Oukhypencha clemenceae, Magnien, 2023

Magnien, Philippe, 2023, New genera, species and subspecies of tessaratomine true bugs (Heteroptera: Tessaratomidae, Tessaratominae), Zootaxa 5375 (4), pp. 533-549 : 536

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Plazi (2023-11-24 08:17:05, last updated 2024-11-27 02:53:24)

scientific name

Oukhypencha clemenceae

sp. nov.

Oukhypencha clemenceae sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–2 View FIGURES 1–3 , 12, 16, 19, 23, 29)

Specimens studied. Holotype ♂: 25/10/86 Long Pa Sia 7km SW of S. Melabit , Sabah Malaysia alt 1200m N4°21,5’ E115°41,5’ J. Huisman leg. ( RMNH)— GoogleMaps paratypes ♂ ♀: 15/12/89 Danum Valley — Sabah, 70km W Lahad Datu Malaysia M. J. & J. P. Duffels leg. (2 ♂) ZMAN in RMNH coll.); GoogleMaps IV 2023 Mount Trus Madi Sabah Malaysia Local collectoor leg. (1 ♂, 1 ♀) ( PMPF); GoogleMaps VII 2011 Mount Trus Madi Sabah Malaysia V. Gromenko leg. (1 ♂) ( PMPF); GoogleMaps same data as holotype (1 ♂, 4 ♀) ( RMNH); GoogleMaps 15/12/86 1/2 way rd Milligan Long Pa Sia – Sabah Malaysia alt 1200m N4°35’ E115°42 J. Huisman leg. ( RMNH); GoogleMaps 30 V 2014 7 km N. of Pensiangan Nabawan Dit . Sabah Malaysia alt 500m A. Klimenko leg. (1 ♂) ( MRBS) GoogleMaps Other   GoogleMaps specimen: IV 2021 Mt Bawang W . Kalimantan ( Indonesia) N0°53,5’ E109°22,2’ local collector leg. (1 ♀) ( PMPF). GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. The shape of the pygophore (fig 11-14) for the male, the ring sclerites inconspicuous and the strongly sclerotized posterior wall of the vagina for the female allow to separate this species from all other in the genus.

Description. Habitus: Body of traditional pentatomoid shape ( Figs. 1–2 View FIGURES 1–3 ), general hue bronze to brownish above, coria lighter brown, underside yellow-brownish, apex of scutellum and forepart of each connexival segment yellowish; a metallic green glint on fore part of scutellum.

Head. As in generic description; rostrum reaching or slightly surpassing middle of mesosternum; eyes and ocellae large (ocular index ♂: 1.1–1.3— ♀: 1.3–1.6; ocellar index ♂: 1.1–1.6— ♀: 1.5–1.8).

Thorax. Pronotum densely punctate apart from callosities, less so along posterior margin. Scutellum also densely punctate except apex. Corium overall densely, finely punctate. Sternum laterally densely punctate; evaporatoria small ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 19–23 ), reduced to narrow strips on both meso- and metasternum; legs flavescent, femora with a black ring at apex, length of apical teeth of posterior femora little more than half its diameter, tibiae furrowed on outside, with black lines on either side of furrow.

Abdomen. Sternites sparsely and very finely punctate; stigmates concolorous, trichobrothria just aft of median sternite scars, slightly closer to middle than to stigmates.

Male genitalia. Pygophore (Fig. 12) trapezoidal, posterior margin regularly rounded, with a small triangular convexity in middle, bordered by setose area: hypandrium short, triangular, broadly rounded at apex; paramere ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 15–18 ) recurved, sensorial lobe bearing a large brush of long setae, somewhat longer than paramere width, apophysis broadly rounded; phallotheca ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 15–18 ) fitted with four pairs of processes, two, one distalo-dorsal and one distalolateral, membranous, two other strongly sclerotized, one distalo-ventral, lanceolate, and last ventro-lateral, large, biramose, a ramus strongly sclerotized, claw-like, other weakly sclerotized, attached to phalloteca for two-thirds of its length; vesica thin, relatively short.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 19–23 ). Ring sclerites inconspicuous, anterior ductus short, of little less than half length of posterior, and slightly longer than receptacle and intermediate part taken together; posterior wall of vagina strongly sclerotized.

Measurements (mm). Males (n = 7), mean (min–max): length 20.4 (19.3–21.2); width 11.1 (10.2–11.7); antenna length 13.1 (12.6–14.0); mean length of antennomeres: A1—1.3, A2—3.7, A3—4.3, A4—5.1.

Females (n = 7), mean (min–max): length 24.1 (22.1–26.3); width 13.3 (12.2–14.8); antenna length 13.1 (12.6– 13.7); mean length of antennomeres: A1—1.1, A2—3.8, A3—4.2, A4—4.7.

Etymology. This species is dedicated to my daughter Clémence.

Host plant. Unknown.

Distribution. Borneo: Sabah ( Malaysia), West Kalimantan ( Indonesia).

Discussion. The characters given in the diagnosis are sufficient to separate this species from the other in the genus. More differences can be found in male genitalia, in number and shape of phallus processus. O. clemenceae is the only species in the new genus in which the phallotheca bears four processes.

The specimen from West Borneo which is the largest in size also presents some differences in the spermatheca, i. e. a relatively longer anterior ductus, shorter posterior ductus, striated dilation longer and more lanceolate than that of Sabah specimens. For those reasons, it has not been included in the paratypes.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1–3: habitus.—1–2 Oukhypencha clemenceae n.sp.; 1:—♂ (paratype, Sabah)—2: ♀ (West Kalimantan)—3: Oukhypencha florenceae n. sp. (holotype ♂). Scale 10 mm

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FIGURES 19–23: Oukhypencha, female genitalia, evaporatoria.—19–22: female genitalia.—23: evaporatoria.—19, 23: Oukhypencha clemenceae n. sp.—20: Oukhypencha ophthalmica ophthalmica—21: Oukhypencha ophthalmica sumaterensis— 22: Oukhypencha stali. Abbreviations: ad—anterior duct, ev—evaporatoria field, ip—intermediate part, o—ostiole, pd—posterior duct, pw—posterior wall of vagina, r—receptacle, rs—ring sclerite, sd—striated dilation All scales 1 mm.

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FIGURES 15–18: male genitalia, phallus and paramere—top: phallus (lateral view)—middle: ventral processus (ventral view, right side)—bottom: paramere (dorsal and lateral view, pilosity omitted in lateral view)—15 Hypencha sp. (same specimen as Fig. 10)—16: Oukhypencha clemenceae n. sp.—17: Oukhypencha florenceae n. sp.—18: Oukhypencha ophthalmica sumaterensis n. subsp. Abbreviations: a—apophysis, c—conjunctiva, d—membranous dorsal process, lv—latero-ventral processus, mv—membranous ventral process, ph—phallobase, sd—sclerified dorsal processus, sl—sensorial lobe, v—vesica, vp—ventral processus. All scales 1 mm.


Netherlands, Leiden, Nationaal Natuurhistorische Museum ("Naturalis") [formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie]


Netherlands, Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Zoologisch Museum






National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis


Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Zoologisch Museum











