Rubus oklejewiczii Wolanin & M.Nobis, 2020

Wolanin, Mateusz M., Musiał, Krystyna & Nobis, Marcin, 2020, Rubus oklejewiczii (Rosaceae), a new bramble species from Central Europe (Poland: Carpathians), Phytotaxa 438 (3), pp. 189-198 : 190-195

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.438.3.3

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scientific name

Rubus oklejewiczii Wolanin & M.Nobis

sp. nov.

Rubus oklejewiczii Wolanin & M.Nobis View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 2 View FIGURE 2 )

TYPE:— POLAND. Podkarpackie province, Kąkolówka village (hamlet Wola), fir forest edge, 49° 51’ 16.8’’ N / 22° 01’ 39.9’’ E, 29 Jun 2019, M. Wolanin s.n. (holotype: KRA 0518731 About KRA a – inflorescence and KRA 0518731 About KRA b – primocane leaves GoogleMaps ; isotypes: KRA 0518730 About KRA (a,b), 0518735(a,b), 0518736(a,b), 0518737(a,b), 0518738(a,b), 0518739(a,b)) .

DESCRIPTION:—Deciduous shrub, usually up to 100 cm tall. Primocane stems arching, rooting at apex, often braided and forming dense clumps, angled, usually with furrowed sides, green or suffused red-brown, usually with sparse hairs and with quite numerous subsessile glands; prickles numerous, up to (10–)13–20 per 5 cm of stem length, equal, mostly on angles but also between them, often crowded, straight to curved, laterally compressed, 8–10(–11) mm long. Primocane leaves mostly digitate or shortly pedate, 5-foliolate, usually with few scattered adpressed hairs above, softly hairy beneath, with long simple hairs and subsessile glands (mostly on the veins) and underlayer of tufted hairs (ca. 500 per 1 cm 2), stellate hairs absent; leaflets imbricate, in sunny places often slightly plicate, terminal ones with short to mid-long petiolules (petiolule length 28–36% of leaflet lamina length), broadly ovate to suborbicular, cordate at the base, with an abruptly acuminate apex (18–) 22–28 mm long, unevenly serrate, teeth apiculate, principal ones usually straight; basal leaflets with petiolules (2–) 3–4 mm long; petioles usually slightly shorter than basal leaflets, patent-hairy on the upper surface, with subsessile glands and with numerous, strongly curved stout prickles up to (4–) 4.5–5.6 mm long, not furrowed (or faintly furrowed at most at the base); stipules narrowly lanceolate. Inflorescence conical, generally short, leafless near the apex, with 3–(4–5)-foliolate leaves below; inflorescence upper leaves hairy similarly but slightly more densely than primocane leaves, with numerous subsessile glands and with slight admixture of short-stalked glands (0.1–0.2 mm long) on the veins; axis fairly densely hairy, with sparse simple hairs and with the underlayer of tufted hairs (stellate hairs absent), with numerous subsessile glands and occasional short-stalked glands; prickles numerous, hooked to almost straight, 4.5–7 mm long. Pedicels (0.7–)1.2–1.9(–2.2) cm long, densely hairy, with sparse and tufted hairs, with numerous subsessile glands, often with slight admixture of short-stalked glands; prickles 8–14, slightly curved, rarely straight, 1.2–3 mm long. Sepals long pointed, sparsely hairy on abaxial side, green-grey, white bordered, usually prickly, often patent after anthesis. Petals pale pink, fading to whitish, broadly elliptical, 15–16 mm long. Stamens longer than styles, anthers glabrous. Carpels glabrous or with few hairs. Receptacle glabrous. Fruit mostly properly formed but often only some mature drupelets blackish (most of drupelets remaining red and hard until late autumn). Flowering period: June–July.

HABITAT: —Forest and thickets margins, on relatively rich and wet soils; often hard upon fir-beech forests. Near Kąkolówka village, Rubus oklejewiczii is growing together with the following species: Abies alba Mill. , Cerasus avium (L.) Moench, Fagus sylvatica L., Fraxinus excelsior L., Populus tremula L., Quercus robur L., Prunus spinosa L., Rubus ambrosius Trávn. & Oklej. , R. hirtus Waldst. & Kit. , R. wimmerianus (Sudre) Sprib. , Sorbus aucuparia L., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Achillea millefolium L., Anemone nemorosa L., Angelica sylvestris L., Anthoxanthum odoratum L., Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth, Carex hirta L., C. sylvatica Huds. , Clinopodium vulgare L., Cruciata glabra (L.) Ehrend., Dactylis glomerata L., Epilobium montanum L., Glechoma hederacea L., Hypericum maculatum Crantz , Poa nemoralis L., P. pratensis L., Ranunculus repens L., Torrilis japonica (Houtt.) DC. and Urtica dioica L.

DISTRIBUTION: —Currently, Rubus oklejewiczii is known from 35 localities in south-eastern Poland ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). Most of them were found in Dynów Foothills and Low Beskid Mts. The distance between the futhermost localities is about 100 km. We suppose that this species can also be found in Slovakia. Using IUCN (2019) threat categories, this species should be classified as Least Concern (LC).

ALTITUDINAL RANGE: —We consider Rubus oklejewiczii as a submontane species in the flora of Poland. It occurs at the elevation from 280 to 560 m, in the north foreground of the Polish Carpathians. KARYOLOGY: —Karyological analysis showed pentaploid chromosome number, 2n=5x=35 ( Fig. 4).

ETYMOLOGY: —The name of this new bramble species is dedicated to Polish botanist, phytogeographer and batologist Krzysztof Oklejewicz (1961–2018), who greatly contributed to enlarge our knowledge on diversity, distribution and ecology of brambles in south-eastern Poland.

SPECIMENS STUDIED (PARATYPES): —Wielickie Foothills, Rosiec Mt, shrubs near the road, 49° 47’ N / 20° 48’ E, EF9620, 22 Aug 2001, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0459237, 0459238); Ciężkowice Foothills, Przedmieście Małe village, forest with Quercus rubra and Larix decidua , 49° 47’ N / 20° 59’ N, EF9722, 26Aug 2000, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0458736, 0459322); Mszanka near Gorlice, forest edge, 49° 41’ N / 21° 05’ E, EG0820, 31 Aug 1988, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0391765, 0391766); Low Beskid Mts, Wyskitna, forest edge, 49° 38’ 40.0’’ N / 21° 00’ 38.3’’ E, EG1702, 30 Sep 2015, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0518732(a,b,c); Low Beskid Mts, Sośnie Dolne, Abies-Fagus forest edge, 49° 37’ N / 20° 58’ E, EG1711, 21 Sep 1999, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0387641, 0390761); Góra Liszkowa, Abies-Fagus forest edge, elevation 480 m, 49° 37’ N / 21° 00’ E, EG1712, 11 Oct 1996, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0390044, 0390045); Low Beskid Mts, Ropica Dolna, bushes near the road, 49° 38’ N / 21° 06’ E, EG1801, 13 Aug 2001, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0387339); Miejska Góra, S from Szymbark, forest edge, 49° 36’ N / 21° 05’ E, EG1821, 09 Aug 1995, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0391942, 0391943); Obocz Mt, forest edge, elevation 540 m, 49° 35’ N / 21° 11’ E, EG1824, 23 Aug 1996, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0389714, 0389715, 0389716, 0387118); Magura Małastowska, forest roadside, elevation 560 m, 49° 34’ N / 21° 12’ E, EG1844, 18 Jul 1997, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0391790); Dobrzanka Mt near Rozdziel, forest edge near Kryg village, 49° 38’ N / 21° 15’ E, EG1901, 31 Aug 1995, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0391978, 0391979, 0391980); Low Beskid Mts, Kamionka Wielka (hamlet Morańskówka), shrubs, 49° 33’ N / 20° 50’ E, EG2601, 9 Sep 2003, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0459300, 0459301); Przedmieście Czudeckie, forest edge with Abies alba , Fagus sylvatica , Betula verrucosa , Pinus sylvestris , Quercus robur , 49° 57’ N / 21° 50’ E, FF7322, 28 Aug 1997, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0391690, 0391691, 0391692); Dynów Foothills, Babica Kolonia, 49° 56’ N / 21° 53’ E, FF7323, 2 Oct 1998, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0387526, 0387527); Dynów Foothills, Lubenia (hamlet Kosina), forest edge, 49° 55’ N / 21° 54’ E, FF7334, 18 Aug 1999, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0387976); Dynów Foothills, Podgóry, forest edge with Robinia pseudacacia , 49° 54’ N / 21° 53’ E, FF7343, 18 Aug 1999, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0387155, 0387156); Jasienniki, forest roadside, 49° 54’ N / 21° 54’ E, FF7344, 26 Sep 2012, B. Gutkowska (KRA 0459531, 0459532); South Poland, Subcarpathian Voivodeship, Wola Błażowska, beech-oak-pine forest edge, 49° 53’ 54.5’’ N / 22° 02’ 34.6’’ E, FF7444, 18 Aug 2014, M. Wolanin (KRA 0518725, 0518733); Strzyżów Foothills, between Huta Gogołowska and Kamienna Góra, forest roadside with Alnus glutinosa , 49° 53’ N / 21° 30’ E, FF8110, 16.07.200 1, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0389663, 0389664); Strzyżów Foothills, Łazy Glinickie, Sambucus nigra shrubs edge on the forest roadside, 49° 51’ N / 21° 32’ E, FF8121, 3 Aug 2000, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0387145, 0387146); Strzyżów Foothills, Pułanki Podlesie, shrubs with Fraxinus excelsior and Alnus glutinosa , near the stream, 49° 50’ N / 21° 37’ E, FF8134, 9 Aug 2001, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0387625); Dynów Foothills, Folwarczysko, Abies-Fagus forest edge, 49° 49’ N / 21° 52’ E, FF8343, 13.10.199 9, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0390611); South Poland, Subcarpathian Voivodeship, Sołonka, fir-pine forest edge, 49° 53’ 32.3’’ N / 21° 56’ 29’’ E, FF8400, 30 Jul 2018, M. Wolanin, M.N. Wolanin (KRA 0518726(a,b), 0518727(a,b)); Dynów Foothills, Wilczak Leczański, forest edge, 49° 53’ N / 22° 02’ E, FF8404, 26 Sep 2000, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0390583, 0390692); Dynów Foothills, Wilczak Błażowski, Abies alba forest, 49° 53’ N / 22° 03’ E, FF8404, 26 Sep 2000, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0387157); Dynów Foothills, Blizianka part NE, fir forest roadside, 49° 52’ N / 21° 57’ E, FF8411, 12 Oct 2000, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0387965, 0387966, 0389447); W part of Lecka village, forest edge, elevation 400 m, 49° 52’ N / 21° 58’ E, FF8412, 22 Aug 1997, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0391625); South Poland, Subcarpathian Voivodeship, between Lecka and Gwoźnica village, roadside in fir forest, 49° 52’ 25.1’’ N / 21° 58’ 39.8’’ E, FF8412, 12 Jul 2017, M. Wolanin (KRA 0518734(a,b)); Kąkolówka village (hamlet Wola), fir forest edge, 49° 51’ 16.8’’ N / 22° 01’ 39.9’’ E, FF8423, 7 Aug 2017, M. Wolanin (KRA 0518728(a,b), 0518729(a,b)); Kąkolówka (hamlet Wola), fir forest edge, 49° 51’ 16.8’’ N / 22° 01’ 39.9’’ E, FF8423, 15 Jun 2019, M. Wolanin (KRA 0518724(a,b), 0518715(a,b)); South Poland, Subcarpathian Voivodeship, Gwoźnica (hamlet Poręby), forest clearing, 49° 51’ 06.4’’ N / 21° 57’ 50.9’’ E, FF8423, 20 Jun 2019, M. Wolanin, M.N. Wolanin (KRA 0518723(a,b)); Kąkolówka-Wola (about 1.7 km S of the western part of Białka village near Błażowa Górna), forest edge near meadow, 49° 51’ 16.82’’ N / 22° 01’ 39.88’’ E, elevation 435 m, FF8423, 25 Aug 2019, M.Nobis, M.Wolanin, M.N. Wolanin (KRA 0518712(a,b,c), 0518711(a,b), 0518710(a,b)); Dynów Foothills, Konieczkowa part E, shrubs edge with Alnus glutinosa , 49° 50’ N / 21° 56’ E, FF8431, 19 Aug 1999, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0387622); Węglówka, ditch on the edge of the alder brush, 49° 47’ 34.0’’ N / 21° 45’ 21.0’’ E, FF9214, 13 Jul 2019, M. Wolanin, M.N. Wolanin (KRA 0518720(a,b)); South Poland, Subcarpathian Voivodeship, Kombornia, ditch on the edge of the brush, 49° 43’ 05.8’’ N / 21° 53’ 35.3’’ E, FG0304, 13 Jul 2019, M. Wolanin, M.N. Wolanin (KRA 0518721(a,b)); Kobyła Mt near Folusz (N slope), forest edge, 49° 36’ N / 21° 23’ E, FG1011, 11 Aug 1995, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0387807); Folusz (Kobyła Mt), alder forest edge, 49° 36’ 14.2’’ N / 21° 23’ 36.9’’ E, FG1011, 20 Aug 2019, M. Wolanin, M.N. Wolanin (KRA 0518722(a,b)); Kobyła Mt near Folusz, forest roadside, 49° 36’ N / 21° 23’ E, FG1021, 11 Jul 1995, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0391952, 0391953); Czerska Mt, forest roadside, 49° 35’ N / 21° 25’ E, FG1022, 25 Jul 1996, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0390072, 0390073, 0472055, 0474520, 0474521, 0474522, 0474523); SW part of Pielgrzymka village, roadside in forest with Alnus glutinosa , elevation 360 m, 49° 35’ N / 21° 25’ E, FG1022, 2 Sep 1997, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0391729); Faliszówka Rzeki, forest edge, 49° 38’ N / 21° 36’ E, FG1104, 18 Aug 2010, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0436841, 0436842,0436843); Low Beskid Mts, Mt 560 m, fallows on the pine forest edge, 49° 24’ N / 22° 07’ E, FG3523, 31 Jul 2003, K. Oklejewicz (KRA 0387210).

DISCUSSION:—Having leaves deciduous in autumn, poorly hairy sepals, strong stems, strong prickles and terminal leaflets broadly ovate to suborbicular, cordate at the base, with an abruptly acuminate apex, Rubus oklejewiczii resembles such species affiliated to Rubus subsect. Rubus , ser. Rubus , like e.g. Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees (1822: 15) or Rubus senticosus Köhler ex Weihe in Wimmer & Grabowski (1829: 51) ( Table 1). However, producing prostrate and rooting at apex stems makes it somewhat similar also to representatives of Rubus subsect. Hiemales E. H. L. Krause (in Prahl et al. 1890: 57). Rubus oklejewiczii belongs to the brambles group with 5x ploidy level. Although, the pentaploids are frequently observed in the section Corylifolii Lindl. (1835: 93) ( Krahulcová et al. 2013, Király 2019, Sochor et al. 2019), some species with the 5x ploidy level were reported also in the section Rubus (Zieliński 2004) . It is not excluded, that R. oklejewiczii is of the hybrid origin, as a result of triploid and tetraploid brambles hybridisation, perhaps between taxa from subsect. Rubus and subsect. Hiemales. Nevertheless, because of predomination within oklejewicz’s bramble such morphological characters like: leaves deciduous in autumn, strong and compressed at the base prickles, white bordered and poorly hairy on abaxial side sepals, we considered this taxon as belonging to Rubus ser. Rubus .


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