Craspedometopon orientale, Rozkošný & Kovac, 2007

Rozkošný, R. & Kovac, D., 2007, Palaearctic And Oriental Species Of Craspedometopon Kertész (Diptera, Stratiomyidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (3), pp. 203-218 : 212-216

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585464


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Craspedometopon orientale

sp. nov.

Craspedometopon orientale View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 10 View Figs 8–15 , 16–23 View Figs 16–22 View Fig )

Holotype: m, North Thailand, Mae Hong Son Province, Pangmapa District, near Ban Nam Rin , larva under bark of a fallen tree, 5.x.2004, adult emerged 2.iv.2005, D. KOVAC, in SMF.

Paratypes: 15 mm, 13 ff. 2 mm and 1 f labelled as the holotype, in FSMU . Nepal, Bagmati Zone, Rasuwa District, Langtang National Park ,, Dunche, Bharku Syabru, 2000–2800 m, 6–15.v. 1996, 3 mm, P. ČECHOVSKÝ, in MHC . India, Meghalaya, Nongph [= Nongpoh?] Forest, 25.iv. 1980, 2 mm, A. FREIDBERG, in USNM . Laos, Vientiane Prov., Ban Van Eue, 29.iii.1906, 1 f, native collector, in BPBM . Thailand, Chiangmai, Fang , 500 m, 12.iv. 1958, 2 mm, 1 f; Doi Pui, 1360 m, 2.v.1958, 1 f; all T. C. MAA, in BPBM . Mae Hong Son, Soppong , larvae under bark of deciduous trees, September 2002, 2 mm and 1 f ex larva; near Ban Nam Rin, larvae under bark of deciduous tree, 5.x. 2004, 3 mm and 8 ff ex larva; near Ban Nam Rin, resting on a leaf near a stream, 25.iii. 2007, 1 m, all D. KOVAC, in SMF .

Diagnosis. The male eyes are finely and long haired, the antennae yellow to pale brown in both sexes. The female scutum and scutellum are virtually bare with large conspicuous punctation. The hind femora and tibiae are entirely black, the hind tarsi are contrastingly yellow. The male genital capsule has a deep and broad middle incision at the hind margin, the gonostylus is flat and broad in the distal half.

Description: m ( Fig. 23 View Fig ). Head ( Fig. 16 View Figs 16–22 ) black, occiput, both frontal triangles, face and lower postocular area more or less whitish to greyish tomentose. Fine hairs on eyes brownish, pile on ocellar tubercle whitish but at least partly black on its posterior surface and behind it. Antennae ochre yellow, inner margin of pedicel slightly convex but not prominent, flagellum only slightly broader than pedicel distally. Proboscis yellow and predominantly pale haired, palpus about as long as half length of labellum, its apical segment shorter and more brownish than basal sagment. Genae not visible in lateral view, black and as well as postocular area covered with black erect hairs that are slightly longer than pedicel. Maximum width of lower postocular area reaching length of scape.

Thorax black and densely punctate, covered with short black pile, chiefly semi-erect on scutum and scutellum but somewhat longer and erect on pleura. Postpronotal calli reddish brown along anterior ridge, also postalar calli sometimes narrowly reddish. Posterior part of anepimeron and greater part of meron in front of hind coxa bare, shining black. Area above halteres bare and greyish tometose. Apical third (or slightly more) of scutellar spines bright yellow, bare and shining.

0.3 mm (male terminalia)

Wings almost hyaline, at most with a brownish cloud in basal radial cell and along posterior margin of discal cell. Veins in front of stigma and discal cell chiefly brown to black, stigma and veins in distal half of wing pale yellow. Squamae narrow, with blackish fringe, halteres white, more brownish basally.

Legs dark brown to black and pale yellow. Femora dark, only fore femur yellowish at apex. Fore tibia pale but with brown outer line in basal half, mid and hind tibia with pale apices. All tarsi yellow but last 3 tarsomeres more brownish on dorsal surface.

Abdomen black, with finer and denser punctation than on thorax. Abdominal pile very short and indistinct, chiefly whitish and appressed but somewhat longer, black and more erect in anterolateral corners and along lateral margins.

Male terminalia ( Figs 20–22 View Figs 16–22 ): Epandrium ( Fig. 20 View Figs 16–22 ) as broad as proctiger at base, with moderately deep proximal emargination. Cerci about half length of proctiger, slender. Genital capsule ( Fig. 22 View Figs 16–22 ) with a deep and broad median incision at posterior margin. Gonostylus with a well-developed transverse ridge at middle, continuing innerwards as a strong and proximally oriented black hook. Inner and ventral margin of gonostylus with dense, fine and long setae. Gonocoxal apodemes slender and long, almost reaching proximal margin of genital capsule. Aedeagal complex ( Fig. 21 View Figs 16–22 ) moderately long, tripartite in distal third.

Length: body 6.5–8.4 mm, wing 6.7–8.6 mm (15 males).

f. Eyes almost bare, very short dense hairs barely distinct. Frontal vitta ( Fig. 18 View Figs 16–22 ) in middle only 1.5 times broader than ocellar tubercle, frontal index about 4.0–4.2 and frons thus narrowest of all known species, with narrow ridges along eye margins, predominantly shining black. Insertions of very fine and short frontal hairs (= punctation) usually developed only along frontal ridges in 1–2 longitudinal rows, rarely more numerous. Frontal calli above lower frons shining black, only slightly prominent, low and rounded. Tomentose patches above antennae separated by a longitudinal, medial, subelliptical bare area. Antennae, proboscis and palpi ochre yellow, antennal flagellar complex slightly larger than in male. Lower postocular area ( Fig. 17 View Figs 16–22 ) somewhat broader than in male. Palpi longer, sometimes reaching about 2/3 of labellum length, apical segment being stouter and more brownish than basal segment. Pile much less conspicuous than in male, short to indistinct even on ocellar tubercle and lower postocular area.

Thorax black, markedly punctate, though thoracic pile mostly indistinct. Reddish colour on postpronotal and postalar calli partly or entirely reduced. Longer whitish to pale yellow hairs visible only on propleura, as well as lower and posterior pleura. Difference in veins colouration on wings not as contrasting as in male but distinct, a brownish cloud usually developed in basal radial cell and along proximal margin of discal cell. Squamae without distinct marginal fringe. Legs as in male but dorsal streak on fore femora usually extended as a broad ring in basal half. Abdomen covered with very short whitish pile, longer black hairs usually indistinct.

Female terminalia ( Fig. 10 View Figs 8–15 ) predominantly yellow. Apical segment of cercus slightly shorter than basal, brownish, distinctly stouter than in both preceding species. Subgenital plate long as in most genera of Pachygastrinae . Genital furca more rounded than in C. frontale , with usual, slender and long, basally dilated proximal appendage.

Length: body 6.0–7.2 mm, wing 6.7–7.5 mm (13 females).

Etymology. The specific name indicates the distribution of the species in the Oriental Region.

Distribution ( Fig. 25 View Fig ). India, Laos, Nepal and Thailand (material examined).


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