Thraulus cuspidatus Vasanth, Subramanian and Selvakumar, 2022

Vasanth, M., Subramanian, K. A., Selvakumar, C. & Sivaramakrishnan, K. G., 2022, Contribution to the knowledge of Thraulus Eaton, 1881 (Insecta: Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) from India with the description of five new species, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 122 (2), pp. 125-151 : 131-135

publication ID 10.26515/rzsi/v122/i2/2022/168290

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Thraulus cuspidatus Vasanth, Subramanian and Selvakumar

sp. nov.

Thraulus cuspidatus Vasanth, Subramanian and Selvakumar sp. nov.

( Figures 15–32 View Figures 15–20 View Figures 21–27 View Figures 28–32 )

Material examined: Holotype: 1 mature larva, India, Tamil Nadu, Tirunelveli District, Kalakkad, Thalaiyoothu stream near Sengaltheri , 08.53699°N, 077.45233°E, Alt. 894 m, 14.viii.2019, colls. K. A. Subramanian and M. Vasanth (Reg. No. I /E/525) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 2 larvae, same data as holotype (Reg. No. I /E/526). Types are deposited in SRC/ZSI/ Chennai GoogleMaps .

Description (holotype): Mature larva. Body length 4.5–5.0,

cerci 5, median filament 6 ( Figure 15 View Figures 15–20 ).

Head: Head capsule with area between ocelli washed with black; median line of vertex pale; margins of clypeus parallel ( Figure 15 View Figures 15–20 ). Labrum with a slightly convex posterior margin, irregular sparse setae on both the dorsal and ventral surfaces, plentiful setae on anterior dorsal surface, a single row of dense setae at the anterior margin of the labrum dorsally ( Figure 17 View Figures 15–20 ); anterior emargination moderately concave with median blunt teeth projecting beyond the anterior edge of the labrum ( Figure 18 View Figures 15–20 ). Lingua of hypopharynx with well developed lateral processes, anterior margin shallowly emarginated; the hypopharyngeal superlingua has well-developed lateral projection with its arms. ( Figures 19 and 20 View Figures 15–20 ). Mandibles with sparse lateral setae; prostheca of the left mandible with a stout spine; outer margin of the mandible with 7–8 setae on the middle region ( Figures 21 and 22 View Figures 21–27 ). The maxilla has dense thick spines and fine setae on anterior margin, an additional row of 15 pectinate setae presents among these, a large thicker pectinate projection on the inner corner; the outer margin of maxilla and cardo with setae; the palp III segmented, the length of segment I is 1.3 times the length of segment II, an outer margin with few setae; the length of segment III 0.9–1.0 times the length of segment II, an outer and inner margins of palps with setae, the III segment with small tuft of apical setae ( Figure 23 View Figures 21–27 ). Labium: glossa with thick, plate-like setae on ventral surface and fewer setae on dorsal surface; paraglossa with denser but fewer setae on dorsal surface; first segment of labial palp with thick setae on inner and outer margins; second segment with setae on outer margin; apical segment with thick setae on dorsal and fine setae on tip; those near the apex of the apical segment gathered into small tufts; segment I length ca. 1.5 times segment II length; segment III length 0.7 times segment II length ( Figure 24 View Figures 21–27 ).

Thorax: Pronotum brown with pale irregular markings on the dorsal surface. Mesonotum is brown, and the median area is pale ( Figure 15 View Figures 15–20 ). Foreleg of trochanter with anterior surfaces black with brown, and lateral surface brownish yellow; basal femora ½ of dark brown, apically with yellowish brown, tibiae brownish with very sparse and thin setae on the inner margin, densely covered with a row of feathered setae and with a row of stout and transverse setae ( Figure 25 View Figures 21–27 ). Hind femora with apically 1/3 of blackish and stout setae on the outer margin, hind tibiae mixed with dense, thick and feathered setae on the surface; tarsi of all legs with several thick setae on the inner margin and sparse setae on the outer margin ( Figures 25, 26 View Figures 21–27 and 28 View Figures 28–32 ). Claws with a row of 10–11 denticles, progressively larger towards apex ( Figure 27 View Figures 21–27 ).

Abdomen: Abdomen brown, with an indistinct paired submedian stripe along the body axis. Terga III–IX with posterolateral projections ( Figure 15 View Figures 15–20 ). Sterna I–VII white and VIII–X dark brownish yellow ( Figure 16 View Figures 15–20 ). Gills on abdominal segment I–VII; gills I slender, lanceolate, ventral lamellae little wider than dorsal ( Figure 29 View Figures 28–32 ); gills II–VII similar in shape, oval, with marginal long fringes; tracheae of gills branched ( Figures 30, 31 and 32 View Figures 28–32 ). Caudal filaments with a whorl of setae on alternate segments; setae shorter than the length of corresponding segment.

Adult: Unknown.

Etymology: The species epithet is a Latin adjective, cuspidate, meaning cuspid-like shape of the anterior margin of the labrum.

Distribution: Tamil Nadu (Kalakkad and Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve Forest, Tirunelveli dist.).

Diagnosis: Thraulus cuspidatus sp. nov. can be distinguished from other known species of the genus by the following combination of characters:

• Labrum anterior emargination is moderately concave with median blunt teeth projecting beyond the anterior edge ( Figures 17, 18 View Figures 15–20 ).

• Superlingua hypopharynx has well-developed lateral projection with its arms ( Figures 19, 20 View Figures 15–20 ).

• Mandibular outer margin of with 7–8 setae on middle region ( Figures 21, 22 View Figures 21–27 ).

• Claws with a row of 10–11 denticles, progressively larger apically ( Figure 27 View Figures 21–27 ).

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