Orthomus formenterrae (Breit, 1933)

Serrano, J., 2021, The genus Orthomus Chaudoir, 1838 in the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco, Russian Entomological Journal 30 (4), pp. 430-447 : 436-437

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.15298/rusentj.30.4.06

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Orthomus formenterrae (Breit, 1933)


Orthomus formenterrae (Breit, 1933) View in CoL , stat.n.

Figs 28–31.

This species was described as Pterostichus (Orthomus) balearicus formenterrae and lately considered a member of the O. barbarus complex by Mateu [1957], in which it was ranked as subspecies: O. barbarus formenterrae , a criterion that has been followed by authors. Due to the confusion between O. barbarus and O. trapezicollis the species appeared in the catalogue of Zaballos and Jeanne [1994] as O. trapezicollis formenterrae . In recent works, as that of Wrase et al. [2014] and Bousquet [2017], it is again considered a subspecies of O. barbarus . The criterion put forward by

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Zaballos and Jeanne was possibly based on the truncate apical shaft of the median lobe of aedeagus, that is not found in the populations of O. barbarus .

This taxon is herewith considered as a separate species due to the truncate penis and the isolation of Ibiza and Formentera. The truncate penis shape relates it to some populations of the O. velocissimus complex, whereas a close relationship to the O. barbarus complex is not supported by this character. The relatively shorter metepisterna of O. formenterrae , in comparison to that of O. velocissimus and O. barbarus , is other character that supports ranking this taxon as a separate species.

Dorsum dark brown, males shiny, females dull due to strong microreticulation. Body length 10 mm. Appendices reddish brown. Eye convex, tempora short.

Pronotum notably narrowed forward, almost straight backward, anterior angle not much protruding ahead, posterior angle slightly obtuse, maximum pronotum width after middle

Figs 23–35. Orthomus spp , specimens from Spain: 23–27 — O. barbarus ; 28–31 — O. formenterrae ; 32–35 — O. penibeticus ; 23, 28, 32 — habitus; 24 — metepisterna; 25–26, 29–30, 33–34 — median lobe of aedeagus; 27, 31, 35 — genitalia of female; 23, 25, 28–29, 32 — dorsal view; 24, 26, 30, 34 — left lateral view; 25–26 — Cartagena, Murcia; 27 — Madrid; 29–30 — Sa-Negreta, Ibiza; 31 — Formentera Island; 32 - Almería (possibly near Adra); 33–34 –Lanjarón, Granada; 35 — Puerto del Suspiro del Moro, Sierra Nevada, Granada; 27, 31, 35 — after Ortuño [1996]. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (Figs 23, 28, 32).

Рис. 23–35. Orthomus spp , особи иЗ Испании: Orthomus spp : 23–27 — O. barbarus ; 28–31 — O. formenterrae ; 32–35 — O. penibeticus ; 23, 28, 32 — внеШний вид; 24 — Эпистерн Заднегруди; 25–26, 29–30, 33–34 — среднЯЯ долЯ Эдеагуса; 27, 31, 35 — гениталии самки; 23, 25, 28–29, 32 — сверху; 24, 26, 30, 34 –сбоку слева; 25–26 — Картахена, МурсиЯ; 27 — Мадрид; 29–30 — Са- Негрета, Ибица; 31 — о- в Форментера; 32 — АльмериЯ (воЗможно, недалеко от Адры); 33–34 — Ланхарон, Гранада; 35 — ПуЭрто- дель- Суспиро- дель- Моро, Сьерра- Невада, Гранада; 27, 31, 35 — по Ortuño [1996]. МасШтаб: 1,0 мм (Рис. 23, 28, 32).

(Fig. 28); outer fovea moderately impressed, inner fovea deep and linear or curved; fine punctures in both foveae, postangular field moderately convex; posterior angle without tooth; basal posterior border of pronotum not emarginate.

Elytra almost parallel, regularly narrowed apicad (L/ W 3.2), basis large and with a clear fold in the humeral region that forms a moderate tooth, disk pores on stria 3, parascutellar stria normally developed, striae smooth, intervals somewhat convex in males and flat in females.

Prosternal process rounded on bottom surface and forming a vertical obtuse ridge; ventrites almost smooth, punctures scarce, only somewhat rugose on sides; metepisterna smooth, relatively short (L/ W 1.05) and narrowed backward. Male mesotibia dilated in apical half, metatibia with traces of crenulation.

Median lobe of aedeagus moderately curved ventrally (Fig. 30); apical shaft forming a well-developed triangle more narrowed to tip in left side (Fig. 29), truncate at tip and slightly sinuate at middle; membranous opening long, only closed near basal bulb. Characters of female genitalia as in O, barbarus , as duct is rather long (Fig. 31).













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