Ceroptera armata, Papp, LÁsZLÓ, 2014

Papp, LÁsZLÓ, 2014, A Review Of The Old World Species Of Ceroptera Macquart, 1835 (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 60 (2), pp. 109-155 : 131-133

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12626496

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Ceroptera armata

sp. nov.

Ceroptera armata sp. n.

( Figs 49–55 View Figs 49–55 )

Holotype male ( BMSA): Kunene Mouth , SKELETON COAST, 17°16’S 11°47’E, 20–27. IV. 1994, E. Marais [reverseside: “Malaisetrap”] – NamibianNationalInsectCollection, StateMuseum, P.O.Box 1203, WINDHOEK, Namibia. Thissecondlabelwillnotberepeat- ed below, but given as “2)”. GoogleMaps

Paratypes ( BMSA): 1 male 2 females: BUSHMANLANDat 19°22’S 19°36’E, 08. I.–01. II. 1991, E. Marais, Pres. pitf.[all] traps – 2). Typespecimensweregluedonpinpointcards. Theholotypewasfallendown, whengenitaliapreparationwasmade, sinceitwasglued by its right wing only. The apex of the card was cut with the wing and put in methylenecellosolveinordertoremoveit. Thegluewasprobablycanadabalsam (althoughsolved hardly). After removing it from the card it was put on a piece of cover glass and covered by asmallerpieceofcoverglass. Thepreparationispreservedundertheholotype, whichwas secondarilyminuten-pinnedintotheoriginalcard GoogleMaps .

Measurementsinmm: bodylength 2.25 (holotype), 2.00–2.38 (paratypes), wing length 1.70 (holotype), 1.54–1.80 (paratypes), wingwidth 0.75, 0.73–0.76.

Headdarkgreyishbrown, dull, coveredbydenseshortgreymicrotrichia. Head higherthanlong, eyesmalloblique. Mouthedgestronglyprotruding, facialplatebetween antennalbasesstronglybulging, aconcavelowandbroadcarinadiscernible. Longitudinal axis of eye 0.23 mm, width of eye 0.16 mm. 8–9 pairs of short interfrontal setae. Width of genaatlowestpointofeye 0.14 mm. Nogenalseta. Comparativelylongsetulaeonparafa- cialia. Parafacialiabroad. Proboscisthick, 0.5 mmlong. Postverticals, andinneroccipitals, aswellasinnerandouterverticalsarenormal. Ocellarsetaeperpendiculartofrons. 2 exclinatepairsoffronto-orbitals, asusual. Antennadarkgreyishbrown, withoutandreddishhue. Firstflagellomeresubconicalbroadlyroundedventrally. Antennallengthdorsally 0.19 mm, widthoffirstflagellomere (sub-basally) 0.14 mm, i.e. slightlybroaderthan long. Dorsal apical seta of pedicel 0.10 mm. Arista 0.50 mm long and emerges on middle of dorsaledgeoffirstflagellomere, withveryshort (c. 0.012 mm) cilia.

Oneprescutellarpairofdorsocentrals, c. 12 rowsofunarrangedacrostichals, pres- cutellarpaironly 0.08 mmlong. 1 verylongkatepisternalsetaof 0.21 mm.

Legs reddish yellow, femora brown with bases and knees reddish. Mid tibia ( Fig. 49 View Figs 49–55 ) with strong anterodorsals at 12/42 and 39/42, a strong dorsal at 35/42, a weaker posterodorsal at 32/42. Two extremely strong anteroventral setae at 22/42 and 27/42; e.g. former one 0.14 mm long and c. 0.01 mm thick. Three very long subapical setae: anteroventral, ventral and posteroventral. Hind tibia with a apicoventral spur of 0.09–0.10 mm long. Hind basitarsuswithalonganterodorsalapicalseta (0.09 mm). Pulvillilarge, c. 0.10 mmlong.

Wing membrane light yellowish, veins very light brownish yellow. Costal vein overruns apex of R 4+5 by c. 0.04 mm. Second costal section 0.67 mm, third section 0.45 mm, index 1.49. Rs 0.17 mm, inter-crossvein section very short 0.21 mm, terminal section of M


0.69 mm. Vein M 3+4 continued from discal cell’ s lower corner to wing margin (0.34 mm), except a 0.04 mm apical section. Alula very narrow (0.05 mm) with long marginal hairs (0.08 mm). Haltereyellowish.

Syntergite 0.36 mmlong, 0.53 mmbroadwithlargeU-shapeddepigmentation, only a 0.04 mm long most posterior part is well pigmented. T1 portion also unpigmented in its anterior 2/3. Tergitesallquadratic, muchbroaderthanlong. Measurementsofpreabdomi- nal sclerites (1 unit = 0.0125 mm): T3 12 × 34, T4 15 × 34, T5 17 × 33, S2 10 × 18, S3 14 × 26, S4 15 × 26.

Male sternite 5 ( Fig. 50 View Figs 49–55 ) 0.20 mm long and 0.26 mm broad, caudal part with a large broademarginationofdepigmentedparts; insidethedepigmentedpartthereisatrans- verse, notdepigmentedcaudalsclerite. Sternite 5 withsparsesetae, longestmarginalseta 0.08–0.09 mm. Sternite 6 portion of synsternite ( Fig. 51 View Figs 49–55 ) rather short. S6 parts, right side sclerites and S8 portion form a ring, although membranous on the right edge of the abdomen. Malegenitaliaonlyslightlylongerthan 0.2 mm. Hypandriumdark, verythin (c. 0.01 mm), noapodeme. Epandriumdorsallyonly 0.06 mmlong, ventrallybroadlyopen, closed by the very long (high) subepandrial sclerite ( Fig. 55 View Figs 49–55 ), which is much shorter sagittally. Cercus ( Fig 55 View Figs 49–55 ) forms a distinct broad lobe of epandrium with some very long setae. Anterior (shorter) andpoosterior (longer) lobeofsurstylusfusedintoafork ( Fig. 53 View Figs 49–55 ): posteriorpart longerandbare, aneriorpartshorterwithsomemedium-longsetae. Phallapodeme ( Fig. 54 View Figs 49–55 ) almostaslongasdistiphallus (0.25 mmvs. 0.28 mm). Basiphallusrobust, broadened apically (ifseenventrally). Noepiphallus. Atrest, phallapodemeanddistiphallusparallel andperpendiculartobasiphallus. Postgoniteratherham-shaped ( Fig. 52 View Figs 49–55 ) withbluntbroad anteriorapex.

Female. Postabdomen 2/3 aslongaspreabdomenwhenextended. Epiproctvery small (0.055 mmlong) pentagonal, itsdorsalsetalpair 0.03 mmlong. Hypoproctwell- sclerotised with c. 3 pairs of 0.02 mm long setae. Cercus 0.08 mm long, but only 0.03 mm broadwith 2 stronger (apical, subapical- dorsal) 0.10 mmlongwavelybentsetaeplus 3 less longsetae.

Etymology. Thespecificepithetinthenameofthenewspecies (Latin‘armata’ = armed) referstotheextremelystrongsetaeonitsmidtibia.

Remark. C. armata sp. n. belongstothespecies- richgroupofsmall- bodied Ceroptera flieswithasinglepairofprescutellardorsocentralsetae. However, it is easily recognisable by its very strong setae on mid tibia (both on dorsal andventralhalf); thetwoextremelystronganteroventralsetaeatmiddleand belowmiddleareparticularlycharacteristic.


National Museum Bloemfontein













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