Lycopodiella matthewsii (Hook.) Holub (1983: 441)

Øllgaard, Benjamin, 2020, Lycopodiaceae in Colombia: Subfamilies Lycopodioideae and Lycopodielloideae, Phytotaxa 433 (3), pp. 195-224 : 207

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.433.3.3


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scientific name

Lycopodiella matthewsii (Hook.) Holub (1983: 441)


Lycopodiella matthewsii (Hook.) Holub (1983: 441) View in CoL .— Fig. 4A View FIGURE 4 .

Lycopodium matthewsii Hooker (1836 View in CoL : t. 26). Type:— PERU; Bagasan, Matthews 1778 (K holotype!; isotype, BM!) .

Horizontal shoots appressed to the ground, firmly rooted with short intervals, bearing stiffly erect, dorsally arising, simple, strobiliferous branches. Horizontal shoots at least to 50 cm long, sparsely unequally branched in the horizontal plane, densely covered on all sides by almost uniform, somewhat upwardly secund, or spreading to perpendicular leaves, 10–18 mm wide incl. leaves; the leaves linear-lanceolate to subulate, flat, with smooth margins or with short to long slender diverging teeth, soft, light green, (5–) 7–10 × (0.5–) 0.8–1.2 mm. Erect peduncular branches ca. 8–15 mm in diam. incl. leaves, to 50 cm tall incl. the strobilus, its leaves radially arranged, borne in alternating whorls of (5–) 6–10, these 1.5–4 mm apart, forming (10–) 12–20 indistinct longitudinal ranks, usually concealing the stem like leaves of horizontal shoots, or narrower, appressed to ascending (rarely patent), with entire margins or with few to several long perpedicular to recurved teeth, to near the leaf apex. Mature strobili to 12 cm long, 12–20 mm in diam. incl. sporophylls. Mature sporophylls borne like peduncle leaves, narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate-caudate with a 1–1.5 mm wide subpeltate base and with several long, coarse, hooked teeth on margins (or sometimes smooth), usually gradually narrowed into a long tip, often with teeth to beyond the middle, 6–10 mm long. Sporangia axillary, subglobular, ca. 1–1.2 mm in diam., almost concealed by sporophyll bases.

Distribution: Andes from Venezuela to Peru.

Habitats: Lycopodiella matthewsii occurs at mid to high altitudes (1700–3750 m) most often in deeper, peaty, moist and less rapidly drained soils in low paramos and marshy places in the shrub forest zone.

Antioquia: Medellín, monte El Boquerón, alto de Los Baldíos, 3150 m, Cuatrecasas et al 24237 (GH, US). Mun. Urrao, Jaiperá, Vereda El Chuscal, Páramo de Frontino, Llanogrande, 76°46’W 6°27’N, 3400 m, Callejas et al. 7600 (AAU). Mun. Jardín, Vía Jardín–Riosucio km 13, 2100–2400 m, Callejas et al. 3847 (AAU). Antoquia/Bolívar: Páramo de Chaquiro, cord. occ. 3000–3200 m, Pennell 4263 (NY). Boyacá: Páramo de Belén, 12 km N of Belén, 3150 m, Barclay & Juajibioy 7565 (MO). Páramo de la Rusia, NW–N of Duitama, Serrania Peña Negra, SW of Laguna Agua Clara, 73° 6°N, 3745 m, Cleef 7119 (U). Vado Hondo, subpáramo, Valle Quebrada Honda, 3 km NW of Caserio, 72°50’W 5°30’N, 3015 m, Cleef 9538 (U). Cauca: Valencia, Macizo Colombiano, Valle de Las Papas, 3140 m., Barclay & Juajibioy 5786 (GH). Chisquio, 1700 m, Asplund 10584 (S, US). Cordillera Central, Macizo Colombiano, E slope, Parque Nacional de Puracé, ascent from San José de Isnos, 76°20’W 2°N, 2750 m, Cleef 5008 (AAU, US).

Cundinamarca: Road E of Guasca, 3100 m, Haught 5744 (S, US) ; Zipaquirá–Pacho, páramo de Guerrero, 3100 m, Murillo & Villarreal 1363 ( AAU). Zipaquirá, alto del Aguila, 3000–3200 m., Murillo 407 ( COL). Páramo between Cogua and San Cayetano, Laguna Verde, 73°55’W 5°20’N, 3650 m, Cleef 6364 (U). Páramo de Sumapaz , Alto Mirador, 4.5 km S of San Juan, 3450 m, Cleef 8436 ( AAU). Páramo de Chapinero , Bogotá, 3000 m, Schneider 95 (S). Mun. Villapinzón, Páramo La Calavera , 73°33’W 5°12’N, 3300 m, Stancik 432 ( AAU). Nariño: Mun. Pasto, Páramo de Quillinsayaco , 3100 m, Santa & Buitrago 932 ( AAU, HUA). Mun. Ricaurte, La Planada, 5 kms S de Chucunés, 1850 m, Luteyn & Lebrón-Luteyn 6835 ( AAU). Putumayo: Páramo de Tambillo , NE del valle de Sibundoy, 2700–2800 m, Schultes & Smith 3116 ( GH). Cerro de Patascoy , Río Guamues near confluence with Río Estero, 2800–3075 m, Ewan 16358 ( NO, US). Norte de Santander: Pamplona, páramo de Fontibón, 2600 - 2750 m, Cuatrecasas et al 12312 ( GH, US). Pamplona, páramo de Fontibón, 2500 m, Alston 7181 ( AAU, BM). Tolima: ” Rosalito ”, cerca al páramo del Ruiz, 2800–3100 m, Pennell 2959 ( GH, NY, US) GoogleMaps .


Bristol Museum


Addis Ababa University, Department of Biology


Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Universidad de Antioquia


Harvard University - Gray Herbarium


Tulane University Herbarium


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden














Lycopodiella matthewsii (Hook.) Holub (1983: 441)

Øllgaard, Benjamin 2020

Lycopodiella matthewsii (Hook.)

Holub, J. 1983: )
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