Eurychilella incaperanus P. Ferreira & Martins, 2024

Ferreira, Paulo Sérgio Fiuza, Martins, David Dos Santos, Ferreira, Luciano Santana Fiuza & Fornazier, Maurício José, 2024, Synopsis of Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in Atlantic Forest Dominion, Espírito Santo State, Brazil: keys, diagnoses, new species, plant associations, and geographic distribution. Part I: Bryocorinae, Cylapinae and Deraeocorinae., Zootaxa 5468 (2), pp. 201-254 : 218-221

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Plazi (2024-06-12 09:40:53, last updated 2024-11-25 23:20:25)

scientific name

Eurychilella incaperanus P. Ferreira & Martins

sp. nov.

Eurychilella incaperanus P. Ferreira & Martins , new species ( Figs. 6-H, I View FIGURE 6 )

Diagnosis. This species is distinguished by the absence of reddish spots, black head, and yellowish calli of the pronotum, hemelytron, ventral region, and legs.

Description. Female (Holotype) measurement in Table 2 View TABLE 2 . Body elongate, subparallel-sided, yellowish with fuscous and black areas; length 3x width, dorsal vestiture with dense often curved setae. Head declivent, uniformly black, shiny, and with short hair; front smooth, clearly convex; clypeus convex and delimited posteriorly; eyes close to anterior margin of pronotum; antennal fossa located above mandibular-maxillary plate suture; buccula black, not reaching antennal fossa; labium pale yellow, darkening toward apex, length extending to abdominal segment III or beyond. Antennae cylindrical, pilosity with short setae less than segments width; segment I yellowish, length shorter than interocular distance; segment II yellowish with third apex black, 2x length of segment I; other segments missing. Pronotum trapeziform, yellowish, shiny, less than 1x wider than long; collar not defined by posterior groove, black and punctate; region of calli defined and swollen, glabrous, smooth and shiny, located below disc level; disc of pronotum convex, with triangular black spot in central region, coarsely punctate, covered with short decumbent hair; lateral margin rounded; posterior margin somewhat straight; humeral angle not differentiated from disc. Mesoscutum covered by posterior margin of pronotum. Scutellum convex with middle concave, and short pilosity. Hemelytron yellowish, translucent, shiny, slightly punctate, somewhat rounded laterally, covered with short, adpressed setae; cuneus far from apex of membrane, length less 2x the width; membrane gray and smoky with pale areas close to cuneus; vein of cell yellowish. Ventral surface yellowish. Epipharynx triangular, short, and black. Xiphus of prosternum pale. Propleura punctate and shiny. Legs yellowish with pilosity shorter than width of segments. Episternum and epimeron smooth and yellow. Mesoepimeron rectangular shape, dull and yellowish. Ostiolar peritreme triangular, with an oval opening; base yellow becoming pale toward apex. Abdomen with long semi-adpressed setae, yellowish with narrow dark stripe tapering membranous junction of segments; pygophore brownish.

Etymology. This species is named after the “Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (INCAPER)” to express our gratitude for their outstanding logistical assistance, which enabled the researchers and participants in this study to produce this publication.

Plant Associations. Unknown.

Distribution. Brazil: Espírito Santo *.

Type material. Holotype ♀ Venda Nova do I., ES, BR. 17/10/2018 —varredura—INCAPER, Faz. Exper., David, Luciano, Fiuza.

Remarks. To confirm Eurychilella incaperanus as a new species, the holotype was compared with descriptions, redescriptions, drawings, and author’s comments on seventeen recognized species ( Schuh 2002 –2013). The holotype was compared with: E. bicolor , E. cinnabarina , E. discoidalis , E. fasciata , E. figueiredoi , E. pallida , and E. rubra (Carvalho 1953 B); E. nigra (Carvalho & Rosas 1962) ; E. carioca and E. paracatus (Carvalho 1984B); E. hemiclava ( Capriles 1984) ; E. peruana ( Carvalho 1985) ; E. amazonica , E. callangana (senior primary homonym of E. peruana ), E. caruaruensis , E. paraensis , and E. venezuelana (Carvalho 1989, 1990). Despite E. incaperanus n.sp. being represented by a single female holotype, further specimens, including males, can be identified. When authors of Eurychilella species describe males and females, they use terms like “identical,” “similar in general appearance and dimensions,” or “females mostly having the same colors and pattern as males.”

Capriles, J. M. (1984) A new species of Eurychilella (Hemiptera: Miridae). The journal of africulture of the University of Puerto Rico, 68, 75 - 78. https: // doi. org / 10.46429 / jaupr. v 68 i 1.7261

Carvalho, J. C. M. (1985) Mirideos neotropicais, CCXLIX: Especies novas da tribo Hyaliodini Carvalho & Drake (Hemiptera). Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 44 (3), 363 - 376. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / S 0101 - 81751985000400001

Schuh, R. T. (2002 - 2013) On-line Systematic Catalog of Plant Bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae). Available from: http: // research. amnh. org / pbi / catalog / (accessed 17 September 2023)

Gallery Image

FIGURE 6. Tribe Eccritotarsini, A—Cyrtocapsus rostratus, B—Eccritotarsus brotaensis, C—Eccritotarsus carioca, D— Eccritotarsus emboabanus (Modified from Carvalho & Gomes, 1971A, with permission), E—Eccritotarsus hyalinus, F— Eccritotarsus nigrocruciatus, G—Eurychilella discoidalis, H, I—Eurychilella incaperanus n. sp.; J, K—Knightocoris carlosleitei n. sp.; L—Neela lutescens, M—Neofurius capichabensis (Modified from Carvalho & Gomes 1971B, with permission), N— Pachymeroceroides bromeliae (Modified from Carvalho & Gomes 1971C, with permission), O—Pycnoderes cataguasensis, P— Pycnoderes quadrimaculatus, Q—Sinervus baerensprungi, R—Sinervus hyalipedes; S, T—Sinervus vendanovensis n. sp.; U, V— Sinervus venturai n. sp.; W—Spartacus albatus, X—Sysinas pallidipes, Y—Tenthecoris nanus, Z—Tenthecoris orchidearum.


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