Orthomus hispanicus (Dejean, 1828)

Serrano, J., 2021, The genus Orthomus Chaudoir, 1838 in the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco, Russian Entomological Journal 30 (4), pp. 430-447 : 434-435

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.15298/rusentj.30.4.06

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scientific name

Orthomus hispanicus (Dejean, 1828)


Orthomus hispanicus (Dejean, 1828) View in CoL

Figs 12–15.

Dorsum brown dark, almost black, body length 7.0–9.0 mm, males shiny with fine microreticulation, females somewhat dull with visible microreticulation. Eye convex, tempora oblique.

Figs 12–22. Orthomus spp , specimens from Spain: 12–15 — O. hispanicus ; 16–18 — O. perezii ; 19–22 — O. aubryi ; 12, 16, 19 — habitus; 13 — metepisterna; 14, 17, 20–21 — median lobe of aedeagus; 15, 18, 22 — genitalia of female; 12, 14, 16–17, 19–20 — dorsal view; 13 — right lateral view; 21 — left lateral view; 14 — sierra de Larouco, Orense; 15 — Candelario, Salamanca; 17 — Campisábalos, Guadalajara; 18 — Valdefuentes de Sangusín, Salamanca; 19–21 — Moncayo Peak, Zaragoza; 22 — Linas de Broto, Huesca; 15, 18, 22 — after Ortuño [1996]. Scale bars: 1.2 mm (Fig. 12); 1.3 mm (Fig. 16); 1.5 mm (Fig. 19).

Рис. 12–22. Orthomus spp , особи иЗ Испании: 12–15 — O. hispanicus ; 16–18 — O. perezii ; 19–22 — O. aubryi ; 12, 16, 19 — внеШний вид; 13 — Эпистерн Заднегруди; 14, 17, 20–21 — среднЯЯ долЯ Эдеагуса; 15, 18, 22 — гениталии самки; 12, 14, 16–17, 19–20 — сверху; 13 –сбоку справа; 21 –сбоку слева; 14 — Сьерра- де- Ларуко, Оренсе; 15 — Канделарио, Саламанка; 17 — Камписабалос, Гвадалахара; 18 — ВальдефуЭнтес- де- Сангусин, Саламанка; 19–21 — пик Монкайо, Сарагоса; 22 — Линас- де- Брото, УЭска; 15, 18, 22 — по Ortuсo [1996]. МасШтаб: 1,2 мм (Рис. 12); 1,3 мм (Рис. 16); 1,5 мм (Рис. 19).

Pronotum shape variable, either maximum width at apical 3/4 (more trapezoid) or at middle (more quadrate) (Fig. 12); posterior angle obtuse, slightly toothed, basis not emarginate. Foveae well marked and usually punctured.

Elytra moderately widened backward, side narrowed toward basis, humerus toothed, striae smooth or with traces of punctures, intervals flat in females and slightly convex in males; disk with distal seta on 3rd stria but it often varies as it is found in interval 3, close to stria 2 or may be absent.

Prosternal process forming an obtuse ridge, rounded and emarginate on bottom, ventral segments punctured including metepisterna (Fig. 13), this as long as wide (L/ W 1.0). Males with mesotibia somewhat enlarged apically and metatibia with traces of crenulation in apical internal side.

Median lobe of aedeagus slightly bent ventrally; apical shaft asymmetrical, more narrowed in left side and prolonged in the right side (Fig. 14); membranous sac devoid of teeth and only moderately open on dorsal view. Spermatheca dilat- ed apically, spermathecal duct relatively short (Fig. 15)

Northern half of Portugal, Galicia, Cantabrian Mountains, Northern Sistema Ibérico, and Sistema Central from Serra da Estrela to sierra de Gredos.













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