Promalactis mecodigita Kim, 2018

Kim, Sora, Bae, Yang-Seop & Lee, Seunghwan, 2018, Genus Promalactis Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) from Cambodia, Part II: five new species, checklist and taxonomic key for the species in Cambodia, Journal of Natural History 52 (9 - 10), pp. 607-620 : 615-617

publication ID 10.1080/00222933.2018.1444804

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scientific name

Promalactis mecodigita Kim

sp. nov.

Promalactis mecodigita Kim sp. nov.

( Figures 1 View Figure 1 (g), 1(h), 2(j–l))


This species is close to P. albinparata Kim and Park, 2014 , in forewing pattern, but can be differentiated from the latter by having blackish dark brown ground colour of forewing, and an elongated finger-shaped cucullus, heavily sclerotized spine-shaped lobes of a juxta and phallus without cornutus of the male genitalia.


Adult ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 (g), 1(h)). Head: Frons blackish dark brown, vertex white, occiput white. Antenna: Scape white entirely, 1/2 length of diameter of eye; fragellum dark brown and white alternately dorsally. Labial palpus: 2nd palpomere yellowish dark brown, except white apically; 3rd palpomere white except dark brown at apex, longer than 3rd palpomere. Thorax: Thorax blackish dark brown, except white near occiput; tegula blackish dark brown, except white near occiput. Forewing expanse 9.0– 9.5 mm. Forewing ground colour blackish dark brown, partly tinged with pale yellow; two white costal patches: antemedial patch subtriangular-shaped, broad on costal margin narrowed to antemedial posterior patch at 1/3; postmedial patch semi-ovate, not connected to postmedial posterior patch before tornus; one apical patch penetrated by medial fuscous suffusion at sub-apex; two white bands: one subbasal band traversed from near tegula to antemedial posterior patch; one medial band rarely tinged with yellow scales followed by posterior margin of discal cell between antemedial and postmedial posterior patches; fringes pale greyish brown except yellowish brown near tornus, pale yellowish white near apex. Hind wing sublanceolate; ground colour pale greyish brown; fringes pale greyish brown.

Male genitalia ( Figure 2 View Figure 2 (j–l)). Uncus wide at base, gradually narrowed to apex, beakshaped. Gnathos wide at base, gradually narrowed to truncate apex, slightly longer than uncus. Valva with slightly convex before middle, slightly concave after middle, costal margin slightly convex after middle, protruding at sub-apex, deeply concave at apex; cucullus at 1/5 of valva, elongate finger-shaped with setose apically, 1/2 length of uncus; juxta with a pair of lobes: symmetrical, long spine-shaped, third times longer than cucullus. Saccus triangular, as long as uncus. Phallus wide at base, gradually narrowed to apex, as long as valva. Cornutus absent.

Female unknown.


Male, Cambodia, Pursat Prov. Sam Kos, 830 m, 6 February 2015, Bae et al. Paratypes. Two males, Cambodia, Pursat Prov. Sam Kos , 830 m, 6 February 2015, Bae et al; two males, same locality, 310 m, 9 February 2014, Bae et al., gen. slide no. 9587/ S Kim.


The species epithet, mecodigita , is derived from the Greek, meco- (=long) plus the Latin, digiti- (=finger) plus - a (=Latin diminutive suffix), referring to an elongated finger-shaped cucullus in the male genitalia.


Cambodia (West, South: new).













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