PR!; isotypes: GZU!, PRC!) .

Descriptions of the species were provided by Wasshausen (1975) and Daniel (1991). Occurrences are known from four states in south-central Mexico (Guerrero, México, Michoacán, and Morelos; Daniel 1991). Although there are no illustrations of the species, plants were recently photographed in the southeastern-most portion of the state of México ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE ).

The following additional collections have been studied since those cited by Daniel (1991). The distribution of this species, which is endemic to central Mexico, is shown in Figure 2. View FIGURE

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED.— Guerrero: Mpios. de Iguala y Buenavista, Cañón de la Mano, entre Los Amates y El Naranjo, 10 km N de Iguala por el ferrocarril, sobre el cerro a SW de Los Amates, [ca. 18°24ʹ50.86ʺN, 099°29ʹ34.64ʺW], C. Catalán C. 369 ( L, MEXU, MO), 509 ( MO); GoogleMaps Mpio. Eduardo Neri , Cañada Carrizalillo, 1 km ESE de Amatitlán, 17°52ʹN, 99°45ʹW, R. Cruz D. 616 ( FCME); GoogleMaps Mpio. Taxco de Alarcón , 1 km N de La Cascada, 18°33ʹ26ʺN, 99°39ʹ35ʺW, R. Cruz D. 2122 ( FCME); GoogleMaps Mpio. Taxco , alrededores de Acuitlapan, B. del Río Luyando s.n. ( FCME). GoogleMaps México: Tlatlaya y cercanías, E. Matuda et al. 29997 ( MEXU). GoogleMaps Morelos: Mpio. Xochitepec, E de Xochitepec a 100 m del Río Tetlama en la falda del Cerro El Capire, I. de la Cruz 1527 ( MEXU). GoogleMaps

AUTHORSHIP AND TYPIFICATION.— Authorship of Aphelandra verticillata has been cited as “Nees ex Hemsl.” (e.g., Wasshausen 1975; Daniel 1991) and as “Nees” (e.g., IPNI 2019). In the protologue of Crossandra haenkeana, Nees (1847) cited in synonymy “ Aphelandra verticillata N. ab E. in h. Haenk.!” using the name he wrote on some specimens of Haenke’s type collection. Owing to the prior existence of A. haenkeana Nees, Hemsley (1882) effectively published a new name for this species on its transference to Aphelandra , using the epithet of the name published as a synonym by Nees in 1847. Therefore, the publishing author of the name A. verticillata is Hemsley (or potentially “Nees ex Hemsl.”), but not Nees.

Wasshausen (1975) indicated that the holotype of Aphelandra verticillata was Haenke s.n. at PR and so annotated a collection there, which is mounted on two sheets (one bearing an original label with “ Aphelandra verticillata N. ab E., Mexico, H. Haenke,” all in Nees’ handwriting, and the other bearing only plants and annotation labels). In the protologue of Crossandra haenkeana, Nees (1847) indicated merely a Haenke collection from Mexico in Haenke’s herbarium on which he had written “ Aphelandra verticillata N. ab E.” The “original herbarium” or “main set” of Haenke’s herbarium has been indicated to be at PR (e.g., Lanjouw and Stafleu 1957; Stearn 1973). Both sheets at PR bear the same pair of reference numbers (305357 and 10480) to which “ A ” has been added on the label-bearing sheet and “ B ” has been added to the second sheet. In 1990, Daniel annotated both of these sheets as constituting the holotype. At PRC there are two isotypes, one of which (barcode 454829) bears “ Aphelandra verticillata N. ab E.” in Nees’ handwriting. The isotype at GZU (acc. 250616), also bears “ Aphelandra verticillata N. ab E.” in Nees’ handwriting; in 2011, this specimen was erroneously annotated by Daniel as “ Aphelandra haenkeana ,” and as a probable isolectotype of C. haenkeana . Lectotypification would not appear to be necessary for the basionym of A. verticillata ; however, if it is (e.g., if one interprets that Nees saw in Haenke’s herbarium all three of the specimens noted to bear the label data in his handwriting [i.e., those known to be at P, PRC, and GZU] and then these were subsequently dispersed with a division of Haenke’s herbarium, one of them might have to be designated as the lectotype), Wasshausen’s (1975) indication of the holotype at PR would serve to effectively lectotypify the name.

KEY CHARACTERISTICS. — The following key summarizes the known macromorphological, palynological, and cytological differences and tendencies that help to distinguish Holographis View in CoL and Aphelandra View in CoL :

1a. Leaves opposite (rarely subopposite) or quaternate; bracts entire and usually green; corollas often with colored linear nectar guides, 6.5–24 (– 40 in H. velutifolia View in CoL and H. verticillata View in CoL , both of which have quaternate leaves) mm long; filaments of stamens often entirely included in corolla tube; pollen with colpi sometimes expanded or bifurcating toward poles, interapertural exine homogeneously sculptured; x = 13............................. Holographis View in CoL

1b. Leaves opposite (rarely subopposite); bracts entire or dentate, green or variously colored; corollas rarely with linear nectar guides, mostly 25–85 mm long; at least distal portion of filaments of stamens usually exserted from corolla tube; pollen with colpi not expanded or bifurcating (usually narrowed) toward poles, interapertural exine usually heterogeneously sculptured; x = 14............................................................... Aphelandra View in CoL

Morphological characteristics of H. verticillata View in CoL that are suggestive of Aphelandra View in CoL include a reddish coloration sometimes present on the bracts, relatively elongate corollas (25–38 mm long), and filaments and anthers of stamens exserted well beyond the mouth of the corolla. Each of these traits is also encountered in one or more species of Holographis View in CoL . Characters of H. verticillata View in CoL more typical of species of Holographis View in CoL include its quaternate leaves (characteristic of 13 species of the genus, but unknown in Aphelandra View in CoL ) and pollen with homogeneous exine and colpi that expand or bifurcate toward the poles (known in at least five species of the genus, but essentially unknown in Aphelandra View in CoL ; see discussion of pollen below). Holographis verticillata View in CoL can be distinguished from its congeners by the combination of having whorled leaves, elliptic bracts that are 11–19 mm long, yellow corollas that are 25–38 mm long, and pubescent capsules.

POLLEN.— Although there is variation in exine sculpturing among species of both Aphelandra View in CoL (e.g., Wasshausen 1975; McDade 1984; Daniel 1991, 1998) and Holographis View in CoL (e.g., Daniel 1983, 1988, 1998), at least two characteristics of pollen of H. verticillata View in CoL more closely resemble grains of Holographis View in CoL than those of Aphelandra View in CoL bearing three colpi ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE ). Like that of H. verticillata View in CoL , pollen of at least five species of Holographis View in CoL (e.g., H. anisophylla T.F. Daniel View in CoL , H. hintonii (Leonard) T.F. Daniel View in CoL , H. ilicifolia Brandegee View in CoL , H. pallida Leonard & Gentry View in CoL , H. virgata (Harv. ex Benth & Hook.f.) T.F. Daniel View in CoL ) have colpi that expand or bifurcate toward the poles. Colpi in most species of Aphelandra View in CoL that bear three colpi either taper or do not expand poleward; distally bifurcating colpi have been documented in this genus only in some plants of A. golfodulcensis McDade View in CoL ( McDade 1984: fig. 26). It is noteworthy that colpi that expand toward the poles are also known in Stenandrium View in CoL (e.g., S. goiasense Wassh., Wasshausen 1990 View in CoL : fig. 2c; some specimens of S. dulce (Cav.) Nees, Daniel 1998 View in CoL : fig. 2g), a Neotropical genus more closely related to Holographis View in CoL than Aphelandra View in CoL based on both molecular phylogenetic data ( McDade et al. 2005) and putative base chromosome numbers ( Daniel 1991; i.e., x = 13 in Holographis View in CoL and Stenandrium View in CoL vs. x = 14 in Aphelandra View in CoL ). The second characteristic linking pollen of H. verticillata View in CoL to Holographis View in CoL is the interapertural exine sculpturing. In all species of Holographis View in CoL , including H. verticillata View in CoL , the interapertural exine is homogeneously sculputured, whereas in many or most species of Aphelandra View in CoL with 3- colpate pollen, it is heterogeneous ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE ).

Wasshausen (1975: fig. 18) shows pollen of A. verticillata View in CoL (putatively of Moore 5503 at US) that differs by having 3-colpate pollen with colpi tapering toward the poles, a prominent ridge within each colpus, and a 3-parted polar aperture. Similar pollen with intracolpal ridges and/or 3-parted polar apertures (cf. Daniel 1991: figs. 2e, g) are known among several species of Aphelandra View in CoL , but not among any currently recognized species of Holographis View in CoL . Examination of pollen from Moore 5503 at UC confirms pollen without intracolpal ridges or 3-parted polar apertures and with colpi expanded toward the poles ( Fig. 3D View FIGURE ). The image shown by Wasshausen (1975) likely represents contamination from a species of Aphelandra View in CoL .


National Museum in Prague


Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz


Nanjing University


University of Copenhagen


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Missouri Botanical Garden


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


University of Helsinki


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Upjohn Culture Collection














Holographis verticillata (Hemsl.) T.F. Daniel, L.A. McDade, and C.A. Kiel

Daniel, Thomas F., McDade, Lucinda A. & Kiel, Carrie A. 2020

Aphelandra verticillata Hemsl.

Hemsl. 1882: 513
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