Oukhypencha stali, Magnien, 2023

Magnien, Philippe, 2023, New genera, species and subspecies of tessaratomine true bugs (Heteroptera: Tessaratomidae, Tessaratominae), Zootaxa 5375 (4), pp. 533-549 : 541

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Plazi (2023-11-24 08:17:05, last updated 2024-11-27 02:53:24)

scientific name

Oukhypencha stali

sp. nov.

Oukhypencha stali sp. nov.

( Figs. 7 View FIGURES 7–9 , 22 View FIGURES 19–23 , 29 View FIGURE 29 )

Specimens studied (♀♀ only). Holotype: 16 IX 2005 MT Singgalang Annai Valley W. Sumatra Indonesia 450 S. Jakl leg. ( NMPC) Paratypes: 5–7 I 2008 Harau Valley W. Sumatra Indonesia S. Jakl leg. ( NMPC) IV 2005 MT Singgalang Annai Valley W. Sumatra Indonesia 500–1000 S. Jakl leg. ( NMPC) 1914 Tandjoeng Merah Sumatra Indonesia J. H. Houwing Jr. ( RMNH) 1894 Ober Langkat Deli Sumatra Indonesia M. U de S. ( ZMHB) .

Diagnosis. shape of spermatheca, with its posterior ductus widening at its opening in vagina sets this species apart from the others which all have posterior ductus of even width from striated dilation to opening in the vagina.

Description. Habitus ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7–9 ): body of common pentatomoid shape, general hue bronze brownish above, of a lighter brownish for underside, apical half of fourth antennomere, apex of scutellum and forepart of each connexivum segment yellowish.

Head. As in genus description; rostrum surpassing anterior coxae, reaching about the junction of metasternal process and mesosternum; antennae relatively short, only slightly longer than half of habitus length; eyes and ocellae relatively large (ocular index 1.2–1.5, ocellar index 1.6–2.1).

Thorax. Pronotum densely punctate apart from callosities, less so along posterior margin. Scutellum also densely punctate except apex. Corium densely, finely punctate. Sternum laterally densely punctate; evaporatoria small, reduced to narrow strips on both meso and metasternum; legs flavescent, femora with a black ring at apex, almost as long as femur width, length of apical teeth of posterior femora little more than half its diameter, tibiae furrowed outside, with a black line on on either side of furrow.

Abdomen. Sternites almost umpunctate.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 19–23 ). Ring sclerites ovoid, anterior ductus short, about two third of length of posterior, about as long as receptacle and intermediate part taken together, posterior ductus also short, widening posteriorely, striated dilation representing nearly half of its length.

Females (n = 5), mean (min–max): length 23.9 (22.0–25.8); width 13.7 (13.5–14.1); antennal articles length (A1: 1.0; A2: 3.4; A3: 4.0; A4: 4.5).

Host plant. Unknown.

Etymology. This subspecies is dedicated to the memory of the great Swedish entomologist Carl Stål, the first to distinguish Tessaratomidae as a separate group in Pentatomoidea, and who named and described thirty-five species in the family.

Distribution. Sumatra.

Discussion. This taxon is represented by only five female specimens, collected at different places in North and West Sumatra. By the presence of ring sclerites on posterior wall of vagina, it is quite easy to separate from O. clemenceae where they are inconspicuous or absent. It can be separated from O. ophthalmica by the shape of posterior ductus aft of striated dilation, relatively short and widening in O. stali , longer and of even width on all its length in ophthalmica . The fact that O. stali is represented only by females and O. florenceae by a unique male makes distinction trickier. There are some differences in habitus as for example in length of antennae of O. florenceae are the shortest among all specimens studied in this paper, or the precise shape of evaporatoria, but all those small differences could be due to individual variation or sexual dimorphism. Still, one character was found in the black apical ring of posterior femora. It is very thin, almost inconspicuous in O. florenceae , but thick, almost as wide as long in O. stali . In the two species of the genus where males and females were both available, i. e. O. clemenceae and O. ophthalmica , apical black rings of posterior femora do not show any difference between males and females. So, the fact that no sexual dimorphism appears in color pattern of legs, together with the about 1000 km distance between their place of origin in Java and Sumatra led me to consider that the most parsimonious hypothesis was to consider that they represent two different taxons.

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FIGURE 29: distribution map of Oukhypencha n. gn. and Homoiacoris n. gn.: ✦: Oukhypencha clemenceae n.sp.—⦿: Oukhypencha florenceae n.sp. △: Oukhypencha ophthalmica sumaterensis n.subsp.—▲: Oukhypencha ophthalmica s.str.—❀: Oukhypencha stali n. sp.—★: Homoiacoris annemarieae n. sp.

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FIGURES 7–9: habitus.—7 Oukhypencha stali n. sp. ♀ (holotype); 8–9: Homoiacoris annemarieae n. sp.—8: ♂ (holotype)— 9: ♀ (paratype). Scale 10 mm

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FIGURES 19–23: Oukhypencha, female genitalia, evaporatoria.—19–22: female genitalia.—23: evaporatoria.—19, 23: Oukhypencha clemenceae n. sp.—20: Oukhypencha ophthalmica ophthalmica—21: Oukhypencha ophthalmica sumaterensis— 22: Oukhypencha stali. Abbreviations: ad—anterior duct, ev—evaporatoria field, ip—intermediate part, o—ostiole, pd—posterior duct, pw—posterior wall of vagina, r—receptacle, rs—ring sclerite, sd—striated dilation All scales 1 mm.


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