Campanula fransinea Gardère, 2021

Gardère, Mathieu L., Florence, Jacques, Muller, Serge, Savriama, Yoland & Dubuisson, Jean-Yves, 2021, Codonographia Gorgonum, or the description of a pleiad of bellflowers (Campanula, Campanulaceae) from the Cabo Verde archipelago, Candollea 76 (1), pp. 13-40 : 34-35

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Carolina (2021-11-12 12:15:25, last updated 2023-11-08 18:53:38)

scientific name

Campanula fransinea Gardère

sp. nov.

6. Campanula fransinea Gardère View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Fig. 1 View Fig , 3F View Fig , 4B–D View Fig , 10 View Fig ).

Holotypus: CABO VERDE. W São Nicolau: Massif du Monte Gordo, Monte Vermelho, 16°37'02"N 24°20'22"W, 905 m, 18.XI.2014, Gardère 822 ( P [ P02442651 ]!; iso-: CECV!) GoogleMaps .

Campanulae jacobaeae C. Sm. ex Webb aff inis, sed foliis rosulatis anguste obovatis vel anguste ellipticis vel spatulatis (vs. ovata rosulata folia), calycis lobis anguste triangularibus (vs. calycis triangulares lobos), corolla infundibuliforme sine constrictione, obtronconica basi (vs. campanulatam corollam), praecipue differt.

Sub-frutex 20– 60 cm tall, highly woody in lower part; floriferous stems branched, procumbent to decumbent arising from the base of one or several sterile basal rosette or pseudorosette, often ephemeral, glabrous to glabrescent in the woody basal parts with indument hirtellous to hispidulous toward the extremity, consisting of trichomes 0.5–0.65 mm long. Leaves: rosette-leaves narrowly elliptic to spathulate rarely oblanceolate, (3–)4–7.5(– 10) × (0.8–)1– 2.5(– 3) cm, base cuneiform to attenuate concave, apex ± obtuse to acute; cauline-leaves narrowly obovate to narrowly elliptic rarely ovate, (2)–3.5–6.5 (–8) × (0.6–)1–1.7(–2) cm, base attenuate sometimes slightly asymmetric, apex acute to ± obtuse; margin weakly revolute, crenelate to serrulate; adaxial side pure green to medium green in vivo, weakly or densely covered with hispidulous to hispid indument consisting of trichomes 0.1–0.8 mm long; abaxial side light green in vivo, venation whitish, hispidulous to hispid indument on primary and secondary veins consisting of trichomes 0.3–0.6(–0.8) mm long and hispidulous indument on tertiary and ultimate veins consisting of trichomes 0.1–0.3 mm long, lamina glabrescent. Inflorescences in monochasial pauciflorous cyme or rarely in pluriflorous thyrse. Flowers pendulous to erect, pedicel curved to erect, 0.25–0.8 cm long, with the same indument as the leaves; axillate by one or two bracts subopposite, ovato-triangular or ovate to narrowly ovate, base semi-amplexicaul, apex acute, with the same indument as the leaves. Calyx : calyx-lobes narrowly triangular, 10–15 × 3–5 mm, slightly recurved, median main vein in relief in vivo, margin obscurely revolute; appendages ovate, reflexed, 1–2 mm long; lobe edges, appendage and median main vein covered with an indument hispidulous, rarely hispid, consisting of trichomes 0.2 –0.4(–0.6) mm long. Corolla infundibuliform, generally purple-blue rarely pure white or pink; base straight, 6–8 mm large; tube ob-tronconical straight, 20–34 mm long, widening gradually upwards and reaching 20–28 mm large at the mouth, constrictions absent; throat flared; lobes spreading to obliquely erect, 2.5– 3.5 × 8– 10 mm, apex apiculate; external primary veins micro-hispidulous to hirtellous, 0.15–0.45 mm long. Stamens with glabrous filaments; anthers 2–4 mm long. Ovary with glabrous to glabrescent roof, flat, topped by a yellowishwith nectary disk. Style thick, fleshy, 15–25 mm long, included in the corolla, stigma trifid and papillose.

Etymology. – To pay tribute to Feijó’s work on CVB, the epithet fransinea (devoid of taxonomic significance) is adopted to name the bellflowers from W São Nicolau. Feijó dedicated the genus to the Italian mathematician Miguel Franzini (c. 1730– 1810), one of his professors at the University of Coimbra ( GARDÈRE et al., 2019a).

Vernacular name. – “Dedal” (CARDOSO JÚNIOR, 1905; HENRIQUES, 1896; BARBOSA, 1961; LEYENS & LOBIN, 1995; FIGUEIREDO, 1995) a Portuguese word meaning “thimble”, the colour adjectives “branco” (white) or “azul” (blue) is sometimes added to the name.

Distribution and habitat. – Campanula fransinea is endemic to W São Nicolau and can be found from 600 m to 1200 m. The species occurs in diverse habitats: wet areas, in highelevation shrubland with Euphorbia tuckeyana (Euphorbiaceae) , Asteriscus smithii (Webb) Walp. (Asteraceae) and Daucus insularis (Apiaceae) on the flanks of Monte Gordo, and up to the most “xeric” rupicolous areas, on rocks with Aeonium gorgoneum (Crassulaceae) , Polycarpaea gayi (Caryophyllaceae) , Kickxia elegans (Scrophulariaceae) . The lowest locality is at c. 400 m, in Ribeira Tucuda (Gardère 880), and corresponds to the single known occurrence in a spring, where Campanula fransinea grows together with Adiantum capillus-veneris (Pteridaceae) and Pteris vittata (Pteridaceae) .

Notes. – Until now, the populations from W São Nicolau were traditionally identified as C. jacobaea (COUTINHO, 1914; CHEVALIER, 1935; SUNDING, 1973, 1982; ERIKSSON et al. 1974, 1979; NOGUEIRA, 1976; HANSEN & SUNDING, 1985, 1993; RUSTAN & BROCHMANN, 1993; GOMES et al., 1995a; LEYENS & LOBIN, 1995; FIGUEIREDO, 1995; SÁNCHEZ-PINTO et al., 2005) but some authors have also recognized the presence of C. bravensis in this region (see under C. bravensis ).

Three Forbes’ specimens collected in 1822 in W São Nicolau ([ K000865901 , K001134405 , K001134390 ]) were chosen by WEBB (1848: tab. 762) to be part of the syntypes of C. jacobaea (see under C. jacobaea ). Later, in his taxonomic treatment, BOLLE (1861) grouped the bellflowers of high-elevation humid areas from W São Nicolau with those from Santo Antão in the type variety “ genuina ” (see under C. feijoana ), and the bellflowers of the more “xeric” areas from W São Nicolau and those from São Vicente in the variety humilis (see under C. monteverdensis ).

All the populations from W São Nicolau are described here as new under C. fransinea . This species differs from other CVB species by its narrow infundibuliform corolla of 20–34 mm long ( Fig. 10C View Fig ). However, it remains quite close to C. vicinituba which has a corolla also narrow infundibuliform but shorter (20 mm) and more flared ( Fig. 8D View Fig ); and differs from the characters indicated in the key. According to its habitats, C. fransinea shows different forms with upright forms in high-elevation shrubland ( Fig. 10A View Fig ), and tufted forms in drier rupicolous areas ( Fig. 10F View Fig ).

Additional specimens examined. – CABO VERDE. W São Nicolau: Água das Patas, 675–700 m, 20.VII.2004, Marrero & Almeida s.n. ( LPA); “ad rupes loco dicto Caxaço ”, X.1851, Bolle s.n. (Z: remaining syntype for C. jacobaea var. humilis ); Cachaço, 750 m, 17.I.1992, Cardoso de Matos & Gomes 6933 ( LISC); ibid.loco , 590 m, 30.I.1982, Rustan & Brochmann ØHR -1901 ( O); betw.Cachaço and Monte Gordo, 900 m, 23.XI.1976, Sunding 3773 ( O); Caminho da Caldeira , 22.II.1864, Lowe s.n. ( BM, K); Calejão , 21.IV.1956, Grandvaux Barbosa 7257 ( CECV, LISC); Monte Caramujo , 720 m, 20.XII.2017, Gardère 1568 ( CECV, LISC, P); Monte Deserto , 715 m, 8.XII.2017, Gardère 1577 ( CECV, P); ibid. loco , 700 m, 25.XI.1976, Sunding 3858 ( O); Monte Gordo , 1270 m, 29.I.1982, Brochmann & Rustan CB -541/82 ( O); ibid. loco , 1030 m, 3.III.1992, Cardoso de Matos & Gomes 7039 ( LISC); ibid. loco , X.1891, Cardoso Júnior 68 ( COI); ibid. loco , 24.X.1891, Cardoso Júnior s.n. ( Z); ibid. loco , XII.1893, Cardoso Júnior s.n. ( LISU); ibid. loco , Monte Vermelho , 990 m, 18.XI.2014, Gardère 818 ( P); ibid. loco , Hortelão , 865 m, 18.XI.2014, Gardère 831 ( CECV, P); ibid. loco , sentier menant à Assomada de R. Calhau, 1005 m, 19.XI.2014, Gardère 856 ( P); ibid. loco , 980 m, 12.XII.2015, Gardère 1096 ( P), 1100 ( CECV, LISC, K, P); ibid. loco , 950 m, 4.XII.2017, Gardère 1566.1–4 ( P); ibid. loco , 950 m, 4.XII.2017, Gardère 1566.5 ( MARS); ibid. loco , 1030 m, 6.XII.2017, Gardère 1572 ( CECV, P); ibid. loco , c. 1000 m, 1.I.1986, Kilian 989 ( B, FR); ibid. loco , c. 950–1050 m, 13.I.1994, Kilian & Leyens 3136 ( B, FR); ibid. loco , c. 1100 m, 13.I.1994, Kilian & Leyens 3145 ( B, FR); ibid. loco , c. 950–1050 m, 15.I.1994, Kilian & Leyens 3193 ( B); ibid. loco , c. 950 m, 28.XI.1980, Lewejohann CV -80- 261 ( GOET); ibid. loco , 15.X.1953, Lindberg 20 ( H); ibid. loco , 28.XII.1978, Lobin CV -231 ( FR); ibid. loco , 1270 m, 29.I.1982, Rustan & Brochmann ØHR - 1849 ( O); ibid. loco , 1000 m, 23.XI.1976, Sunding 3798 ( O); Monte Junto , X.1891, Cardoso Júnior 10 ( COI); Ribeira Calhau , 955 m, 6.XII.2017, Gardère 1574 ( P); Ribeira Camarões, c. 300 m, 17.I.1994, Kilian & Leyens 3218 ( B, FR); Ribeira da Prata , 1893, Cardoso Júnior 12269 ( LISC); ibid. loco , 1893, Cardoso Júnior 111 ( LISU); ibid. loco , II.1894, Cardoso Júnior s.n. ( COI); Ribeira Tucuda , 400 m, 20.XI.2014, Gardère 880 ( CECV, LISC, P); op weg van Tarrafal vanaf Ribeira Brava, 500–800 m, 19.IX.2002, Prud’homme van Reine s.n. ( L); sine loco, “CANCAP-VI Expedition”, c. 1000 m, 14.VI.1982, Boekschoten Ph60 ( L); sine loco, 1851, Bolle s.n. (C, MPU: remaining syntype for C. jacobaea var. humilis ); sine loco, “in rupestribus”, X.1851, Bolle s.n. (K p.p.: remaining syntype for C. jacobaea var. humilis ); sine loco, s.d., Bolle s.n. (COI: remaining syntype for C. jacobaea var. humilis ); sine loco, s.d. [27.III.1822], Forbes s.n. [35] (K p.p.: remaining syntype for C. jacobaea ); sine loco, 22.II.1864, Lowe s.n. ( LISU). Sine loco: 1895, Cardoso Júnior III ( K); 1783–1789, Feijó V - V -1 ( P).

ERIKSSON, O., A. HANSEN & P. SUNDING (1974). Flora of Macaronesia. Department of Biology, University of Umea, Umea.

ERIKSSON, O., A. HANSEN, & P. SUNDING (1979). Flora of Macaronesia. 2. rev. ed. Part 1. Botanical Garden and Museum, University of Oslo, Oslo.

FIGUEIREDO, E. (1995). Campanulaceae. In: PAIVA, J. et al. (ed.), Fl. Cabo Verde 86. INIDA, Praia & IICT, Lisboa. GARDERE, M. L. (2015). Two new species of Campanula (Campanu- laceae) from the island of Santo Antao, Cabo Verde archipelago. Phytotaxa 197: 104 - 114.

GARDERE, M. L., M. C. DUARTE, P. L. R. MORAES, S. MULLER & M. M. ROMEIRAS (2019 a). The scientific expedition of Joao da Silva Feijo to the Cabo Verde Islands (1783 - 1796) and the tribulations of his herbarium. Adansonia ser. 3, 41: 101 - 175.

GOMES, I., S. GOMES, N. KILIAN, T. LEYENS, W. LOBIN & M. T. VERA-CRUZ (1995 a). Notes on the flora of the Cape Verde Islands, W Africa. Willdenowia 25: 177 - 196.

HENRIQUES, J. A. (1896). Contribucao para o estudo da Flora de Cabo Verde. Bol. Soc. Brot. 13: 130 - 150.

NOGUEIRA, I. (1976). Plantas colhidas pelo Eng. ° L. A. Grandvaux Barbosa no arquipelago de Cabo Verde - III. Spermatophyta (Rubiaceae-Gentianaceae). Garcia de Orta, Ser. Bot. 3: 19 - 32.

SANCHEZ-PINTO, L., M. L. RODRIGUEZ, S. RODRIGUEZ, K. MARTIN, A. CABRERA & M. CARMEN MARRERO (2005). Pteridophyta, Spermatophyta. In: ARECHAVALETA, M. et al. (ed.), Lista preliminar de especies silvestres de Cabo Verde (hongos, plantas y animales terrestres): 38 - 57. Consejeria de Medio Ambiente e Ordenacion Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias.

SUNDING, P. (1973). Check-list of the vascular plants of the Cape Verde Islands. Botanical Garden, University of Oslo, Oslo.

SUNDING, P. (1982). Additions to the flora of Cape Verde Islands - III. Garcia de Orta, Ser. Bot. 5: 125 - 138.

WEBB, P. B. (1848). Campanula jacobaea. In: HOOKER, W. J. (ed.), Icon. Pl. 8: tab. 762.

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Fig. 1. – Distribution map of the seven Cabo Verdean Campanula L. species illustrated by their flower in lateral view.

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Fig. 3. – SEM micrographs of abaxial surface of leaves. A. Campanula jacobaea C. Sm. ex Webb; B. C. bravensis (Bolle) A. Chev.; C. C. feijoana Gardère; D. C.vicinituba Gardère; E. C. monteverdensis Gardère; F. C. fransinea Gardère; G. C. cochleromena Gardère. [A: Gardère 1428; B: Gardère 1615; C: Gardère 959; D: Gardère 1035; E: Gardère 612; F: Gardère 1096; G: Gardère 1120]

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Fig. 4. – First herbarium sheet from K containing the syntypes of Campanula jacobaea C. Sm. ex Webb. A. Darwin’s specimen [K000865902] chosen in 1986 as isolectotype of C. jacobaea by Porter, determined here as C. bravensis (Bolle) A. Chev., black circle showing the small footnote cross; A’. Label of the Darwin’s specimen, black circle showing the small footnote cross; B. Forbes’ specimen [K001134406] determined here as C. fransinea Gardère, white circle showing a fragment of Hypodematium crenatum (Hypodematiaceae); C. Specimen attributed to a Forbes’ collect [K000865901] determined here as C. fransinea, white circle nº 1 showing a small fragment of Hypodematium crenatum, white circle nº 2 showing a fragment of Diplotaxis gracilis (Brassicaceae); D. Specimen attributed to a Forbes’ collect [K001134405] determined here as C. fransinea. [© Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew]

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Fig. 10. – Campanula fransinea Gardère. Dumicolous form from humid locality: A. Habit, erect flowers; B. Rosette-leaves; C. Flower in lateral view; D. Flower in face view; E. Inflorescence with pendulous flowers; F. Habit, rupicolous form from xeric locality.

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Fig. 8. – Campanula vicinituba Gardère. A. Habit; B. Rosette-leaves; C. Flowers in face view; D. Flower in lateral view. [A–D: Gardère 1563] [Photos: M.L. Gardère]










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