Tessaratomina, Stal, 1865

Magnien, Philippe, 2023, New genera, species and subspecies of tessaratomine true bugs (Heteroptera: Tessaratomidae, Tessaratominae), Zootaxa 5375 (4), pp. 533-549 : 547-548

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Plazi (2023-11-24 08:17:05, last updated by Felipe 2024-11-18 15:55:25)

scientific name



Key to genera of the sub-tribe Tessaratomina

The present key is an adaptation of the one given by Kumar & Ghauri (1970), together with a complete diagnosis of Tessaratomina . Apart from the inclusion of the two new genera, the modifications are as follows: suppression of Amissus , as being not a true Tessaratomina ( Magnien, 2018) , addition of Enada , which has been overlooked by them, correction of concave/convex inversion in their original key, change of the character used to isolate Siphnus (head instead of pronotum) and addition of a secondary character to insure the correct inclusion of Embolosterna vaccca Martin, 1902 . For illustration of this key, readers may access pictures of all Tessaratomina genera in the online catalog ( Magnien, 2023).

1 Posterior margin of pronotum straight or concave, if slightly convex then humeral processes not spined; humeral processes normally blunt, if sharply pointed then specimens always chocolate in colour...................................... 2

– Posterior margin of pronotum convex, exceptionally with a small median concavity; if posterior margin straight or slightly concave medially then humeral processes produced into long sharp pointed spines; spined specimens pale green or hazy green but never chocolate in colour............................................................................ 9

2 Free projecting part of sternal processus not or only slightly flattened laterally, generally round, never absent............ 3

– Free projecting part of sternal processus greatly flattened laterally, if free projecting part absent then raised portion of processus in contact with mesosternum always flattened laterally........................................................ 6

3 Antennae length half or more than half of habitus length...................................................... 4

– Antennae length less than half of habitus length............................................................. 5

4 Underside dark brown, ♂ posterior angles of pygophore strongly produced, ♀ distal spermathecal duct deprived of striated dilation.............................................................................. Homoiacoris n. gn.

– Underside light brown, ♂ posterior angles of pygophore not produced, ♀ distal spermathecal duct fitted with a more or less swollen longitudinally striated dilation..................................................... Oukhypencha n. gn.

5 Head width great, at least one third of pronotum width............................................... Siphnus Stål View in CoL

– Head width smaller, about one quarter of pronotum width......................................... Acidosterna Stål View in CoL

6 Length of free part of sternal processus equal to, greater than or slightly less than length in contact with sterna............................................................................. Hypencha Amyot & Serville View in CoL

– Free part of sternal processus reduced, always less than length in contact......................................... 7

7 Postero-lateral margins of segment 7 produced backwards into long flat and apically furcate processes; scutellum long, extending well onto membrane of forewing and gradually tapering apically.......................... Mucanum Amyot & Serville View in CoL

– Postero-lateral margins of segment 7 not or slightly produced, the latter never furcate apically, scutellum not or slightly extending onto membrane, never gradually tapering posteriorly................................................. 8

8 Humeral processus conspicuous, if not then apex of scutellum with a large yellow spot................ Embolosterna Stål View in CoL

– Humerus rounded, not produced, apex of scutellum concolorous............................... Tessaratoma Berthold View in CoL

9 Width of pronotum at least equal and often much greater than that of abdomen, taken at level of 4th abdominal segment........................................................................................... Pygoplatys Dallas View in CoL

– Width of pronotum at most 90 % of that of abdomen............................................... Enada Walker View in CoL

Kumar R. & Ghauri M. S. K. (1970) Morphology and relationships of the Pentatomoidea (Heteroptera) 2 - World genera of Tessaratomini (Tessaratomidae), Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 17 (I - III), 1 - 32. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / mmnd. 19700170102

Magnien Ph. (2018) Revision du genre Amissus Stal, 1863 (Heteroptera, Tessaratomidae). Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France, 123 (2), 169 - 178. https: // doi. org / 10.32475 / bsef _ 2012

Magnien, Ph. (2023) Illustrated catalog of TESSARATOMIDAE. Available from: http: // www. heteroptera. fr / tessite / (accessed 17 January 2023)









