Palhinhaea trianae (Hieron.) Holub (1985: 79)

Øllgaard, Benjamin, 2020, Lycopodiaceae in Colombia: Subfamilies Lycopodioideae and Lycopodielloideae, Phytotaxa 433 (3), pp. 195-224 : 217-218

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.433.3.3

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scientific name

Palhinhaea trianae (Hieron.) Holub (1985: 79)


Palhinhaea trianae (Hieron.) Holub (1985: 79) View in CoL — Fig. 6A View FIGURE 6 .

Lycopodium trianae Hieronymus (1905: 574) View in CoL .— Lycopodium cernuum View in CoL L. var. trianae (Hieron.) Nessel (1939: 358) .— Lycopodiella trianae (Hieron.) B. Øllgaard (1987: 176) View in CoL . TYPE: COLOMBIA: Chocó, Acostadero, 2500 m, Triana 234 ( US lectotype, B, E, isolectotype, designated by Lellinger (1977: 719).

Vigorous plants with long, arching-looping runner shoots, rooting at long intervals, bearing dorsally arising, rigidly erect, amply branched, to 2.5 m tall, self-supporting, tree-like shoots. Erect main axes with several to numerous, regularly spaced, stiffly spreading, highly compound, to 40 cm long lateral branchlet systems. Ultimate branchlets 1.5– 2.5 mm in diam. incl. leaves, with nodding apices.Axes hairy throughout. Leaves of main axes relatively distant, usually closely appressed, 3–4 mm long, with densely hairy bases. Leaves of ultimate branchlets densely crowded, usually borne in alternating whorls of 4–6, forming 8–12 longitudinal ranks, 2–3 × 0.3–0.5 mm, subterete or quadrangular at base, apically flattened, acicular, ascending and upward curved to loosely appressed, with numerous stiff, acicular hairs abaxially and on margins and leaf bases. Strobili nodding to pendent, 4–10 mm long, ca 2 mm in diam. Sporophylls borne in alternating whorls of 4–5, forming 8–10 longitudinal ranks, with coalescent leaf bases almost enclosing the sporangia, with deltoid-cuspidate, ca 1.5 × 0.5–0.8 mm exterior face, with irregularly dentate-erose-laciniate margins. Sporangia globose, ca 0.5 mm in diam.

Distribution: Western Colombia and northwestern Ecuador.

Habitats: Disturbed areas in perhumid forest, 0–3000 m elev.

Antioquia: Mun. Yarumal, Alto de Ventanas, 3000 m, Santa 605 (AAU).

Cauca: Mun. El Tambo, Road to the sea via 20 de Julio, W slope, 2000 m, Santa et al. 993 (AAU). Chocó: Road 9 km W of Tutunedo, ca. 9 km E of Quibdó, 76°40’W 5°39’N, 100 m, Croat 56182 (MO). Chocó, near Quibdó, Daniel, Bro. 534 ( US). Chaparraidó, near Tutunendo, 100 m, Forero et al 5826 (AAU, MO). Road Medellín–Quibdó, before Bolívar, 750 m, Forero et al. 1072 (MO, NY). Mun. Istmina, Quebrada Raspadura, Raspadura–Quiadó, watershed of Río Atrato and San Juan, 76°38’W 5°15’N, Forero & Jaramillo 5340 (AAU, MO), Forero 2095 (MO). Corcovada region, Upper Río San Juan, ridge along Yeracüí Valley, 200–275 m, Killip 35353 ( US). Between Oveja and Quibdó, Archer 1689 ( US). Road Bolívar–Quibdó, km 175–176, 465 m, Juncosa 2583 (MO). 1.5–2.5 km W of Istmina along the road to Pie de Pepé, Roadsides and hillsides, 75–100 m, Bare soil, to 2 m tall. Lellinger & de la Sota 430 (COL, UC, US). Quibdó, Quebrada La Platina, 60 m, Idrobo & Cuatrecasas 2702 (NY, US). Near Quibdó, near Río Atrato, 400 m, Molina & Barkley 19Ch153 (COL, MO), 19Ch144 (COL). Acostadero, 2500 m, Triana 696 (COL). Nariño: Altaquer, 1060 m, Foster 2120 (A, COL). Barbacoas, Corregimiento Santander (Buenavista) slopes of Río Telembí, 200–840 m, García-Barriga 13151 (COL, NY, US). 2 km E of Barbacoas just S of Río Telembí, 1°40’N 78°08’W, 100 m, Fosberg 21241 ( US). Between Páramo and Barbacoas, steep banks, 500 m, Alston 8469 (AAU, BM). Valle del Cauca: Mun. Buenaventura, Bajo Calima, 77°W 3°55’N, 100 m, Monsalve 791 (AAU). 18 km E of Buenaventura, 50 m, Killip & García 33262 (COL, K, NY, UC, US). Anchicaya (Cali–Buenaventura), 400–500 m, KØie 4841 (C). Buenaventura, André 226 (K, NY, US). Buenaventura Bay, ca. 0 m, Killip 33001 (COL, US). Buenaventura Bay, Quebrada de Aguadulce, Pacific coast, 0–10m, Cuatrecasas 19719 (COL, F, US). Between Madroñal and Buenaventura, km 14–19, 20–30 m, Cuatrecasas & Patino 27477 (F, NY, US). Highway Buenaventura–Cali, dense forest, ca. 0 m, Killip & Cuatrecasas 39031 (COL, F, MO, UC, US). Buenaventura, open land along railroad, Pacific coast, 0–10 m, Pennell & Killip 5297 (NY, US). Buenaventura, <50 m, Haught 5317 (COL, F, S, US). Road Cali–Buenaventura, 28 km from Buenaventura, 300 m, Bischler 1421 (COL). Buenaventura, Kennedy 173 ( US). Near Buenaventura, Kennedy 785 (AAU, US). Mun. Buenaventura, Bajo Calima, 40 m, Santa & Sánchez 1050 (AAU, COL, HUA). Buenaventura, Cordiba, Río Dagua, 100 m, Santo & S. Hoyos 749 (AAU). Old road Cali–Buenaventura, 10 km after Anchicayá, 300 m, Santa & Hoyos 747 (AAU). Buenaventura, sea level, Alston 8629 (AAU, BM). Ibid., 100 m, Rauh et Hirsch, s.n. (M). Ibid. Dryander 32 (M). Córdoba, Dagua Valley, 30–100 m, Pittier 515 ( US). Buenaventura, Lehmann 8910 (B, F, K, US)

Pseudolycopodiella Holub (1983: 441) View in CoL . Type: Pseudolycopodiella caroliniana View in CoL (L.) Holub (= Lycopodium carolinianum View in CoL L.)

Lycopodium sect. Caroliniana Bruce (1976: 136) .— Lycopodiella sect. Caroliniana (Bruce) Øllgaard (1987: 174) . Type: Lycopodium carolinianum View in CoL L.

Sporophytes with prostrate, rooting, indeterminate, isophyllous to strongly anisophyllous, horizontally branching shoots, and dorsally arising, erect, simple strobiliferous branches; leaves of strobiliferous branches conform to leaves of prostrate shoots or strongly reduced and distant; sporophylls arranged in alternating whorls of 3–5, rarely decussate, forming 4–10 (–12) longitudinal ranks, free, not enclosing the sporangia at maturity, without veinal mucilage canals; sporangia isovalvate, reniform, widely attached to the sporophyll stalk: sporangium epidermis cells with incompletely lignified or incompletely semiannular thickenings. Spores rugate, with a distinct equatorial rim.

Temperate and tropical America, Paleotropics, absent from Europe.

Most species grow on moist or boggy, sandy soil. Some species are adapted to seasonal drought. 10–15 species. The highest diversity and the primitive, isophyllous species in South America.














Palhinhaea trianae (Hieron.) Holub (1985: 79)

Øllgaard, Benjamin 2020

Palhinhaea trianae (Hieron.)

Holub, J. 1985: )


Holub, J. 1983: )

Lycopodium sect. Caroliniana

Bruce, J. G. 1976: )

Lycopodium trianae

Lellinger 1977: 719
Nessel, H. 1939: )
Hieronymus, G. 1905: )
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