Caleidoscopsis Karaman, 1974

Do Nascimento, Priscila S. & Serejo, Cristiana S., 2023, New findings of the family Pardaliscidae from the deep-sea southwestern Atlantic the genus Caleidoscopsis Karaman, 1974, Zootaxa 5256 (2), pp. 139-157 : 143-144

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5256.2.3

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Caleidoscopsis Karaman, 1974


Genus Caleidoscopsis Karaman, 1974 View in CoL View at ENA

Caleidoscopsis Karaman, 1974: 9 View in CoL . – Barnard & Karaman, 1991: 574: figs. 103I, 104F.

Type species. Pardaliscopsis copal J.L. Barnard, 1967 View in CoL (type by original designation).

Diagnosis. Rostrum small to moderate, reaching at most half-length of article 1 of peduncle of antenna 1. Eyes absent. Antenna 1, peduncle articles 1–3 progressively shorter than the previous; accessory flagellum present, well developed. Mouthparts forming a quadratiform bundle. Upper lip asymmetrically incised. Mandibles asymmetrical, incisor on left weakly toothed, on right strongly toothed; palp fully developed, article 3 at least the same length of article 2. Lower lip, inner lobes coalesced. Maxilla 1, palp expanded apically. Maxilla 2 with short plates, about 2x longer than wide. Maxilliped, inner plate reduced, outer plate not exceeding article 1 of the palp; palp more than 2x as long as the medial edge of outer plate. Coxae 1–4 well developed, rectangular, longer than wide. Coxa 5 well-developed, not bilobed, subtriangular or subrectangular. Gnathopods 1–2 simple, slightly stout, carpus not lobate, dactyls claw-shaped, without inner teeth. Pereopods 3–7 simple. Pereopod 7 basis with posteroventral lobe. Urosomite 1–2, dorsal teeth present, short to long. Uropods 1–2, rami apically pointed, with 1 subapical simple seta on each one. Uropod 3, peduncle short, rami lanceolate; outer ramus 2-articulated. Telson as long as wide, cleft at least halfway.

Included species. C. carlosi sp. nov.; C. copal (J.L. Barnard, 1967) ; C. inermis ( Ledoyer, 1986) ; C. karamani sp. nov.; C. simplignathia (J.L. Barnard, 1962) and C. tikal (J.L. Barnard, 1967) .

Distribution. Marine, Northeast Pacific Ocean, Mexico, Cedros Trench (1720–2475 m). Southeast Atlantic Ocean, Angola Basin (3015 m); Indian Ocean, Madagascar (770–3716 m). Southwest Atlantic Ocean, Brazil, Espírito Santo Basin, Campos Basin and Santos Basin (417–1900 m) ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Remarks. The diagnosis of Caleidoscopsis is modified from Karaman (1974) and Barnard & Karaman (1991). Caleidoscopsis can be easily identified by the combination of bolded characters pointed above, including the short plates of maxilla 2, about 2x longer than wide, which is an exclusive character of the genus.

Species are most easily identified by characters combination. A table of comparison with diagnostic characters ( Table 2 View TABLE 2 ) and an identification key of all six known species are provided.












Caleidoscopsis Karaman, 1974

Do Nascimento, Priscila S. & Serejo, Cristiana S. 2023

Caleidoscopsis Karaman, 1974: 9

Barnard, J. L. & Karaman, G. S. 1991: 574
Karaman, G. S. 1974: 9
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