Stryphnodendron microstachyum Poeppig & Endlicher (1845: 82)

Scalon, Viviane Renata, Paula-Souza, Juliana De, Lima, Alexandre Gibau De & Souza, Vinicius Castro, 2022, A synopsis of the genus Stryphnodendron (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade), Phytotaxa 544 (3), pp. 227-279 : 250-251

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Plazi (2022-05-05 11:16:49, last updated 2023-11-07 02:59:34)

scientific name

Stryphnodendron microstachyum Poeppig & Endlicher (1845: 82)


18. Stryphnodendron microstachyum Poeppig & Endlicher (1845: 82) View in CoL .

Type : BRAZIL. “Crescit in sylvis primaevis flumini Amazonum conterminis circum Ega [Tefé]”, October 1831, Poeppig 2738 (holotype W 0002775 !)

Trees 8–24 m tall, rhytidome gray to brownish gray. Leaves with 5–9(–11) pairs of pinnae; (4–)6–11(–14) pairs of leaflets; petiolar nectary 1, conical and laterally flat; leaflets (5–)6–20(–22) × (–3)5–14(–16) cm, usually widely oblong, oblong-rhombic to oblong-ovate, distal leaflets usually obovate, proximal sometimes elliptic, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, usually discolor, rarely subconcolor, upper surface usually subglabrous to sometimes sparsely puberule, rarely glabrous, lower surface puberule, unilateral tuft of trichomes on the lower surface usually absent, sometimes inconspicuous. Inflorescences of simple thyrsi, pinkish to purplish; cymulae of geminate to 5-ternate spikes; spikes (4.6–) 6.5–10 cm long. Flowers monoclinous or diclinous, corolla tube glabrous, lobes usually glabrous, very rarely subglabrous, purplish to reddish. Fruit a nucoid legume, usually straight, rarely slightly curved, flat-compressed to subturgid, seeds slightly prominent, valves coriaceous, inconspicuously nerved.

Vernacular names:— Barasana-ke-re-nee-nee, Makuna ho-wa-ra, Puinave ken, Yukuna pe-tee-ree, Barasana pwa-go ( Colombia).

Distribution and habitat: — Stryphnodendron microstachyum is exclusive of non-flooded terra firme forests associated with clay soil, more frequently in Western Amazon (Solimões/Western Amazon and Southwest Sector phytogeographic provinces), in Brazil (Acre and Amazonas states) and neighboring areas of Colombia, Northern Bolivia, and Peru. It is less frequently found in Eastern Amazon (Xingu-Madeira province).

Conservation: —Least Concern (LC) [AOO= 40.000 km 2, EOO= 2,412,385.990 km 2].

Phenology: —Flowering specimens were collected from October to January and in July, fruiting specimens from May to July.

Selected specimens examined: — COLOMBIA. Amazonas-Vaupes, Rio Apaporis, Jinogoje (near mouth of Rio Piraparana , 20 June 1952, fr., R.E. Shultes & I. Cabrera 16795 ( MO, NY, U) . PERU. Loreto: Chacra de Cesar Vela, sudeste de la granja del Sr. Berrera, (Aguaytia), Coronel Portillo, Padre Abad , 27 October 1972, fl., J. Schunke V 5462 (F, INPA, MO, NY, U) .

Poeppig, E. F. & Endlicher, S. F. L. (1845) Nova Genera et Species Plantarum. Vol. 3. Sumptibos Friderich Hofmeister, Leipzig, 91 pp.


Missouri Botanical Garden