Paederus (Harpopaederus) fuscipes fuscipes (Laporte de Castelnau, 1840)

Ferreira, Raul Nascimento, 2023, Review of the Portuguese fauna of the subtribe Paederina Fleming, 1821 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae), Arquivos Entomolóxicos 26, pp. 261-268 : 264

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12812577

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scientific name

Paederus (Harpopaederus) fuscipes fuscipes


Paederus (Harpopaederus) fuscipes fuscipes View in CoL C urtis, 1826

Fauvel (1877) records this species from Coimbra. Oliveira (1893) records it from Coimbra, Vizela and Estarreja. Fuente (1922) quotes Oliveira. Seabra (1939) adds Foz do rio Liz, Mata de Foja, Mata de Quiaios, Pragal. Seabra (1943) cites Fauvel. Ferreira (1962) reports the species from Portugal, while Ferreira (1970) records it from Eirol, Pateira de Fermentelos, 22/07/1967 and Ceira, 10/04/1968. Gamarra & Outerelo (2020) report the species from Minho, Douro Litoral and Beira Litoral. Ferreira (2021) cites this species from Portugal with No. 6, 1 ex. and No. 9, 2 ex., from the Ramiro Neves collection.

Distribution: Species common and widespread in the Palaearctic region (Sch̡lke & Smetana, 2015).

Paederus (Paederus) riparius ( Linnaeus, 1758) = Staphylinus gregarius Scopoli, 1763

Oliveira (1893) mentions the species as Paederus gregarius L. from BraganÇa. Barros (1926) records it from LeÇa de Palmeira. Seabra (1939) reports it from Herdade da Mitra, Serra do BuÇaco e Serra do Marão, while Seabra (1943) cites Oliveira and Barros. Ferreira (1962) reports the species from Portugal and the variety gregarius without locality. Aguiar & Serrano (1995) records it from Atrozela (Cascais). Gamarra & Outerelo (2020) report the species from Douro Litoral and Estremadura. Ferreira (2021) records the species from Pedras Salgadas, 2 ex., and without locality, 4 ex., from the Ramiro Neves collection.

Distribution: This species is widespread in Europe, also present in Algeria, Egypt, Siberia, Middle Asia, Iran and Turkey (Sch̡lke & Smetana, 2015).

Paederus (Poederomorphus) littoralis littoralis Gravenhorst, 1802 = Paederus finisterrae Illiger, 1807

Illiger (1807) shortly describes Paederus finisterrae from Portugal. Fuente (1922) attributes a record from BraganÇa to Oliveira, who did not record this species from that locality. Seabra (1943) cites Fuente. Ferreira (1962) reports the species from Portugal without any locality. Gamarra & Outerelo (2020) report the species from Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.

New data: Minho, Viana do Castelo, ValenÇa, S. Pedro da Torre, 19/10/1967, 1 ex., leg. R. N. Ferreira ( RNFC). Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro , Vila Real , Vila Real, Arróis , 7/11/1968, 1 ex., leg. R. N. Ferreira ( RNFC). Beira Alta , Guarda , Guarda, Vila Garcia , 5/07/1966, 1 ex., leg. R. N. Ferreira ( RNFC). Beira Litoral , Coimbra , Coimbra, Campos do Mondego , 5/11/1966, 1 ex., leg. R. N. Ferreira ( RNFC); Coimbra , Pinhal de Marrocos , 19/05/1961, 1 ex., leg. R. N. Ferreira ( RNFC); Leiria , Ansião, Avelar , 2/05/1960, 1 ex., leg. R. N. Ferreira ( RNFC). Estremadura , Lisboa , Lisboa, Vale do Jamor , 11/10/1961, 1 ex., leg. R. N. Ferreira ( RNFC). Algarve , Faro , Olhão, Pinhal do Marim , 2/03/1961, 1 ex., leg. R.N. Ferreira ( RNFC) .

Distribution: Widespread in Europe, also present in Algeria, Cyprus, Iran, Turkey and west Siberia (Sch̡lke & Smetana, 2015).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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