Ceroptera nasuta ( Villeneuve, 1916 )

Papp, LÁsZLÓ, 2014, A Review Of The Old World Species Of Ceroptera Macquart, 1835 (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 60 (2), pp. 109-155 : 118-120

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12626496

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Ceroptera nasuta ( Villeneuve, 1916 )


Ceroptera nasuta ( Villeneuve, 1916) View in CoL

(Figs 13–18)

Trichocypselanasuta Villeneuve, 1916: 39. Lectotypefemale (MNHN): Congo, Brazzaville (designatedbyRohÁček 2001: 470); notseen.

Materialstudied. 1 male ( BMSA): Namibia: GOBABISDISTRICT, Somerkoms 521, 22°01’59”S 19°57’22”E, 06–08. ii. 2001, A.H. Kirk-Spriggs & E. Marais, light trap sample. 2 males 2 females ( BMSA): ibid., TSUMEB DIST, Varianto 771/2, 19°23’00” S 17°57’22” E, 29. iii. 2003, A.H. Kirk-Spriggs & W. Mey, light trap – 2). 1 female ( BMSA): Opambamewa- Süd, 22° 30’ S 17° 30’ E, Windhoek, 9. 3. 85., H. Liessner – 2). 3 males 2 female ( HNHM): Kenya, Tsavo West Nat. Park , 1988. IV. 7., leg. Vojnits; 1 male: ibid., II. 7. 1 female: “N. Kamerun, Bametá, 24. 6. 1905, Glauning S.” – “ C. nasuta ” det. Dr. O. Duda GoogleMaps ; 1 female: Deutsch O. Africa – “CeropteranasutaVill. f” det. Dr. O. Duda.

This is a species similar to C. setigera , the differences in the key below are notenoughtomakedistinction. Thisiswhymalegenitaliaindetailsaregiven forbothspecies.

Malesternite 5 (Fig. 13) withthedistinctdarkmedio-caudalplatecharacteristic for the C. crispa group. The process longer than broad, covered by fine shortdensehairs; sternite 5 otherwisewithsomeverylongsetae. Synsternite (Fig. 16) characteristicwithbothsternite 6 andsternite 8 portionslarge (long). Subepandrialsclerite (Fig. 17) higherthanbroad, itsmainpartisV-shaped. Surstylus (Fig. 14) basicallysimilartothatof C. setigera having 3 lobesand numerous thick thorns on anterior lobe (cf. Fig. 41); however medial lobe of C. nasuta with more numerous and much stronger setae on medial lobe. Basiphallus, althoughsimilarlycurvedasin C. setigera , larger (Fig. 18), phal-

Figs 13–18. Ceroptera nasuta (Villeneuve) , male postabdomen and genitalia: 13 = sternite 5,

ventral view, 14 = left surstylus, broadest (sublateral) view, 15 = postgonite, broadest (sublateral) view, 16 = synsternite, ventral view, 17 = subepandrial sclerite, ventral view, 18 = phallus and phallapodeme with base of postgonite, lateral view. Scales: 0.4 mm for Figs 13,

16, 0.2 mm for Figs 14, 17–18, 0.1 mm for Fig. 15.

lapodeme shorter but thicker than that of C. setigera (cf. Fig. 43). Postgonite (Fig. 15) broad-based, i.e. much different from that of C. setigera (cf. Fig. 42).

Distribution. Afrotropical: Congo, Kamerun, Kenya, Tanzania, Namibia.


National Museum Bloemfontein


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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