Cyphomyrus discorhynchus ( Peters, 1852 )

Kramer, Bernd & Bank, F. Herman Van der, 2011, The Victoria Falls, a species boundary for the Zambezi Parrotfish, Cyphomyrus discorhynchus (Peters, 1852), and the resurrection of Cyphomyrus cubangoensis (Pellegrin, 1936) (Mormyridae: Teleostei), Journal of Natural History 45 (43 - 44), pp. 2669-2699 : 2689-2690

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scientific name

Cyphomyrus discorhynchus ( Peters, 1852 )


Cyphomyrus discorhynchus ( Peters, 1852) View in CoL

( Figure 1G View Figure 1 )

Nominal species in boldface.

Mormyrus discorhynchus Peters, 1852: 275 View in CoL .

Petrocephalus discorhynchus: Marcusen 1864: 150 View in CoL .

Mormyrus (Petrocephalus) discorhynchus: Sauvage 1880: 27 View in CoL .

Marcusenius discorhynchus: Boulenger 1898: 797 View in CoL .

Cyphomyrus discorhynchus: Myers 1960: 125 View in CoL , Van der Bank and Kramer 1996: 287; Skelton 2001: 97; Lavoué et al. 2003: 288; Kramer and Swartz 2010: 228, fig. 8.

Hippopotamyrus discorhynchus: Taverne 1971a: 104 View in CoL ; Seegers 1996: 68.

Marcusenius tanganicanus Boulenger, 1906: 455 View in CoL , pl. 30, fig. 1; Boulenger 1909: 81 (synonymy with Mormyrus discorhynchus View in CoL ).

Marcusenius smithersi Määr, 1962 View in CoL .

Cyphomyrus smithersi: Jubb 1967: 33 View in CoL

Hippopotamyrus smithersi: Taverne 1971a: 104 View in CoL .

Material examined

See Material and methods section.

Type specimens. ZMB 3.674 View Materials , lectotype. Paralectotypes: individuals ZMB 3.673 View Materials , ZMB 3.675 View Materials , ZMB 3.676 View Materials . ZMB 23.374 View Materials , one paralectotype plus remnants of a dissected specimen; all collected by W.C. Peters. Lectotype and paralectotypes designated by Seegers (1996: 69).

Type locality. “Mossambique”. In his 1868 publication, Peters specified that the origin of his specimens was “Tette” (present spelling Tete) on the Zambezi , and “the Licuare in Boror” (the Licuare is a short coastal river on the northern periphery of the Zambezi delta, discharging into the Indian Ocean at Quelimane ; all Mozambique). Tete is below the Cahora Bassa dam, and separated from the Indian Ocean by 400 km .


nD, median 33–34 (range 28–36); nA, median 24–25 (range 23–27); SPc, median 12 (range 12–13); SLS, median 64–69 (range 57–72); LD, mean 0.2977 –0.3129 (range 0.2701 –0.3239) of SL; LA, mean 0.2040 –0.2124 (range 0.1844 –0.2263) of SL; CPL, mean 0.2154 –0.2215 (range 0.2066 –0.2405) of SL; CPD, mean 0.2952 –0.3002 (range 0.2657 –0.3380) of CPL; BD, mean 0.2841 –0.3530 (range 0.2464 –0.3407) of SL; PDL, mean 0.5631 –0.5779 (range 0.5455 –0.6065) of SL; HL, mean, 0.2197 –0.2373 (range 0.2168 –0.2639) of SL. Bipolar EOD, of 130 µs duration (n = 1).


Seegers (1996) gives a lively description of ecology and biology of specimens caught on or near Lake Rukwa.

For distinguishing between specimens of C. discorhynchus and C. cubangoensis , the most useful anatomical characters are: longer LD, longer LA, higher number of nD and nA, higher CPD/CPL in C. discorhynchus than C. cubangoensis .

Boulenger GA. 1898. A revision of the genera and species of the fishes of the family Mormyridae. Proc Zool Soc Lond. 1898: 775 - 821.

Boulenger GA. 1906. Fourth contribution to the ichthyology of Lake Tanganyika. Report on the collection of fishes made by Dr W. A. Cunnington during the Third Tanganyika Expedition, 1905 - 1905. Trans Zool Soc Lond. 17: 537 - 619, pls 30 - 41.

Boulenger GA. 1909. Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 1, xi - 373. London: British Museum (NH).

Jubb RA. 1967. Freshwater fishes of southern Africa. Cape Town, Amsterdam: Balkema.

Kramer B, Swartz ER. 2010. A new species of Slender Stonebasher within the Hippopotamyrus ansorgii complex from the Cunene River in southern Africa (Teleostei: Mormyriformes). J Nat Hist. 44: 2213 - 2242.

Lavoue S, Sullivan J. P, Hopkins CD. 2003. Phylogenetic utility of the first two introns of the S 7 ribosomal protein gene in African electric fishes (Mormyroidea: Teleostei) and congruence with other molecular markers. Biol J Linn Soc. 78: 273 - 292.

Maar A. 1962. Marcusenius smithersi sp. nov. and Gnathonemus rhodesianus sp. nov. (Mormyridae) from the Zambezi River system, and Barbus hondeensis sp. nov. (Cyprinidae) from the Pungwe River. Occasional Papers of the National Museums of Southern Rhodesia 3: 780 - 784.

Marcusen J. 1864. Die Familie der Mormyren. Eine anatomisch-zoologische Abhandlung. Mem Acad Sci St. - Petersburg 7: 1 - 162.

Myers GS. 1960. The mormyrid genera Hippopotamyrus and Cyphomyrus. Stanford Ichthyol Bull. 7: 123 - 125.

Peters WCH. 1852. Einige neue Saugethiere und Flussfische aus Mossambique. Monatsber Konigl Preuss Akad Wiss Berlin 1852: 273 - 276.

Sauvage HE. 1880. Etude sur la faune ichthyologique de l'Ogooue. Arch Mus Natl Hist Nat (Paris), 2 nd ser: 5 - 56.

Seegers L. 1996. The fishes of the Lake Rukwa drainage. Ann Sc Zool (Tervuren) 278: 1 - 407.

Skelton P. 2001. A complete guide to the freshwater fishes of southern Africa. Cape Town: Struik Publishers.

Taverne L. 1971 a. Note sur la systematique des poissons Mormyriformes. Le probleme des genres Gnathonemus Gill, Marcusenius Gill, Hippopotamyrus Pappenheim, Cyphomyrus Myers et les nouveaux genres Pollimyrus et Brienomyrus. Rev Zool Bot Afr. 84 (1 - 2): 99 - 110.

Van der Bank FH, Kramer B. 1996. Phylogenetic relationships between eight African species of mormyriform fish (Teleostei, Osteichthyes): resolution of a cryptic species, and reinstatement of Cyphomyrus Myers, 1960. Biochem Syst Ecol. 24: 275 - 290.

Gallery Image

Figure 1. Members of the Cyphomyrus discorhynchus species complex. (A) Marcusenius cubangoensis Pellegrin 1936, Upper Okavango River, Angola (NMB 5216, syntype); (B) Cyphomyrus cubangoensis (Pellegrin, 1936), Namibia: province Kavango: Okavango River (SAIAB 20384 specimen R1); (C) C. cubangoensis (Pellegrin, 1936), Namibia: Caprivi Strip: Kwando River:











