Monstera dubia (Kunth) Engl. & K.Krause, Pflanzenr. IV.

Croat, Thomas B., Cedeño-Fonseca, Marco & Ortiz, Orlando O., 2024, Revision of Monstera (Araceae: Monsteroideae) of Central America, Phytotaxa 656 (1), pp. 1-197 : 69-72

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Felipe (2024-08-02 16:02:21, last updated 2024-11-24 23:21:36)

scientific name

Monstera dubia (Kunth) Engl. & K.Krause, Pflanzenr. IV.


15. Monstera dubia (Kunth) Engl. & K.Krause, Pflanzenr. IV. View in CoL 23B (Heft 37): 117. 1908.

Marcgravia dubia Kunth , Nov. Gen. Sp. 7: 169 [folio], 217 [quarto]. 1825. ( Figs. 28 View FIGURE 28 , 29 View FIGURE 29 )

Type: — Novae Andalusiae [ VENEZUELA. Sucre or Monagas], prope Cocollar et coenobium Caripense [near Cocollar (Sucre) and Caripe monastery (Monagas)], alt. 400 hex. [≡ fathoms, i.e. ca. 730 m], [1799], A. von Humboldt & A. Bonpland s.n. (lectotype P-P00679587!, designated by Cedeño-Fonseca et al. (2022)) .

Robust nomadic vine, with appressed-climbing habit at first, then sometimes with the mature shoots free and pendent. SEEDLINGS: filiform. JUVENILE PLANTS: root climbers; stems light brown or beige, warty, dorsoventrally compressed; internodes 3–5 cm long, 5–8 mm diam.; petiole inconspicuous, dark green, smooth, 6–10 mm long; blades obovate, cordate at base, acuminate, coriaceous, 10–18 × 6–10 cm, sometimes variegated, completely appressed to the phorophyte; fenestrations absent. ADULT PLANTS: root climbers; stems yellowish or beige, with abundant pustules that generate a warty surface, cylindrical or dorsoventrally compressed; internodes 2–6 cm long, 1.0– 3.5 cm diam., 1.7–2.0 times longer than wide; cataphylls slightly deciduous; anchor roots light brown; feeder roots beige, warty; petiole light green, white-dotted, striated and pustulate at base, warty, 30–55 cm long, fully sheathed or up to 3 cm long; petiole sheath deciduous; geniculum smooth, slightly terete, 2–5 cm long; blades ovate to elliptic or oblong, widely cuneate to rounded or truncate at base, sometimes peltate, obtuse to long-acuminate at apex, subcoriaceous or chartaceous, drying greenish-gray, brownish or yellowish, 55–100 × 30–35 cm, 1.6–2.1 times longer than wide, not decurrent on the geniculum; midrib flattened adaxially, convex abaxially, drying yellowish or dark brown on both surfaces; primary lateral veins 12–25 per side, decurrent on the midrib, bifurcated in the medial part of its length, obscure adaxially, prominent abaxially, departing midrib at 65–75°, drying black or dark brown; secondary veins reticulate and prominent; collective veins not visible; fenestrations absent or present; margins entire to pinnatilobed, with 3–6 lobes per side, 1.5–2.5 cm wide where the middle lobes are narrow. INFLORESCENCES on ascending and pendent stems, 1–7 simultaneously at flowering time, subtended by cataphylls which sometimes leave dry fragments on the peduncles; peduncle smooth, light green with white dots, 5–10 cm long, 0.7–1.2 cm diam.; spathe apically short-acuminate or obtuse, light green during development, pink externally and cream internally at anthesis, coriaceous, completely open at apex, deciduous after anthesis, 8–16 × 7–13 cm, up to 1 cm longer than the spadix; spadix white during development, creamy yellow at anthesis, 7–15 cm long, 1.5–3.5 cm diam., 1.5–2.0 times longer than wide; basal sterile flowers 3–5 mm long, narrow towards base; fertile flowers 4–8 mm long; stamens 1–7 mm long, with laminar filaments; anthers 3–4 mm long; ovary flattened, rectangular in longitudinal section, ribbed, 4–5 × 2–4 mm; style 2–3 × 4–5 mm, compressed and hexagonal; stigmatophore slightly conical, 0.3–0.5 mm long; stigma circular, with a yellowish stigmatic secretion; berries with a yellowish green stylar cap during development, mature stylar cap beige-cream; pulp white; seeds dark brown with white dots, spherical or oblong, 5–7 mm long.

Distribution and ecology: —From Mexico to Bolivia, Venezuela, French Guiana, Brazil, Trinidad & Tobago, at elevations of 0–450 in Tropical moist forest and Tropical wet forest life zones; in primary and secondary forest, and open areas.

Phenology: —Flowering registered in January, May, and April. Fruiting in January and April.

Discussion: —The species is a member of sect. Marcgraviopsis . It differs from the other species by its smooth and mottled petiole with warts on the base, the deciduous petiolar sheath, the subterete geniculum, the entire or fenestrate leaf blade with the base cordate and sometimes peltate, the primary lateral veins bifurcated at about half their length, inflorescences subtended by deciduous cataphylls in a sympodial series between episodes of monopodial leafy growth, the externally pink spathe and slender flowers with circular stigmas.

Monstera dubia is similar to M. punctulata , but the latter has the spathes pale green externally, the petioles verrucate and grooved throughout their length, the leaf blade usually with numerous conspicuous fenestrations between primary lateral veins and grows at elevations above 600 m, while M. dubia generally has a less conspicuously fenestrate leaf and grows in the lowlands of the Pacific slope.

For more details about the taxonomic comments and nomenclatural notes see Cedeño-Fonseca et al. (2022).

Additional specimens examined: — MEXICO. Chiapas: Acacoyagua. Orillas del río Chicol, al Este de Acacoyagua, 15°22’24”N 092°39’40”W, 125 m, 07 enero 2006, A. López 175 (HEM, MO); Escuintla. Col. Turquia, 20 km E de Escuintla, 250 m, 05 Jul. 1947, E. Matuda 20953 (NCU); Esperanza, Escuintla, 15°26’24”N 092°31’12”W, 200 m, 15 Jul. 1948, E. Matuda 20949 (NCU); La Concordia. Reserva de la Biosfera El Triunfo, Poligono III, Cerro Quetzal, 50 km al Sur de la Colonia Independencia. Bosque mesófilo de montaña, 15°43’N 092°55’W, 2293 m, 1 Jun 2001, G. López-Hernández 52 (MO!); Veracruz: Sayula. Along road under construction, 1 mile W of Sayula de Alemán; ca. 6 mi S of Acayucan, 17°52’12”N 094°57’36”W, 90 m, 03 July 1977, T.B. Croat 40022 (MO!). GUATEMALA. San Marcos: Finca Armenia, vicinity of Rafael de Cuesta, 14°54’36”N 091°53’43”W, 5000 ft, 06 July 1977 – 07 July 1977, John D. Dwyer 14464 (MO!). HONDURAS. Olancho: Campamento. Montaña Los Zapotes 10 km NO de Campamento. Bosque muy húmedo montano bajo, 14°34’31”N 086°43’11”W, 1057 m, 25 Apr 1982, E.S. López 133 (MO!); Yoro: m, R.L. Liesner 26682 (TEFH!). NICARAGUA. Atlántico Sur: Along road between Nueva Guinea and Verdún; Tropical wet forest, 11°40’N 084°27’W, 240 m, 17 Aug. 1983, J.S. Miller & J.C. Sandino 1107 (MO!); Boaco: Cerro Mombachito, 4 km al NO de Camoapa; bosque nublado rodeado por pastizales, 12°24’N 085°33’W, 700–1000 m, 1 feb 1979, A.Grijalva & M. Araquistain 80-A (MO!); Río San Juan: Reserva Indio-Maiz, Municipio de San Juan del Norte, Río Indio, Cerro Canta Gallo, 11°04’N 083°51’W, 150–200 m, 15 septiembre 1998, R.M. Rueda et al. 8595 (HULE). COSTA RICA. Puntarenas: Forest along Río Paquita, 2 m, 13 August 1936, (Infer.), C. Dodge & V. Goerger 9764 (CR!, MO!); Garabito, Tárcoles, P.N. Carara, Along N fork (known locally as ”Quebrada Mona”) of Quebrada Bonita, 35 m, 31 August 1985, (Fr.), M.H. Grayum et al. 5962 (CR!, MO!); Golfito, Puerto Jiménez, Along road between Rincón and Puerto Jiménez, 15 km S of Rincón, disturbed areas along road, 30 m, 4 March 1985, (Fr.), T.B. Croat & M.H. Grayum 59797 (CR!, MO!); Along road between El Valle de Madraño and La Saena, 2.5 mi N of El Valle de Madroño, 3.5 mi N of turn-off To San José, 11, 6 mi N of Las Margaritas, (vicinity of Chepe, in valley of Río Mamoní, 180 m, 22 July 1994, (Fl., Fr.), T.B. Croat & G. Zhu 77052 (CR!); Golfito, Jiménez, Colecta en bosque junto al río Rincón, camino a la estación Los Patos, 70 m, 16 May 2000, (Fl.), L. Acosta 1197 (CR!); Osa, Sierpe, Along road between Rincon and Boscosa, 2 Km W of bridge over Rio Rincon, 50 m, 11 September 1996, (Infer.), T.B. Croat 79252 (CR!, MO!); Golfito, Golfito, Seccion Esquinas, orilla Quebrada Arenas Bosque Esquinas, 100 m, 15 April 1994, (Fl., Fr.), J. Quesada 886 (CR!, MO!); 1 mile south of Rio Claro near C.R -Panama Border, 11 August 1971, (Fr.), J. Vaughan 621 (MO!); Golfito, Serranias de Golfito, Est. Río Bonito, 450 m, 5 October 1996, (Infer.), E. Fletes 352 (MO!); Golfito, Along Interamerican Highway beside Río Grande, 8 February 1978, (Fr.), T.B. Croat 32951 (MO!), Parrita, 20 Abril 1985, (Infer.), E. Valerio 132 (USJ!); Parrita, 10 m, 20 Noviembre 2001, (Fl.), C. Morales 1497 (USJ!); Golfito, Puerto Jiménez, Camino a la Estación Biológica Piro, 15 m, 28 Mayo 2016, (Infrl., Fr.), M. Cedeño, et al. 891 (USJ!); Golfito, Puerto Jiménez, Camino a la Estación Biológica Piro, 15 m, 10 May 2016, (Fr.), M. Cedeño et al. 950 (USJ!); Golfito, Golfito, La Gamba, Río Bonito, 80 m, 28 Octubre 2017, (Fr.), M. Cedeño et al. 1134 (USJ!); Along road from San Vito (Las Cruces) to Ciudad Neily, 2 July 1984, (Fl.), M. Grayum 3394 (MO!). PANAMA. Le Clezio, Jan 1969, Narciso Bristan 63 (MO!); Canal Area: Barro Colorado Island. James Zetek Trail, 09°09’31”N 079°52’05”W, 10–100 m, 6 Jul 1931, D.E. Starry 37 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island. William Morton Wheeler Trail, 09°09’20”N 079°51’10”W, 10–170 m, Jul 1931, D.E. Starry 110 (MO!); 12 mi s Colon on Rio Providencia, 09°12’54”N 079°58’14”W, 5–140 m, 16 May 1966, E.L. Tyson & K.E. Blum 4004 (MO!); Flora of Barro Colorado Island. Gatun Lake, Panama Canal, 09°09’N 079°51’W, 10–100 m, 12 Mar 1934, J.R. Smith 10 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island, Snyder Molino Trail, 09°09’30”N 079°50’20”W, 10–100 m, 11 Jun 1960, J.E. Ebinger 15 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island, 09°09’N 079°51’W, 10–100 m, 1931, S. Aviles 90 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island, 09°09’N 079°51’W, 10–100 m, 1931, S. Aviles 38 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island. Snyder-Molino Trail, 09°09’30”N 079°50’20”W, 10–150 m, 21 Sep 1968, T.B. Croat 6254 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island. James Zetek Trail, 09°09’31”N 079°52’05”W, 10–100 m, 22 Dec 1970, T.B. Croat 12862 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island. William Morton Wheeler Trail, 09°09’20”N 079°51’10”W, 10–100 m, 11 May 1968, T.B. Croat 5476 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island. Barbour-Lathrop Trail, 09°09’30”N 079°49’25”W, 10–100 m, 29 Sep 1968, T.B. Croat 6551 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island. William Morton Wheeler Trail, 09°09’20”N 079°51’10”W, 10–170 m, 7 Aug 1970, T.B. Croat 11782 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island. James Zetek Trail, 09°09’31”N 079°52’05”W, 10–100 m, 15 Jun 1970, T.B. Croat 10877 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island, Allison Armour Trail, 09°09’10”N 079°51’30”W, 10–100 m, 26 Aug 1970, T.B. Croat 11919 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island. James Zetek Trail, 09°09’31”N 079°52’05”W, 10–100 m, 29 Jul 1970, T.B. Croat 11654 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island. Along hogback ridge S of Fuertes Cove-Pearson Peninsula, 09°10’07”N 079°51’31”W, 0–20 m, 24 Feb 1969, T.B. Croat 8148 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island:Thomas Barbour Trail, 09°09’30”N 079°49’20”W, 10–100 m, 3 Apr 1970, T.B. Croat 9306 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island. Lutz Trail, 09°09’49”N 079°50’17”W, 0–50 m, 20 Aug 1968, T.B. Croat 5945 (MO!); Barro Colorado Island. Peña Blanca Peninsula, 09°10’10”N 079°52’15”W, 0–10 m, 4 May 1968, T.B. Croat 5338 (MO!); Chiriquí: Along road from Puerto Armuelles to San Bartolo Limite, 7 miles west of Puerto Armuelles, 08°16’N 082°56’W, 120 m, 19 May 1976, T.B. Croat 35040 (MO!); 1.6 m W of Puerto Armuelles, 08°15’54”N 082°52’54”W, 50 m, 18 February 1973, T.B. Croat 21918 (MO!); Coclé: Quebrada Nicaragua, 08°52’50”N 080°24’24”W, 25 m, 10 Nov 2001, J.A. Mendieta 18–48 (PAN); Tavidal Abajo, 08°40’52”N 080°10’59”W, 260 m, 23 Agosto 2001 – 24 Agosto 2001, J.A. Mendieta M. 14–76 (MO!); Colón: Río Guanche; ca. 5 km upstream from road to Portobelo. In forest and along slopes near river, 09°30’N 079°40’W, 50 m, 15 Mar 1986, B.E. Hammel & J. Trainer 14798 (MO!); Thickets and pasture.Along Río Viejo, between the Portobelo road and Quebrada Ruíz, 4 km NE of Puerto Pilón, 09°23’30”N 079°46’30”W, 5 m, 29 September 1973, M.H. Nee 7187 (MO!); Between Nuevo Tonosí and Río Indio on road from Portobelo and Nombre de Dios. Elevation near sea level, 09°33’N 079°33’W - 09°34’N 079°37’W, 0–5 m, 22 March 1976, T.B. Croat 33550 (MO!); Between Portobelo and María Chiquita, 09°26’N 079°39’W - 09°33’N 079°45’W, 22 Mar 1976, T.B. Croat 33581 (MO!); Along Río Guanché, 3–5 km above bridge on Colón-Portobello Road. [Coordinates on original label: 09º30’N, 79º30’W], 09°30’N 079°39’W, 30–100 m, 22 September 1996, T.B. Croat 79326 (MO!); Darién: Cerro Tacarcuna Expedition. South slope of Cerro Tacarcuna; trail from Río Pucuro base camp to westernmost peak. Premontane wet forest, 08°10’N 077°20’W, 1300 m, 30 Jan 1975, A.H. Gentry & S.A. Mori 14012 (MO!); Parque Nacional del Darién, ridge between Río Topalisa and Río Pucuro, ca. 17 km E of Pucuro; Mi Casita to La Laguna. Primary forest with Jessenia, Socratea, Wettenia, Oenocarpus, 08°03’30”N 077°17’00”W, 600–850 m, 15 Oct 1987, B.E. Hammel et al. 16227 (MO!); Western [eastern] slope of Serranía de Pirre, below Cana mine, along old road to Boca de Cupa, 07°45’N 077°40’W, 500 m, 06 March 1988, G. McPherson 12273 (MO!); Parque Nacional Darién. Área alrededor del Campamento de Cana, J.A. Polanco 3062 (MO!); Parque Nacional Darién. Cerro Pirre. Rancho Frio, cerca de la estación de la antigua ANAM, 08°01’16”N 077°44’04”W, 103 m, 17 April 2016, O. Ortiz & T. Contreras 2592 (MO!, PMA!); Vicinity of Yaviza, along Río Chucunaque; along interam. hwy. between Pinogana & Yaviza, 1 km from Tuira, 08°09’30”N 077°41’00”W, 6 Jun 1959, W.L. Stern et al. 133 (MO!); Chepigana. PN Darien, Rancho Frio, Estacion de MIAMBIENTE, a orillas del rio Perresenico, 08°00’42”N 077°26’07”W, 109 m, 05 noviembre 2015, J. Batista 1477 (MO!, PMA!); Panamá: Along road between El Valle de Madraño and La Saena, 2.5 mi N of El Valle de Madroño, 3.5 mi N of turn-off To San José, 11.6 mi N of Las Margaritas, (vicinity of Chepo, in valley of Río Mamoní), 09°14’25”N 079°05’00”W, 180 m, 22 July 1994, T.B. Croat & G. Hua Zhu 77052 (CR!, MO!, NY!); Capira. Middle slopes of Cerro Campana, ca. 1 mile from Interamerican Highway, 08°43’09”N 079°53’25”W, 150 m, 15 June 1976, T.B. Croat 35987 (MO!); Chepo. Rio Majé, above first waterfall on steep wooded slopes of narrow valleys, tropical moist forest, 09°06’21”N 078°45’36”W, 50 m, 20 Apr 1976, T.B. Croat 34434 (MO!); Rio Majé, along river from waterfalls near Bayano Lake to Finca of Choco Indian Eduardo Maycha, ca. 2 miles upstream, 09°06’21”N 078°45’36”W, 30–60 m, 04 May 1976, T.B. Croat 34603 (MO!); Along Río Maje, ca. 4–5 miles above waterfalls near new Bayano Lake, 09°06’21”N 078°45’36”W, 100 m, 05 May 1976, T.B. Croat 34725 (MO!); El Llano-Cartí Road, 5–6 miles N of Interamerican Highway at El Llano, 09°15’30”N 078°55’50”W, 350–375 m, 7 May 1976, T.B. Croat 34772 (MO!); San Blas: Cangandí, swampy flat below village and toward Mandinga. [Coordinates on original label: 9°24’N, 79°24’W.], 09°27’30”N 079°07’00”W, 10 m, 05 April 1986, G. de Nevers et al. 7707 (MO!).

Cedeno-Fonseca, M., Hay, A. & Blanco, M. A. (2022) A taxonomic revision of Monstera Adans. (Araceae: Monsteroideae) in Costa Rica. Aroideana 45 (1): 4 - 198.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 28. Monstera dubia from Costa Rica. (A) Developing inflorescence. (B) Inflorescence with open spathe, front and back views. (C) Mature infructescence, stylar plates detached. (D) Fertile flower; in lateral view (left) and in longitudinal section (right). (E) Stylar plate with stigma (left) and one stamen (right). (F) Sterile flower; lateral view (left) and longitudinal section (right). (G) Seeds. (H) Juvenile plant. (I) Seedling. (J) Portion of adult plant. M. Cedeño et al. 891 (USJ). Image from Cedeño-Fonseca et al. (2022).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 29. Monstera dubia. Adult plant growing in a tree in Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Photo by M. Cedeño-Fonseca. (Not collected).











