Campanula monteverdensis Gardère, 2021

Gardère, Mathieu L., Florence, Jacques, Muller, Serge, Savriama, Yoland & Dubuisson, Jean-Yves, 2021, Codonographia Gorgonum, or the description of a pleiad of bellflowers (Campanula, Campanulaceae) from the Cabo Verde archipelago, Candollea 76 (1), pp. 13-40 : 32

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Carolina (2021-11-12 12:15:25, last updated 2024-11-27 02:54:34)

scientific name

Campanula monteverdensis Gardère

sp. nov.

5. Campanula monteverdensis Gardère View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Fig. 1 View Fig , 3E View Fig , 5B View Fig , 9 View Fig ).

Holotypus: CABO VERDE. São Vicente: Monte Verde , 16°52'08"N 24°56'04"W, 740 m, 10.XII.2015, Gardère 1092 ( P [ P02442690 ]!; iso-: CECV!) GoogleMaps .

= Campanula jacobaea var. humilis Bolle View in CoL in Bonplandia 9: 50. 1861. Lectotypus (designated by LEYENS & LOBIN, 1995: 216): CABO VERDE. São Vicente: Monte Verde , 1852, Bolle s.n. (K [ K001134400 ]!).

Campanulae jacobaeae C. Sm. ex Webb aff inis, sed foliis supra leviter bullatis in vivo, corolla late infundibuliforme sine constrictione (vs. campanulatam fauce paulo constricta), obtronconica basi (vs. rotundatam basim), stylo corollae exserto (vs. stylum corollae inclusum), praecipue differt.

Sub-frutex 5 – 20 cm tall, highly woody in lower part; floriferous stems branched, procumbent to decumbent arising from the base of one or several sterile basal rosettes, glabrous to glabrescent in the woody basal parts with indument hispidulous to hispid toward the extremity, consisting of trichomes 0.2–0.7 mm long. Leaves: rosette-leaves elliptic to obovate rarely narrowly elliptic or narrowly obovale, (1.1–) 1.5 – 3(– 3.2) × (0.7 –)0.9 – 1.3(– 1.5) cm, base cuneiform, apex obtuse; cauline-leaves ovate to elliptic rarely elliptic, 1 –3.5 × 0.8– 1.5 cm, base attenuate sometimes asymmetric, apex acute to obtuse; margin weakly revolute, crenelate; adaxial side pure green in vivo, weakly bullate in vivo, glabrescent or scattered of strigose trichomes, 0.15–0.4 mm long, indument generally more pronounced around the apex; abaxial side light green in vivo, venation whitish, hispidulous-strigillose indument on primary and secondary veins consisting of trichomes 0.4–0.6(–0.7) mm long and hispidulous indument on tertiary and ultimate veins consisting of trichomes 0.1–0.3 mm long, lamina glabrescent. Inflorescences in monochasial pauciflorous cyme with continuous growth. Flowers erect, pedicel 0.5–1.5(–2) cm long, with the same indument as the leaves; axillate by one or two bracts subopposite, ovato-triangular or ovate to narrowly ovate, base semi-amplexicaul, apex acute, with the same indument as the stem. Calyx : calyx-lobes triangular, 10–13 × 4–6 mm, always pressed up against the corolla, margin distinctly revolute; appendages ovate, reflexed, c. 2 mm long; lobe edges, appendage and median main vein covered with an indument strigillose or hispidulous to hispid, consisting of trichomes 0.15–0.7 mm long. Corolla infundibuliform, dark purple (never white); base straight 7–8 mm large; tube ob-tronconical concave 13–18 mm long, widening gradually upwards and reaching 21–25 mm at the mouth, constrictions absent; throat widely flared; lobes spreading to obliquely erect, 4–8 × 2–4 mm, apex apiculate; external lamina entirely covered with indument microhispidulous c. 0.1 mm long, except the primary veins micro-hispidulous to hispidous, 0.15–0.2 mm long. Stamens with glabrous filaments; anthers, 2–4 mm long. Ovary with glabrous to glabrescent roof, flat, topped by a yellowish-with nectary disk. Style thick, fleshy, 12–18 mm long, exserted from the corolla, stigma trifid and papillose.

Etymology. – The epithet monteverdensis for the bellflower “from Monte Verde” and refers to the name of the type locality; Monte Verde, meaning “Green Mountain”.

Distribution and habitat. – Campanula monteverdensis is confined to the summit of Monte Verde, the highest summit of São Vicente, reaching 720 m, frequently battered by the trade winds and covered by fog. This microendemic species grows between rocks in shrubland made up principally of Daucus insularis (Parl.) Spalik et al. (Apiaceae) , Echium stenosiphon Webb (Boraginaceae) and Euphorbia tuckeyana (Euphorbiaceae) .

Notes. – The first collection from São Vicente was made by Vogel in 1839 (Vogel 73 [K001134391]), which he linked to Campanula dulcis Decne. ( VOGEL, 1849: 27) , a species endemic to the mountains of the southern Sinai (DECAISNE, 1834). This specimen was chosen by WEBB (1848: tab. 762) as one of syntypes of C. jacobaea (see under C. jacobaea ). Then, SCHMIDT (1852: 208) noticed few differences in the habitus and the indument of the bellflowers of São Vicente and those of Santo Antão that he judged insufficient to warrant taxonomic separation. However, BOLLE (1861) included both the bellflowers from São Vicente and the rupicolous forms from the “xeric” areas from São Nicolau (see under C. fransinea ) when he made the description of the variety humilis . Those from São Vicente, identified until now as C. jacobaea ( KRAUSE, 1892; CHEVALIER, 1935; SUNDING, 1973,1982; ERIKSSON et al., 1974, 1979; HANSEN & SUNDING, 1985, 1993; LOBIN, 1986; FIGUEIREDO, 1995; LEYENS & LOBIN, 1995; BROCHMANN et al., 1997; SÁNCHEZ-PINTO et al., 2005), are described as new under C. monteverdensis , a species easily identifiable by: a widely flared infundibuliform corolla, never white, dark purple colour (“gentian blue” according to BOLLE, 1861: 50); an exserted style; triangular sepals with distinctly revolute margins; and elliptic to obovate leaves with a surface slightly bullate in vivo.

The succinct description of BOLLE (1861) was built on inconsistent diagnostic characters (notably related to indument) and on a mixed collection (presence on Bolle s.n. [K001134400] of one C. fransinea flower in the fragment packet). We therefore prefer to describe a new species with an unambiguous recently collected original material than making a nomen novum on Bolle’s variety.

Additional specimens examined. – CABO VERDE. São Vicente: Monte Verde, III.1853, Bolle s.n. ( MPU: remaining syntype for C. jacobaea var. humilis) ; ibid. loco , s.d., Bolle s.n. ( Z: remaining syntype for C. jacobaea var. humilis ) ; ibid. loco, 700 m, 14.VIII.1989, Cardoso de Matos 6493 ( LISC) ; ibid. loco, 740 m, 29.X.2014, Gardère 612 ( P) ; ibid. loco, 700 m, 15.XI.2017, Gardère 1506 ( MARS, P) ; ibid. loco, 700–750 m, 24.IX.1889, Krause 24366 ( B) ; ibid. loco, 774 m, 11.X.1990, Martins & Gomes 263 ( LISC) ; ibid. loco, 750 m, 12.IX.1986, Mies 28 ( FR) ; ibid. loco, 19.XII.1978, Lewejohann CV -78-084 ( GOET) ; ibid. loco, 700 m, 10.II.1994, Leyens CV -94-100 ( FR) ; ibid. loco, 19.XII.1978, Lobin CV -95 ( CECV, FR) ; ibid. loco, 1.II.1851, Schmidt s.n. ( GOET, HBG) ; ibid. loco, 690 m, 20.X.1972, Sunding 2594 ( O) ; ibid. loco, 720 m, 23.III.1998, Royl 1005 ( B) ; ibid. loco, “am Mont Verede von 1500’ an”, VI.1841, Vogel 73 ( K p.p., L: remaining syntype for C. jacobaea ) .

ERIKSSON, O., A. HANSEN & P. SUNDING (1974). Flora of Macaronesia. Department of Biology, University of Umea, Umea.

ERIKSSON, O., A. HANSEN, & P. SUNDING (1979). Flora of Macaronesia. 2. rev. ed. Part 1. Botanical Garden and Museum, University of Oslo, Oslo.

FIGUEIREDO, E. (1995). Campanulaceae. In: PAIVA, J. et al. (ed.), Fl. Cabo Verde 86. INIDA, Praia & IICT, Lisboa. GARDERE, M. L. (2015). Two new species of Campanula (Campanu- laceae) from the island of Santo Antao, Cabo Verde archipelago. Phytotaxa 197: 104 - 114.

KRAUSE, E. H. L. (1892). Flora der Insel St. Vicent in der Capverdengruppe. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 14: 394 - 425.

LOBIN, W. (1986). Katalog der von den Kapverdischen Inseln beschriebenen Taxa hoherer Pflanzen (Pteridophyta & Phanerogamae). Courier Forschungsinst. Senckenberg. 81: 93 - 164.

SANCHEZ-PINTO, L., M. L. RODRIGUEZ, S. RODRIGUEZ, K. MARTIN, A. CABRERA & M. CARMEN MARRERO (2005). Pteridophyta, Spermatophyta. In: ARECHAVALETA, M. et al. (ed.), Lista preliminar de especies silvestres de Cabo Verde (hongos, plantas y animales terrestres): 38 - 57. Consejeria de Medio Ambiente e Ordenacion Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias.

SCHMIDT, J. A. (1852). Beitrage zur Flora der Cap Verdischen Inseln. Akademische Buchhandlung von Ernst Mohr, Heidelberg.

VOGEL, T. (1849). Journal of the voyage to the Niger. In: HOOKER, W. J. (ed.), Niger Flora: 21 - 72. Hippolyte Bailliere, London.

WEBB, P. B. (1848). Campanula jacobaea. In: HOOKER, W. J. (ed.), Icon. Pl. 8: tab. 762.

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Fig. 1. – Distribution map of the seven Cabo Verdean Campanula L. species illustrated by their flower in lateral view.

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Fig. 3. – SEM micrographs of abaxial surface of leaves. A. Campanula jacobaea C. Sm. ex Webb; B. C. bravensis (Bolle) A. Chev.; C. C. feijoana Gardère; D. C.vicinituba Gardère; E. C. monteverdensis Gardère; F. C. fransinea Gardère; G. C. cochleromena Gardère. [A: Gardère 1428; B: Gardère 1615; C: Gardère 959; D: Gardère 1035; E: Gardère 612; F: Gardère 1096; G: Gardère 1120]

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Fig. 5. – Second herbarium sheet from K containing the syntypes of Campanula jacobaea C. Sm. ex Webb. A. Forbes’ specimen [K001134390] determined here as C. feijoana Gardère; B. Vogel’s specimen [K001134391] determined here as C. monteverdensis Gardère; C. Hooker’s specimen [K001134407] determined here as C. jacobaea. [© Royal Botanic Gardens,Kew]

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Fig. 9. – Campanula monteverdensis Gardère. A. Habit; B. Rosette-leaves; C. Inflorescence; D. Flower in lateral view; E. Flower in face view. [A–C, E: Gardère 1092; D: Gardère 1506] [Photos: M.L. Gardère]






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Universität Zürich


Jardim Botânico Tropical, Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical


Aix-Marseille Université


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum


Municipal Museum of Chungking


Universität Göttingen


Hiroshima Botanical Garden


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


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Royal Botanic Gardens


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch











