Elopothrissus undetermined

Stringer, Gary L. & Sloan, James Carson, 2023, First Cretaceous teleostean otolith assemblage (Arkadelphia Formation, upper Maastrichtian) from Arkansas, USA, early Gadiformes, and the Western Interior Seaway, PaleoBios 40 (1994), pp. 1-39 : 8-9

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5070/P940361192.

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scientific name

Elopothrissus undetermined



FIG. 5C View Figure 5

Material— one specimen, DMNH 2021-09- 03 View Materials . View Materials

Description and Remarks— The one elongate specimen assigned to Elopothrissus has a prominent sulcus clearly divided into an oval ostium opening anteriorly and anterodorsally, and a narrower, longer more excavated cauda. However, as noted in Schwarzhans and Stringer (2020a) there are significant changes in the H/L ratios with ontogenetic changes in size, which is caused primarily by an increase in the length of the rostrum. There is a slight postdorsal angle as well as some faint marginal crenulation. Like with many other pterothrissids, morphological maturity is only reached when specimens are more than 5 mm long, hence, smaller specimens should not be used for species definition ( Schwarzhans 2012). For this reason, DMNH 2021-09-03, which is only 1.83 mm long, is identified only to genus.

Elopothrissus carsonsloani Schwarzhans and Stringer (2020a) was reported from the Danian Clayton Formation but not the Maastrichtian Kemp Clay ( Schwarzhans and Stringer 2020a). An unidentified species of Elopothrissus was noted by Schwarzhans et al. (2018b) from the Santonian of Alabama. The genus represents an extinct pterothrissid that extends across the K-Pg extinction event and well into the Paleogene ( Schwarzhans and Stringer 2020a).


Delaware Museum of Natural History

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