Ceroptera inermis, Papp, LÁsZLÓ, 2014

Papp, LÁsZLÓ, 2014, A Review Of The Old World Species Of Ceroptera Macquart, 1835 (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 60 (2), pp. 109-155 : 136-139

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12626496

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scientific name

Ceroptera inermis

sp. nov.

Ceroptera inermis sp. n.

( Figs 64–70 View Figs 64–70 )

Holotypemale ( BMSA, abdomenandgenitaliainapolyethylenemicrovialwith glycerol): Gorraspis 99, SE2515 Bd LÜDERITZ, 25–31 Jan 1974 – 2) – H 16974. The holotype isslightlydamaged, rightmidleglost, leftforelegandcoxa, rightmidtarsusandright hind leg kept in the plastic microvial .

Measurements in mm: body length 2.38 (holotype), wing length 2.06, wing width 0.85. Bodydarkbrown, almostblack, coveredbyverydenseshortdarkmicrotrichia. Anteriorpartoffronsanddorsalhalfofparafacialiadiffuselyreddish.

view. Scales: 0.2 mm for Figs 60–61, 63 View Figs 60–63 , 0.1 mm for Fig. 62 View Figs 60–63 .

Headextremelylong, 0.50 mm, facialplateform 2 cavitiesforantennae, mouthedge stronglyprotrudingandformsananteriorflatshieldmedially. Ocellarsetaeperpendicular to frons and divergent. The row of fronto-orbital setulae continued on all the height of parafacialiadownfomiddleofgena. Lunulalargetriangular, thoughantennalbasesnot stronglydeparted. Frontaltrianglelongtrapezoid, atlunule 0.13 mmbroad. Longitudinal axisofeye (almostparalleltofrons) 0.33 mm, width 0.21 mm, gena 0.23 mmbroadbelow eye, parafacialiaextremelybroad, 0.10 mmatnarrowest. 8 pairsofcomparativelylong interfrontals (c. 0.08 mm). Vibrissa 0.16 mm. Antenna longer than usual, dorsal length 0.23 mm, dorsalapicalsetaofpedicel 0.11 mm. Aristabroken, notmeasureable.

Posteriornotopleuralsetaonasmallswelling, 3 pairsofpostpronotalsetaeplusa shortpair. Only 1 pairofposteriordorsocentrals. Prescutellaracrostichalpair 0.07 mm. 1 verylong (0.23 mm) katepisternalseta.

Mid tibia with an anterodorsal seta at 34/48 and a very strong dorsal seta at 41/48; no othertibialsetae, exceptventralapicalone. Fifthforetarsomere (similarlytoFig. 64) long- estlaterallyandlongerthan 3 + 4 tarsomerescombined. Forebasitarsuswithatuftoflong hairsventrally. Hindtibialapicalspur 0.06 mm, anteriorapicalsetaonhindbasitarsus 0.06 mm. Hind 5thtarsomere ( Fig. 64 View Figs 64–70 ) withlonglateralapicallobes, clawsnotlongandvery thin, analmoststraightsetiformempodiumdiscerniblebetweenthem. Pulvillinotlarge withdensefinehairs.

Wingmembranegreyishyellow, veinsochre, costalveinslightlydarker. Costalvein overruns apex of R 4+5 by c. 0.07 mm, R 4+5 ends before wing apex by 0.23 mm. Costal vein with 2 subbasal setae shorter than 0.10 mm. Second costal section 0.65 mm, third section 0.44 mm, index 1.49. Rs 0.20 mm, inter-crossvein section of M 1+2 0.22, terminal section 0.88 mm. M-M crossvein 0.14 mm. Distance of discal cell lower edge to wing margin 0.44 mm, ofwhichmorethanhalfiswiththeveinstub, althoughmostlycolourless. Halterelarge, slightly more than 0.3 mm, light brown.

Preabdominal abdominal sclerites not reduced. Syntergite 0.26 mm long, 0.44 mm broad, alargermedialpartofT1 portionunpigmentedandmostlydesclerotised, alsoT2 portion depigmented centrally, except for a 0.03 mm long caudal part. Sternite 2 unusuallysmall. Measurementsofthepreabdominalsclerites (breadthintheirslightlycurved original position, 1 unit = 0.0125 mm): T3 13 × 29, T4 11 × 27, T5 10 × 21, S2 6 × 8, S3 13 × 25, S4 17 × 32. Tergites as broad as abdomen at their place. Sternites 3 and 4 shield-shaped ratherthanquadratic, sternite 4 wouldbebroaderthanabdomenifflattened. Sternite 5 verybroadasymmetricalandcomparativelyshort ( Fig. 65 View Figs 64–70 ), mainpartwithlonglateral marginalsetae, particularlysoontherightside; medialpartbroadlypronounced, seemingly with an asymmetrical sclerite covered by short but thick setae. Sternite 6 portion of synsterniteveryshort, sternite 8 portion 0.15 mmatlongest. Rightsidescleriteslargeand partlyfusedtosternite 5 .

Epandrium normal, medioventrally fused on a c. 0.03 mm long section, to which also subepandrialscleritefused. Thislatterisenlargedventrallytojoincerci. Cercus ( Fig. 66 View Figs 64–70 ) notsmallbutveryshortsagittally. Posteriorlobeofsurstylus ( Figs 66, 69 View Figs 64–70 ) verylong (high) with very short setae only. In its basal 2/3 length it is fused to anterior lobe of surstylus; this fusionismembranousbutstrong. Anteriorlobeofsurstylus ( Fig. 69 View Figs 64–70 ) longspoon-shaped (withacavitymedially), apicalpartbroadandanteriorlycurved, withseverallongsetae, of which 4 caudal setae of 0.09 mm long. Central part of hypandrium ( Fig. 67 View Figs 64–70 ) is a 0.15 mm long fork, joining postgonite and short thin arms of hypandrium. Phallapodeme ( Fig. 70 View Figs 64–70 ) thinnormal, 0.24 mmlong. Basiphalluswithalargeepiphallus ( Fig. 70 View Figs 64–70 ), distiphallusvery thinandweaklysclerotised. Postgonite ( Fig. 68 View Figs 64–70 ) comparativelyverylarge, broadalsoapicallywithanteriorlyserrate, bluntandanteriorlydirectedapicallobe.


p: pulvillus). Scales: 0.2 mm for Figs 64–66, 69–70 View Figs 64–70 , 0.1 mm for Figs 67–68 View Figs 64–70 .

Etymology. The specific epithet of this new species refers to the limited number of tibialsetae (Latin‘inermis’ = unarmed).

Remark. C. inermis sp. n. isalessconspicuousmemberofthespecies- rich groupofsmall- bodied Ceroptera specieswithasinglepairofprescutellardorsocentralsetae. Thisnewspecieshasparticularlylonghead, itsparafacialiais definitelybroaderthanitspedicel. Itsmalesternite 5 andgenitaliaareprob- ablythesimplestinthegroup, althoughtheyarecharacteristicenough.


National Museum Bloemfontein













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