Lycopodium clavatum ssp. clavatum

Øllgaard, Benjamin, 2020, Lycopodiaceae in Colombia: Subfamilies Lycopodioideae and Lycopodielloideae, Phytotaxa 433 (3), pp. 195-224 : 198

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.433.3.3

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scientific name

Lycopodium clavatum ssp. clavatum


Lycopodium clavatum ssp. clavatum View in CoL — Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 .

Lycopodium aristatum Willdenow (1810: 17) View in CoL .— L. clavatum View in CoL L. var. aristatum (Willd.) Spring (1838: 173) . Type:— VENEZUELA: Silla de Caracas, Humboldt & Bonpland s. n. (B-Willd. 19351 holotype).

Lycopodium piliferum Raddi (1825: 79) View in CoL .— L. clavatum View in CoL L. var. raddianum Spring (1838: 172) .— L. clavatum View in CoL L. var. piliferum (Raddi) Nessel (1927: 435) . Type:— BRAZIL: Mandiocca, G. Raddi s.n. (lecto- PI; isolecto- BM, FI-3 sheets, K, P, PI-2 sheets).

Lycopodium serpens Presl (1825: 81) View in CoL , non Poiret (1814).— Lycopodium preslii Grev. & Hook. (1831: 377) View in CoL .— L. clavatum View in CoL L. var. preslianum Spring (1842: 90) . Type:— ECUADOR: Guayaquil, Haenke s. n. ( PRC holotype).

Lycopodium trichophyllum Desvaux (1827: 184) View in CoL , [as trychophyllum].— L. clavatum View in CoL L. var. desvauxianum Spring (1838: 173) View in CoL .— L. aristatum Willd. var. desvauxianum Spring View in CoL in Martius (1840: 114).— L. trichiatum Bory var. desvauxianum Spring (1842:92) View in CoL .— L. clavatum View in CoL L. var. trichophyllum (Desv.) Nessel (1927:436) . Lectotype:— BRAZIL: »Habitat in Brasilia, no. 41 in herb. de A. N. Desvaux, Donnée par Mme Vve Lavallée en 1895« (P, designated by Øllgaard (1988: 125).

Lycopodium eriostachys Fée (1869: 224) View in CoL .— L. clavatum View in CoL L. var. eriostachys (Fée) Nessel (1927: 435) . Type:— BRAZIL: Brasilia fluminensi, Serra os Orgaos, Glaziou 1788 (BR!, C!, P!, RB!).

Lycopodium clavatum View in CoL L. var. minarum Christ (1900: 41) . Types:— BRAZIL: Minas Geraes: Serra do Caparaó, 1800 m, Schwacke 12001 (P, lectotype, designated by Øllgaard & Windisch (2014: 300)); Serra do Picú, Schenk 1522 (P).

Lycopodium clavatum View in CoL L. var. equisetoides Nessel (1927: 438) . Types:— BRAZIL: Minas Geraes: Wawra (W, not seen) ; São Paulo: Grossmann 36, 1904 (not located); Paraná: Dusén s. n. 18/11/898 (S, not seen, illustrated in Nessel (1955: fig. 103), presumably showing a duplicate specimen from S now in BONN-Herb. Nessel).

Habitats: Clearings and exposed habitats in montane forest, alt. 1000–3500 m. Terrestrial and rupestral, trailing or scrambling in open and usually humid places like road banks, roadsides, rock crevices, trail margins, often in pioneer habitats.

Antioquia: Medellín–Puerto Triunfo, 75°10’W 6°10’N, 2090 m, Juncosa 965 (AAU). Medellín– Santa Rosa road, 17 km S of Santa Rosa, 2320 m, Luteyn et al. 7026 (AAU). Yarumal–Valdivia road 10 km N of Yarumal, 2135 m, Luteyn et al. 7067 (AAU). Mun. Urrao, Vereda El Chuscal, Jaiperá, El Morro, 76°46’W 6°27’N, 2600–3200 m, Callejas et al. 7877 (NY). Mun. Belmira, Old road Belmira–Sta. Rosa, 2900–3000 m, Arbeláez 144 (AAU). Caldas: Manizales–Neira road, 3 km from Manizales, 2030 m, Santa & Hoyos 675 (AAU). Nevado del Ruiz, road Manizales–Hotel Termales, 3080 m, Santa & Hoyos 678 (AAU). Cord. Occidental, W slope, La Selva, 1600–1900 m, Sneidern 5444 (AAU, M).

Caquetá: Mun. Florencia, road Florencia–Neiva, Quebrada La Portada, 1200 m, Santa 1232 (AAU). Chocó: Mun. San José del Palmar, Cerro del Torrá, E slope, 2500 m, Silverstone-Sopkin 4571 (AAU). Mun. San José del Palmar, Cerro del Torrá, summit, 2700–2800 m, Silverstone-Sopkin 4654 (AAU). Mun. San José del Palmar, Cerro del Torrá, E slope, 2500 m, Silverstone-Sopkin 4286 (AAU). Cundinamarca: Mun. Bojacá, San Antonio trail, La Merced, near Mosquera–Tena Road, 2500–2700 m, Lozano-C. & Torres-R. 75 (AAU). Mun. Albán. road Bogotá –Sasaima, vicinity of La Frontera, 2000 m, Acosta Arteaga 360 (AAU). Bogotá –Usme road, Páramo de Chisacá, km 28–33, 3375–3450 m, Luteyn et al. 7746 (AAU). Huila: Paramillo Arrabal, Finca La Candelaria, W of Volcán Puracé, near Santa Leticia , 76°15’W 2°16’N, 2380 m, Gentry et al. 54035 (AAU). Magdalena: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta , road to Cuchilla de San Lorenzo, above Estación de Telecom, 1840 m, Santa & Escobar 635 (AAU). Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta , crest of San Lorenzo, 2750 m, Santa & Escobar 663 (AAU). Nariño: Pasto, Jameson 410 (G). Ricaurte, La Planada, 5 km S of Chucunés, 1850 m, Luteyn 6833 (AAU). Putumayo: Páramo de Tambillo, NE of Valle de Sibundoy, 2700–2800 m, Schultes & Smith 3114 (MO, NY). Santander: Subpáramo and forest NW of Arabuco, Cerro Berlín, Río Chuqueque drainage, 73°30’W 5°40’N, 2825 m, Cleef et al. 3492 (AAU). Valle: Ansermanuevo– San José del Palmar road, km 60–62, 1870–1950 m, Luteyn et al. 7271 (AAU). Mun. El Cairo, Las Amarillas, 1 hour’s drive from El Cairo Valle near base of Cerro del Inglés, Serranía de Los Paraguas, E slope of Cord. Occidental, 2070–2125 m, Silverstone-Sopkin 3751 (AAU).














Lycopodium clavatum ssp. clavatum

Øllgaard, Benjamin 2020

Lycopodium eriostachys Fée (1869: 224)

Nessel, H. 1927: )
Fee, A. L. A. & Strasbourg, Ie 1869: )

Lycopodium trichophyllum

Ollgaard, B. 1988: 125
Nessel, H. 1927: )
Spring, A. F. 1842: )
Desvaux, A. 1827: )

Lycopodium piliferum

Nessel, H. 1927: )
Raddi, J. 1825: )

Lycopodium serpens

Spring, A. F. 1842: )
Presl, C. B. 1825: )

Lycopodium aristatum

Willdenow, K. L. 1810: )
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