Amantis nawai ( Shiraki, 1908 )

Shim, Jaeil & Song, Jeong-Hun, 2024, A taxonomic review of the order Mantodea in Korea based on morphology and DNA barcodes, ZooKeys 1206, pp. 1-43 : 1-43

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1206.123355

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scientific name

Amantis nawai ( Shiraki, 1908 )


Amantis nawai ( Shiraki, 1908) View in CoL

Figs 1–8 View Figures 1–8 , 9–14 View Figures 9–14 , 15–19 View Figures 15–19

Gonypeta nawai Shiraki, 1908: 47.

Gonypeta maculata Shiraki, 1911: 318.

Amantis nawai ( Shiraki, 1908): ESK and KSAE 1994: 44; Kim 2010: 31; Kim 2021: 65. Korean record. View in CoL

Iridopteryx maculatus ( Shiraki, 1911): Kwon et al. 1996: 221. Korean record.

Specimens examined.

[ NASIC] South Korea: GN: 1 ♂ 1 ♀, Mt. Noja , Dongbu- myeon, Island Geojedo, Geoje-si, 7 VIII 2019, Yeong-Hun Kim ; 3 ♂ 3 ♀, Mt. Noja , Dongbu- myeon, Island Geojedo, Geoje-si, 7 VIII 2019, Woojin Jang ; JN: 3 ♂ 1 ♀, Island Yeoseodo , Yeoseo-ri, Cheongsan-myeon, Wando-gun, 26 I 2019, Jaeil shim (reared from Ootheca) ; JJ: 1 ♀, Andeok Valley , Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, X 2019, Do-yoon Kim ; 2 ♂ 1 ♀, Donnaeko , Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, 9 IX 2020, Yeong-Hun Kim ; 3 ♂ 2 ♀, Seonheul-ri , Jocheon-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, 19 V 2023, Jaeil Shim (reared from ootheca) ; 2 ♀, Gamsan-ri , Andeok-myeon, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, 23 IX 2023, Jaeil Shim ; 1 ♀, Gamsan-ri , Andeok-myeon, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, X 2023, Jisung Kim ; Japan: 1 ♂, Yanbaru , Okinawa, 1–4 I 2020, Wonjun Seong, Forest .


Measurements (mm): Body length ♂ 12.1–13.0, ♀ 13.8–15.2; head width ♂ 2.2, ♀ 3.3; head length ♂ 2.9, ♀ 3.9; pronotum width ♂ 2.1, ♀ 2.5; pronotum length ♂ 3.3, ♀ 3.9; forewing (tegmina) length ♂ ♀ 1.6. Male (Figs 1 View Figures 1–8 , 3 View Figures 1–8 , 5 View Figures 1–8 , 7 View Figures 1–8 , 9 View Figures 9–14 – 17 View Figures 15–19 ). Very small sized mantises. Coloration (Figs 1 View Figures 1–8 , 3 View Figures 1–8 ): Body color bright brown to dark brown. Body surface with irregular dark brown spots. Head (Fig. 5 View Figures 1–8 ): Triangular, slightly broader than pronotum maximum width. Head length 1.3 × width. Antenna filiform. Antenna nearly 3 × as long as pronotum. Vertex nearly flat, posterior area (Figs 1 View Figures 1–8 , 3 View Figures 1–8 ) with five dark spots. Compound eye slightly protruding, its surface glossy and brown moire pattern (in live specimens). Ocelli small, all of the same shape and size. Epistomal sulcus weakly concave. Prothorax (Fig. 7 View Figures 1–8 ): Dorsal surface with dark brown longitudinal stripe pattern. Pronotum very short, kite-shaped, lateral margin with minute denticulation. Pronotum length 1.4 × as long as maximum width. Metazone nearly 2 × as long as prozone. Forelegs (Prothoracic legs) (Figs 9 View Figures 9–14 – 17 View Figures 15–19 ): Coxa and femur slightly longer than pronotum. Coxa dorsal margin (Figs 9 View Figures 9–14 , 11 View Figures 9–14 ) with 9–13 minute forecoxal spines. Dorsal and ventral coxal lobes (Fig. 9 View Figures 9–14 ) fully divided from each other; dorsal coxal lobes with dark brown spot. Femur, tibia, and first tarsomere darker than body color (Figs 1 View Figures 1–8 , 3 View Figures 1–8 , 11 View Figures 9–14 ). Femur interior surface (Fig. 10 View Figures 9–14 ) with numerous denticles. Genicular spurs (Figs 9 View Figures 9–14 , 11 View Figures 9–14 ) well-developed, as long as Pvts length. Spination formula (Figs 9–11 View Figures 9–14 ): Avts = 10–12; Pvts = 12–13; Avfs = 11–14; Pvfs = 4; Ds = 4. In 13 Avfs (Figs 9 View Figures 9–14 , 10 View Figures 9–14 ): spines 2 and 13 larger than remaining Avfs; spines 10, 11, and 12 smallest of Avfs. Meso- and metathoracic legs: Meso- and metathoracic legs long and slender, apical area of tibia and first tarsomere dark brown. Tarsi 5 - segmented. First tarsomere of mesotarsus subequal to combined length of remaining segments, first tarsomere of metatarsus longer than remaining segments combined. Wings: Brachypterous. Wing venation faded. Abdomen: Cerci setose, not flattened, with nine or ten segments. Male subgenital plate (coxosternite IX) (Fig. 15 View Figures 15–19 ) nearly rhombus, inter-stylar margin slightly convex; stylus rather short. Male genitalia (Figs 16 View Figures 15–19 , 17 View Figures 15–19 ): Right phallomere with C-shaped pva (Fig. 16 View Figures 15–19 ); pia sclerotized and weakly wrinkled; fda distal edge margin rounded, surface with few setae. Left phallomere with short and curved paa; afa sclerotized, rectangular (slightly concave at the middle), shape of distal end variable, surface weakly granulated; Korean populations with two types of afa: dorsally curved type (Fig. 16 View Figures 15–19 ) and posteriorly decumbent type (Fig. 17 View Figures 15–19 ); loa mostly invisible. Ventral phallomere nearly oblong; sdpm very weakly developed; sdpl slightly expanded (digitiform), right margin of sdpl conspicuously concave. Female (Figs 2 View Figures 1–8 , 4 View Figures 1–8 , 6 View Figures 1–8 , 8 View Figures 1–8 ). Similar to male, with following differences. Head (Fig. 6 View Figures 1–8 ): length 1.2 × width. Antenna nearly 2 × as long as pronotum. Vertex swollen. Prothorax (Fig. 8 View Figures 1–8 ): Pronotum length 1.5 × maximum width. Narrowest width on posterior one-third of pronotum. Forelegs (Prothoracic legs) (Figs 2 View Figures 1–8 , 4 View Figures 1–8 ): Femur color generally same as body color. First tarsomere distal end area dark brown. Abdomen: Post-lateral margin of tergite with dark brown spot. Ootheca (Figs 18 View Figures 15–19 , 19 View Figures 15–19 ). Measurements (mm): Length 3.2–5.3; width 2.8–3.4; height 2.7–3.4; length of emergence area 3.9–6.4; width of emergence area 1.0–1.6. Identification: Prism-shaped, triangular in cross-section. Ootheca attached by ventral surface. External wall colored russet. External coating (Figs 18 View Figures 15–19 , 19 View Figures 15–19 ) beige, consisting of a very thin layer and frothy material, lateral surface and emergence area fully covered. Exhibiting ~ 4– 8 egg chambers (Fig. 19 View Figures 15–19 ). Lateral surface with longitudinal parallel ridges (boundaries). Distal end of ootheca truncate and rough. Distal flap area with long residual process (Fig. 18 View Figures 15–19 ). Nymph. First instar nymph: Body surface shiny, reddish brown with brightly colored transverse pattern on body segments and legs; postero-medial edge of pro-, meso-, and metathorax tergite slightly protruding.

Biological notes.

Amantis nawai is distributed throughout the southern islands of the Korean peninsula, as reported by Kwon et al. (1996). This species is commonly found beneath the litter layer in shaded areas and typically lays its oothecae under dead leaves or between stones on the ground. The species exhibits unique behaviors, including the vibration of its antenna and swinging of its forelegs. The first instar nymphs usually hatch between mid-June and early July, while adults emerge in mid-August.


China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea.


Amantis nawai occurs in East Asia ( Yamasaki 1981; Chou 2006; Patel and Singh 2016; Oshima 2018). Korean populations of A. nawai exhibit two distinct male genitalia structures, distinguished by the ‘ afa ’ structure (Figs 16 View Figures 15–19 , 17 View Figures 15–19 ), as well as variable forefemur color patterns (Figs 12–14 View Figures 9–14 ). The Yeoseodo Island population features a posteriorly decumbent ‘ afa ’ structure (Fig. 17 View Figures 15–19 ), and the male forefemur color matches their body color (Fig. 14 View Figures 9–14 ). In contrast, the Geojedo and Jeju Island populations exhibit a dorsally curved ‘ afa ’ structure (Fig. 16 View Figures 15–19 ), and the forefemur color of most male samples is darker than their body color (Figs 1 View Figures 1–8 , 3 View Figures 1–8 ). However, there is no significant intraspecific genetic divergence (COI) between the Yeoseodo and Geojedo Island populations. Additionally, the Jeju population shows only a 0.3 % divergence from the other islands.

Family Hymenopodidae Giglio-Tos, 1915

Subfamily Acromantinae Brunner de Wattenwyl, 1893














Amantis nawai ( Shiraki, 1908 )

Shim, Jaeil & Song, Jeong-Hun 2024

Amantis nawai ( Shiraki, 1908 ): ESK and KSAE 1994: 44; Kim 2010: 31 ; Kim 2021: 65 . Korean record.

Kim TW 2021: 65
Kim TW 2010: 31
Amantis nawai ( Shiraki, 1908 ): ESK and KSAE 1994: 44; Kim 2010: 31 ; Kim 2021: 65 . Korean record.

Iridopteryx maculatus ( Shiraki, 1911 ): Kwon et al. 1996: 221 . Korean record.

Kwon YJ & Suh SJ & Huh EY 1996: 221
Iridopteryx maculatus ( Shiraki, 1911 ): Kwon et al. 1996: 221 . Korean record.

Gonypeta maculata

Shiraki T 1911: 318

Gonypeta nawai

Shiraki T 1908: 47