Favognathus concavum, Akyol, 2024

Akyol, Mustafa, 2024, A new species of the genus Favognathus Luxton (Acariformes: Cryptognathidae) from Afyonkarahisar province, Türkiye, Acarological Studies 6 (1), pp. 40-43 : 40-41

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.47121/acarolstud.1363272

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scientific name

Favognathus concavum

sp. nov.

Favognathus concavum sp. nov. ( Figures 1 View Figure 1 and 2 View Figure 2 )

Zoobank: https://zoobank.org/ 48BF30F9-B717-44F3- 8058-C3C98D59C9CA


Anterior margin of hood smooth with 4 or 5 weak visible dimples in each longitudinal row; prosternal apron concave-shaped and with 9 foveolae; dorsal shield has two pairs clusters of five larger pits (between setae c, d and anterior of setae e 1), one pair of spine-like processes (front of setae f); ventral shield has two pairs spine-like processes (opposite setae 2 c), two pairs clusters of five larger pits (posterolateral of legs IV); tarsi 15(+1 φρ +1 ω)- 12(+1 φρ +1 ω)-9(+1 ω)-9(+1 ω); setae tc on tarsus II dissimilar.

Description: Female (n=6)

Length of body (excluding gnathosoma) 325 (325-351), width 224 (221-239).

Gnathosoma ( Figs 1C View Figure 1 , 2E View Figure 2 ). Gnathosoma extrudable from under hood. Length of gnathosoma (including palps) 364 (333-351); subcapitulum 117 (130); palp 104 (104-109); chelicera 117 (117-130). Subcapitulum with a pair of long setae m 34 (31-34) and 2 pairs of rostral setae, or 1-2 13 (13). Palpal supracoxal setae (ep) small and weakly clavate. Palp trochanter without seta, palp femur with three setae (d, l ’, v ′′), palp genu with two setae (d, l ′′), palp tibia with three setae (d, l ’, l ′′), palp tarsus with four eupathidia (acmϛ, ul’ϛ, ul′′ϛ, sulϛ), four simple setae (ba, bp, va, lp) and one solenidion ω 3(3).

Dorsum of idiosoma ( Fig. 1A View Figure 1 ). Anterior margin of hood smooth with 4 or 5 weak visible dimples in each longitudinal row. One pair of eyes and one pair of postocular bodies laterally between setae sci and sce. Dorsal shield with light and small punctated reticulations in lateral, and with dense and large punctations in median, two pairs of slit-like cupules (ia, im), two pairs clusters with five large pits (between setae c 1 and d, lateral to setae e 1) and one pairs of the spine-like process (anterior to setae f) present. Dorsal shield with 11 pairs of simple setae.

Lengths and distances of dorsal setae as follows: vi 21 (21), ve 31 (31), sci 31 (27-31), sce 31 (31-34), c 36 (34- 36), d 34 (34), e 1 34 (34), e 2 34 (34-36), f 34 (34-36), h 1 34 (34), h 2 27 (26-27), vi–vi 34 (34-36), vi–ve 16 (16), ve– ve 39 (34-39), ve–sci 10 (9-10), sci–sci 57 (49-57), sci–sce 27 (27-31), sce–sce 107 (101-107), sce–c 16 (16), c–c 75 (73-75), c–d 55 (52-55), d–d 117 (114-117), d– e 1 18 (18- 21), e 1 – e 1 83 (78-86), e 1 – e 2 18 (18-21), e 2 – e 2 109 (109), e 1 – f 47 (47-52), f–f 34 (34-34), f–h 1 34 (27-34), h 1 – h 1 18 (18-21), h 1 – h 2 31 (31), h 2 – h 2 78 (78-83).

Venter of idiosoma ( Fig. 1B View Figure 1 ). Prosternal apron concave-shaped and with 9 foveolae. Ventral shield with pores, has two pairs spine-like process (opposite to setae 2 c), two pairs of clusters with five large pits (posterior of the legs IV). Ventral seta smooth, lengths: 1 a 18 (16-18), 3 a 10 (10-13), 4 a 10 (10-13. aggenital setae ag 1 10 (10-13), ag 2 10 (10-13) and genital shield with two pairs of setae g 1 13 (13-16), g 2 13 (13-16) adjacent to genital opening. Coxal setae 3 b thicker than other coxal setae. Anal shield with three pairs of setae ps 1 16 (16-18), ps 2 13 (13-16), ps 3 10 (10-13).

Legs ( Figs 2 View Figure 2 A-D). Length of legs (from base of trochanter to tip of tarsal claw): leg I 226 (224-242), leg II 172 (172- 192), leg III 182 (182-192), leg IV 216 (213-218). Leg I setation ( Fig. 2A View Figure 2 ): Tr 1 (v′), Fe 4 (d, l’, l′′, bv′′), Ge 5(1) (dp, l’, l′′, v′, v′′, К, Ti 5(2) (dp, l’, l′′, v′, v′′, φ, φp), Ta 15(2) (ft′, ft′′, tc′ϛ, tc′′ϛ, p′ϛ, p′′ϛ, a′, a′′, u′, u′′, v′ϛ, v ′′ϛ, pv′, pv′′, pl’, ω, φp). Tarsus I solenidion ω 13 (13); solenidion φp 16 (16); tibia I solenidion φ 9 (9-10); solenidion φp 18 (16-18); genu I famulus К 5 (5). Leg II setation ( Fig. 2B View Figure 2 ): Tr 1 (v′), Fe 2 (d, l′, bv′′), Ge 4(1) (d, l′, l′′, v′, К), Ti 5(1) (d, l′, l′′, v′, v′′, φp), Ta 12(2) (bv′, bl′, bl′′, tc′ϛ, tc′′ϛ, p′ϛ, p′′ϛ, a′, a′′, u′, u′′, v′ϛ, ω, φp). Tarsus II solenidion ω 10 (9-10); solenidion φp 9 (9) attenuated, setae tc dissimilar; tibia II solenidion φp 13 (10-13); famulus К 5 (5). Leg III setation ( Fig. 2C View Figure 2 ): Tr 2 (l′, v′), Fe 2 (d, ev′), Ge 2 (dp, v′), Ti 4(1) (dp, l′′, v′, v′′, φp), Ta 9(1) (bv′, tc′ϛ, tc′′ϛ, p′ϛ, p′′ϛ, a′, a′′, u′, u′′, ω); solenidion ω 5 (5); φp 13 (13). Leg IV setation ( Fig. 2D View Figure 2 ): Tr 1 (v′), Fe 2 (d, ev′), Ge 3 (dp, l′′, v′), Ti 3 (dp, v′, v′′), Ta 9(1) (bv′, tc′ϛ, tc′′ϛ, p′ϛ, p′′ϛ, a′, a′′, u′, u′′, ω). Solenidion ω 10 (10). All setae simple setae smooth, solenidion (ω) on tarsi I-IV baculiform, solenidia φ and φp on tibiae I-III attenuated and famulus К on genua I-II slightly bulbous at tip.

Male and immature stages: Unknown.


The name of this new species is derived from Latin ‘ concavum ’ meaning “ concave ” and refers to the prosternal apron concave-shaped.

Type materials

Holotype female and five paratype females from litter and soil under Prunus spinosa ( Rosaceae ) 1350 m a.s.l., Emirdağı mountains, B. Karabağ village, Bolvadin district, Afyonkarahisar province, Türkiye, 16 May 2015; coll. M. Akyol.

Favognathus concavum sp. nov. resembles F. karabagiensis Akyol , F. cucurbita (Berlese) and F. acaciae Doğan and Ayyıldız in that the dorsal and ventral shield is partly reticulated laterally, anterior margin of hood smooth, dorsum without rosette patterns and addorsal setae tc on tarsi II dissimilar ( Luxton and Lee, 1969; Doğan and Ayyıldız, 2004; Akyol, 2021). However, it can be easily differentiated from them by the following characters: (1) prosternal apron concave-shaped in the new species, whereas prosternal apron wedge-shaped in F. karabagiensis , F. cucurbita and F. acaciae , (2) dorsal shield with clusters with five large pits and one pairs of spine-like process, venter with two pairs of the clusters with five large pits and two pairs of spine-like process in the new species opposed to dorsal shield with clusters of five pairs of five-six spine-like processes and venter with clusters of five pairs of three-four spine-like processes in F. karabagiensis , these are absent in F. cucurbita and F. acaciae , (3) prosternal apron with 9 faveolae versus 19 in F. karabagiensis , 17 in F. cucurbita and 14 in F. acaciae , (4) tarsus I 15(+1 φρ +1ω) in the new species, instead, 14(+1 φρ +1 ω) in F. cucurbita and F. acaciae , (5) tarsus II 12(+1 φρ +1ω) in the new species, instead, 11(+1 φρ +1 ω) in F. cucurbita and F. karabagiensis .














Favognathus concavum

Akyol, Mustafa 2024

Favognathus concavum

Akyol 2024

F. karabagiensis

Akyol 2021

F. karabagiensis

Akyol 2021

F. karabagiensis

Akyol 2021

F. karabagiensis

Akyol 2021

F. karabagiensis

Akyol 2021
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