Hamaederus allofasciatus Santos-Silva, Garcia and Botero, 2021

Botero, Antonio Santos-Silva Kimberly García Juan Pablo, 2021, A review of the history of the names Hamaticherus Dejean and Plocaederus Dejean and description of a new genus and species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae), Insecta Mundi 2021 (887), pp. 1-32 : 25-28

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12808493

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scientific name

Hamaederus allofasciatus Santos-Silva, Garcia and Botero

sp. nov.

Hamaederus allofasciatus Santos-Silva, Garcia and Botero View in CoL , new species

( Fig. 82–89 View Figures 82–89 )

Brasilianus (Brasilianus) fasciatus View in CoL ; Monné and Giesbert 1994: 34 (checklist; partim).

Placaederus fasciatus ; Martins and Monné 2002: 231 (partim); Monné 2005: 56 (cat.; partim); Monné and Hovore 2006: 36 (checklist; partim); Morvan and Morati 2006: 10 (distr.); 2011: 15 (distr.); Monné 2021: 73 (cat.; partim).

Description. Holotype male ( Fig. 82–88 View Figures 82–89 ). Head capsule and prothorax black (posterior area of ventral surface slightly lighter); anteclypeus and labrum mostly brownish; posterior region of ventral mouthparts brown, and anterior area yellowish-brown; scape black, slightly lighter apically; pedicel brown; basal third of antennomere III brownish and remaining surface orangish-brown; remaining antennomeres orangish-brown; ventral surface of meso- and metathorax and abdomen reddish-brown, with some irregular areas orangish-brown, and margins of thoracic sclerites darkened. Elytra orangish-brown, slightly darkened on circum-scutellar region and slightly distinct area after middle. Legs orangish-brown.

Head. Frons finely, somewhat sparsely punctate, absent on inferior sides of frontal plate; with minute, sparse white setae, slightly more abundant close to eyes. Area between antennal tubercles finely, confluently punctate, especially centrally; with minute, sparse white setae, and a few long, erect setae of same color. Area between upper eye lobes centrally carinated, rugose between eyes and carina; with a few minute white setae on rugose area. Remaining area of vertex almost smooth, except a few coarse punctures on sides of posterior area, and finely, somewhat abundant punctate area close to eyes; with minute white setae close to eyes, and a few long, erect setae of same color on same area. Area behind upper eye lobes somewhat rugose-punctate; with minute, sparse yellowish-white setae close to eye. Area behind lower eye lobes coarsely, sparsely punctate (punctures elongated), glabrous. Genae coarsely, somewhat rugose-punctate close to eye, nearly smooth apically; with minute white pubescence on rugose-punctate area. Antennal tubercles finely, sparsely punctate, except smooth apex; with minute, sparse white setae on punctate area, glabrous on smooth area. Wide central area of postclypeus finely, somewhat abundantly punctate, and sides smooth; punctures with minute white seta; with one long, erect translucent seta on each side of wide central area close to frons. Labrum with long yellowish setae laterally on posterior area coplanar with anteclypeus; anterior area with long, abundant yellowish setae directed forward centrally. Gulamentum sparsely, transversely plicate, glabrous on posterior area, coarsely, moderately abundantly punctate between eyes (general appearance somewhat rugose), punctures with short, erect whitish seta. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.06 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.37 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae 1.75 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at basal quarter of antennomere X. Scape coarsely, abundantly punctate, except smooth apical area; with whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, except glabrous smooth areas. Antennomeres III–V with whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, and remaining antennomeres with denser yellowish pubescence; antennomeres III and IV cylindrical with nodose apex; antennomeres V–X serrate; antennomere XI abruptly narrowed near apex. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.71; pedicel = 0.16; IV = 0.75; V = 0.91; VI = 0.87; VII = 0.79; VIII = 0.73; IX = 0.71; X = 0.67; XI = 0.87.

Thorax. Prothorax slightly wider than long (including lateral tubercles); lateral tubercles placed slightly after middle. Pronotum somewhat coarsely, abundantly, slightly plicate-punctate on anterior half, transversely more distinctly plicate-punctate on posterior half, except central area of posterior half only transversely plicate, and area of posterior constriction only punctate; punctures with minute whitish seta. Sides of prothorax somewhat coarsely and abundantly punctate, except for anterior area nearly smooth (this area widened toward prosternum), and posterior border and proepimeron densely microsculptured, with oblique band of shallow punctures toward procoxal cavity; punctures on wide central area with minute white seta. Prosternum coarsely, somewhat sparsely punctate on sides of posterior third, finely, densely punctate on central area of posterior quarter, coarsely, rugose-punctate on wide central region, especially on middle of this area, plicate on anterior quarter; with minute, sparse whitish setae on posterior 3/4, glabrous on anterior quarter. Prosternal process ( Fig. 87 View Figures 82–89 ) gradually inclined toward apex; narrowest area 0.15 times procoxal width. Mesoventrite coarsely, abundantly punctate, punctures with short yellowish-white seta. Mesanepisternum and mesepimeron with coarsely, somewhat abundantly punctate; punctures with short yellowish-white seta; mesoventral process without tubercle, with apical sides tab-shaped, and posterior margin strongly emarginated centrally; surface somewhat finely, densely punctate; narrowest area 0.39 times mesocoxal width. Metanepisternum and metaventrite finely, sparsely punctate; with short, sparse, decumbent whitish setae, except smooth posterior area close to metathoracic discrimen smooth and glabrous. Scutellum with minute whitish setae on sides. Elytra. Coarsely, abundantly punctate on basal half, punctures distinctly finer on posterior half; nearly all punctures with minute yellowish-white seta; apex slightly oblique, truncate. Legs. Femora coarsely, densely, shallowly punctate; with sparse white pubescence, slightly denser toward apex. Tibiae with somewhat sparse yellowish-white setae, except dense, bristly light yellowish-brown pubescence on posterior area of ventral surface. Metatarsomere I shorter than II–III together.

Abdomen. Ventrites finely, somewhat sparsely punctate; with sparse whitish pubescence, slightly denser laterally; apex of ventrite V subtruncate.

Female ( Fig. 89 View Figures 82–89 ). Very similar to male, differing especially by the antennae slightly shorter (1.6 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at base of antennomere XI).

Variation. Posterior area of vertex and area behind upper eye lobes coarsely, transversely plicate-punctate.

Dimensions (mm) (holotype male/ paratype male/ paratype female). Total length, 8.05/8.10/9.70; prothoracic length, 1.55/1.60/1.85; anterior prothoracic width, 1.25/1.25/1.50; posterior prothoracic width, 1.35/1.40/1.65; maximum prothoracic width, 1.55/1.65/2.00; humeral width, 1.95/2.00/2.40; elytral length, 4.85/5.05/6.00.

Type material. Holotype male from FRENCH GUIANA: Kaw Rd pk 41, 19.VIII.1995, J.E. Wappes leg. ( FSCA, formerly ACMT) . Paratypes – FRENCH GUIANA: Montagne de Kaw , PK 4, 1 male, 29.VIII.1986, light trap, Gérard Tavakilian leg. ( OMPC) ; Kaw Rd pk 18, 1 male, 26.VIII.1995, J.E. Wappes leg. ( MZSP, formerly ACMT) ; Montagne de Kaw PK 36, 7.IX.1991, light trap, Joannes Chacun-Francoz leg. ( OMPC) ; Montagne de Kaw PK 43, 26.VIII.1992, light trap, Jean A. Cerda leg. ( OMPC) ; Montagne de Kaw , PK 45,5, 1 male, 11.X.1986, light trap, Odette Morvan leg. ( OMPC) ; Kaw Rd pk 46, 1 female, 29.VIII.1986, G.L. Tavakilian leg. ( MZSP) ; Route de Kaw , pk 32, 1 male, 24.IX.2003, A. Audureau leg. ( DHCO) ; Route de Kaw pk 47, 1 malem 10.IV.1991, light trap, Odette Morvan leg. ( OMPC) ; 3 males, 10.VIII.1991, UV light trap, J.L Giuglaris leg. ( JLGC) ; Piste de Bélizon pk 24, 1 female, 15.VIII.1999, UV light trap, J. Hulin / JL Giuglaris leg. ( JLGC) ; Petit Saut pk 3 Sinnamary, 1 female, 24.VIII.2006, light trap ( PHDC) ; Grand Boeuf Mort Saül , 1 female, 14.IX.2007, light trap ( PHDC) ; Montagne Pelée Saül , 1 male, 05.X.2010, light trap ( PHDC) ; Route de Kaw pk 37, 2 males, 9–12.IX.1999, light trap, A. Audureau leg. ( AACP) ; Route de Kaw pk 37, 1 female, 20.XI.2000, light trap, A. Audureau leg. ( AACP) ; Route de Kaw pk 29, 1 female, 15–19.XI.2006, light trap, A. Audureau leg. ( AACP) ; Roura , 1 specimen, IX.2009, J.L. Giuglaris leg. ( HSCV) .

Etymology. From the Greek “allos/αλλος”, meaning “other” or “different,” and “fasciatus ”; indicating that it is different from Hamaederus fasciatus .

Remarks. Hamaederus allofasciatus is similar to H. fasciatus ( Martins and Monné, 1975) but differs as follows: scape black, slightly lighter apically; pedicel brown; basal third of antennomere III brownish; posterior half of pronotum distinctly plicate-punctate; prosternal process gradually inclined toward apex ( Fig. 87 View Figures 82–89 ); mesoventral process ( Fig. 88 View Figures 82–89 ) distinctly narrower; elytra without transverse dark brown band. In H. fasciatus , the scape, pedicel, and antennomere III are orangish-brown, posterior half of pronotum not distinctly plicate-punctate, prosternal process abruptly inclined posteriorly ( Fig. 32 View Figures 24–33 ), sometimes somewhat tuberculate centrally near apex, mesoventral process distinctly wider ( Fig. 33 View Figures 24–33 ), and elytra with transverse dark brown band.

The following list of Cerambycini genera and species reflects the taxonomic changes made based on the result of our study.

Hamaederus Santos-Silva, García and Botero , new genus

Type species. Plocaederus bipartitus Buquet, 1860 View in CoL , here designated.

Hamaederus allofasciatus Santos-Silva, García and Botero View in CoL , new species

Hamaederus bipartitus ( Buquet, 1860) View in CoL , new combination

Hamaederus dozieri ( Martins and Galileo, 2010) View in CoL , new combination

Hamaederus fasciatus ( Martins and Monné, 1975) View in CoL , new combination

Hamaederus fragosoi ( Martins and Monné, 2002) View in CoL , new combination

Hamaederus fraterculus ( Martins, 1979) View in CoL , new combination

Hamaederus glaberrimus ( Martins, 1979) View in CoL , new combination

Hamaederus glabricollis ( Bates, 1870) View in CoL , new combination

Hamaederus inconstans ( Gounelle, 1913) View in CoL , new combination

Hamaederus mirim ( Martins and Monné, 2002) View in CoL , new combination

Hamaederus pactor ( Lameere, 1885) View in CoL , new combination

Hamaederus pisinnus ( Martins and Monné, 1975) View in CoL , new combination

Hamaederus plicatus ( Olivier, 1790) View in CoL , new combination

Hamaederus rugosus ( Olivier, 1795) View in CoL , new combination

Hamaederus rusticus ( Gounelle, 1909) View in CoL , new combination

Hamaederus yucatecus ( Chemsak and Noguera, 1997) View in CoL , new combination

= Plocaederus barauna Martins and Monné, 2002 View in CoL , new synonym

= Plocaederus confusus Martins and Monné, 2002 View in CoL , new synonym

Plocaederus Dejean, 1835 View in CoL

= Hamaticherus Audinet-Serville, 1834 View in CoL (not Dejean, 1821)

Type species. Hamaticherus bellator Audinet-Serville, 1834 View in CoL ; designated by Sama (1991)

Plocaederus bellator ( Audinet-Serville, 1834) View in CoL , new combination

Cerambyx Linnaeus, 1758 View in CoL

= Hamaticherus Dejean, 1821 View in CoL (Type species Cerambyx heros (Scopoli, 1763) View in CoL , designated by Chevrolat (1845), currently senior synonym of Cerambyx cerdo Linnaeus, 1758 View in CoL )


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo














Hamaederus allofasciatus Santos-Silva, Garcia and Botero

Botero, Antonio Santos-Silva Kimberly García Juan Pablo 2021

Placaederus fasciatus

Monne MA 2021: 73
Monne MA & Hovore FT 2006: 36
Morvan O & Morati J. 2006: 10
Monne MA 2005: 56
Martins UR & Monne MA 2002: 231

Brasilianus (Brasilianus) fasciatus

Monne MA & Giesbert EF 1994: 34
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