Spelaeoecia hox, Kornicker & Iliffe & Harrison-Nelson, 2007

Kornicker, Louis S., Iliffe, Thomas M. & Harrison-Nelson, Elizabeth, 2007, Ostracoda (Myodocopa) from Anchialine Caves and Ocean Blue Holes, Zootaxa 1565 (1), pp. 1-151 : 43-50

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.1565.1.1

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scientific name

Spelaeoecia hox

sp. nov.

Spelaeoecia hox , new species

Figs. 20–24 View FIGURE 20 View FIGURE 21 View FIGURE 22 View FIGURE 23 View FIGURE 24

Etymology. Species named for the selector Hox gene.

Holotype. USNM 1021398 About USNM , adult male on slide and in alcohol.

Type locality. Mermaid’s Lair, Grand Bahama Island, Little Bahama Bank, Sta 98-038.

Paratypes. Type locality. Sta 98-038: USNM 1021399 About USNM , A- 1 male in alcohol. Sta 98-039: USNM 1021401 About USNM , two adult females in alcohol .

Distribution. Little Bahama Bank, Grand Bahama Island (Mermaid’s Lair, depth 17–22 m).

Description of adult male ( Figs. 20–24 a–f View FIGURE 20 View FIGURE 21 View FIGURE 22 View FIGURE 23 View FIGURE 24 ). Carapace elongate with rounded rostrum of same length on each valve, and rounded posterior margin ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 ).

Ornamentation: None visible on preserved specimens, but each valve with numerous minute pores (some shown in Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 ). Holotype with round clusters of cells scattered on shell and along free margins of valves ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 ). Indistinct slender bristles present along valve margins. Posterodorsal corner of right valve with elongate bar ( Fig. 21 c,d View FIGURE 21 ) opposite indistinct socket on left valve ( Fig. 21 b View FIGURE 21 ).

Shell glands: Posterior end of dorsal margin of right valve minutely serrate and with internal gland visible through valve ( Fig. 21 c,d View FIGURE 21 ). Posterior end of left valve with single gland ( Fig. 21 b View FIGURE 21 ). Glandular pore canals present along inner edge of anteroventral, ventral, and posterior margins ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 ).

Infold: Broad infold without lists along free margin ( Figs. 20 View FIGURE 20 , 21 b–d View FIGURE 21 ).

Central adductor muscle attachments: Consisting of about 11 ovoid attachment scars. Location shown by dashed oval in Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 .

Carapace size (length, height in mm): USNM 1021398, 1.07, 0.54.

First antenna ( Fig. 21 e,f View FIGURE 21 ): 1st segment with distal ventral spines. 2nd segment with distal dorsal bristle. 3rd segment with long distal ventral bristle. 4th segment with slender dorsal bristle and long stout filamentlike terminal ventral bristle. 5th segment with long filament-like terminal ventral bristle. sixth segment bare. 7th segment with slender a-bristle, long filament-like b-bristle, and longer filament-like c-bristle. 8th segment with long filament-like d-, e-, f-, and g-bristles.

Second antenna ( Figs. 21 a View FIGURE 21 , 22 a–c View FIGURE 22 ): Protopodite bare. Endopodite with 3 segments: 1st segment with 2 slender a- and b-bristles; 2nd segment with short c-, d-, and e-bristles and long filament-like f- and g-bristles (g-bristle stouter than f-bristle); 3rd segment with long filament-like h-, i-, and j-bristles and terminal clublike process with minute terminal spine (process of right limb longer than that of left limb). Exopod with 9 segments: 1st segment divided into long proximal and short distal parts and with long slender terminal bristle (with short marginal spines) reaching well past 9th segment; bristles of segments 2 to 8 stouter and longer than bristle of 1st segment and with natatory hairs; 9th segment with 4 bristles (1 short, 1 medium length, 2 long).

Mandible: Coxa endite with proximal and distal sets of teeth separated by space ( Fig. 22 d,e View FIGURE 22 ): proximal set with 4 stout cusps and spinous bristle at each end; surface between cusps and proximal to cusps with slender spines; stout tooth and 2 spinous bristles between proximal and distal sets of teeth. Distal set of teeth comprising two flat teeth, each with 6 or 7 cusps; 1 stout curved spinous process and 1 small bristle proximal to flat teeth ( Fig. 22 d View FIGURE 22 ). Basis: dorsal part with 2 spinous bristles and 1 long slender bristle near base of endopod ( Figs. 22 f View FIGURE 22 , 23 b View FIGURE 23 ); distal edge of endite with 7 cusps ( Fig. 22 g View FIGURE 22 ); lateral surface near distal edge with stout tooth; lateral surface of endite with 6 bristles, none entwined; anterior edge with long distal bristle; posterior margin with 2 distal bristles (proximal with pointed tip, distal tubular). Endopod ( Figs. 22 f View FIGURE 22 , 23 a View FIGURE 23 ): 1st segment with 3 bristles (1 short ventral, 1 long medial, and 1 long, terminal, dorsal). 2nd segment widening distally, with 3 terminal dorsal bristles (1 claw-like), and 1 long ventral bristle. 3rd segment with 2 long stout terminal clawlike bristles, 4 or 5 slender terminal bristles (1 lateral and 3 or 4 medial), and dorsal spines.

Maxilla ( Fig. 23 c–e View FIGURE 23 ): Endites ( Fig. 23 e View FIGURE 23 ): endite I with 3 proximal and about 8 terminal bristles; endite II with 2 proximal and about 6 terminal bristles; endite III with 1 proximal and about 6 terminal bristles; some endite bristles tubular. Basis with 1 stout plumose dorsal bristle and 1 stout spinous ventral bristle ( Fig. 23 c View FIGURE 23 ). Endopod: 1st segment with about 9 bristles; 2nd segment with 2 claws and 5 bristles ( Fig. 23 c d View FIGURE 23 ).

Fifth limb ( Fig. 23 f–h View FIGURE 23 ): Epipod ( Fig. 23 f View FIGURE 23 ): dorsal group with 1 short (dorsal) and 4 long plumose bristles; middle group with 5 long plumose bristles; ventral group with 4 plumose bristles. Proximal protopod with elongate lateral gland-like organ and 4 endites ( Fig. 23 h View FIGURE 23 ): endite I with 3 spinous bristles; endite II with 2 bristles; endite III with 5 bristles; endite IV with 2 claw-like bristles and 5 slender bristles. Basis with 6 or 7 bris- tles ( Fig. 23– h View FIGURE 23 ). Exopod represented by 3 distodorsal bristles (longest bare, others spinous) ( Fig. 23 f View FIGURE 23 ). Endopod ( Fig. 23 f,g View FIGURE 23 ): 1st segment with distal dorsal bristle and 4 ventral bristles near midlength; 2nd segment with 2 stout claw-like bristles and 1 slender ringed bristle.

Sixth limb ( Fig. 24 a,b View FIGURE 24 ): Epipod ( Fig. 24a View FIGURE 24 ): dorsal group with about 5 plumose bristles; middle and ventral groups each with 6 bristles. Proximal protopod with about 8 ventral bristles. Basis with about 6 bristles near ventral margin and 1 plumose lateral bristle near dorsal margin ( Fig. 24 a,b View FIGURE 24 ). Exopod well developed with 4 bristles (3 plumose, 1 bare). Endopod: 1st segment with 4 ventral bristles; 2nd segment with 3 bristles (2 ventral, 1 dorsal); 3rd segment with 3 bristles (middle bristle claw-like).

Seventh limb ( Fig. 24 c View FIGURE 24 ): Elongate with 3 terminal bristles (1 longer than others).

Furca ( Fig. 24 d View FIGURE 24 ): Holotype with 7 claws on right lamella and 6 on left; claws 1 and 2 separated by wide space occupied by large glandular process. Lamellae followed by bifurcate unpaired bristle. Apron anterior to furca.

Bellonci Organ ( Fig. 21 f View FIGURE 21 ): Elongate, bifurcate; each branch with rounded tip.

Upper lip ( Fig. 24 e View FIGURE 24 ): Anterior face of upper lip with 2 small triangular processes (1 on each side); terminal posterior edge spinous. Lower lip lost.

Genitalia ( Fig. 24 f View FIGURE 24 ): On left side of body medial to 6th limb. Posterior branch slender with hirsute slightly widening tip. Anterior branch with recurved tapered tip.

Description of adult female ( Fig. 24 g View FIGURE 24 ). Carapace similar in shape and characters to that of adult male.

Carapace size (length, height in mm): USNM 1021401 About USNM , 2 specimens : 1.02, 0.52; 1.12, 0.68.

Furca. Each lamella with 6 claws.

Description of A- 1 male ( Fig. 24 h,i View FIGURE 24 ). Carapace similar in shape and characters as that of adult male ( Fig. 24 h View FIGURE 24 ).

Carapace size (length, height in mm): USNM 1021399, 0.83, 0.44.

Furca: Each lamella with 6 claws.

Genitalia ( Fig. 24 h,i View FIGURE 24 ): With 2 elongate branches; tip of posterior branch pointed; tip of anterior branch obscured on specimen not removed from carapace.

Comparisons. S. hox is closely related to S. bermudensis . The tip of the anterior branch of the copulatory organ of the adult male S. hox tapers to a point, whereas that of S. bermudensis is blunt (see Kornicker 1989: fig. 2 i). The tip of the clasping process on the endopod of the second antenna of the adult male S. hox bears a minute terminal spine absent on S. bermudensis (see Kornicker 1989: fig. 2b–d). The infold of the carapace of S. hox is without a list, whereas a list is well developed on S. bermudensis . S. hox is smaller than S. bermudensis . The length of the adult male of S. hox is 1.07 mm, whereas that of an adult male of S. bermudensis is 1.37 mm (Kornicker 1989: 320).

The lengths of the two adult females of S. hox in the present collection are 1.02 mm and 1.12 mm, whereas the range of lengths of 15 adult females of USNM 1021402 is 1.43–1.64 mm ( Angel & Iliffe 1987: 541; Kornicker 1989: 322; Kornicker & Iliffe, 1989b: 46; herein). The length (0.83 mm) of the A- 1 male of S. hox in the present collection is smaller than the lengths (1.25 mm and 1.27 mm) of the two A- 1 males of S. bermudensis measured by Kornicker & Iliffe (1998: 46).

The mandibles of S. hox differ from those of S. capax Kornicker and S. cubensis Kornicker & Yager in not having two entwined lateral bristles on the basis endite. The valves of S. hox differ from those of S. barri Kornicker in Kornicker & Barr 1997 in not having a protuberance on the posterior edge near the dorsal margin. The right valve of S. hox differs from that of S. styx Kornicker 1990 in not having the posterodorsal gland on a distinct triangular projection, and the first antenna differs in having a ventral bristle on the third segment. The first antenna of S. hox differs from those of S. jamaicensis Kornicker & Iliffe , S. parkeri Kornicker et al. and S. sagax Kornicker in having a ventral bristle on the third segment. The appendages of S. hox and S. mayan Kornicker & Iliffe are similar. The carapaces differ in that S. hox is smaller and has a more elongate rostrum. The carapaces of S. parkeri and S. saturno Kornicker & Yager differ from that of S. hox in having the rostrum of the right valve much narrower than that of the left valve.

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