Roundyella lebaensis Krömmelbein, 1958

Tarnac, Anaëlle, Forel, Marie-Béatrice, Nestell, Galina, Nestell, Merlynd & Crasquin, Sylvie, 2021, Middle Permian ostracods (Crustacea) from the Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas, USA, European Journal of Taxonomy 770, pp. 1-60 : 19-20

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Felipe (2021-09-29 12:26:51, last updated 2024-11-26 00:56:05)

scientific name

Roundyella lebaensis Krömmelbein, 1958


Roundyella lebaensis Krömmelbein, 1958

Fig. 6F–H View Fig

Roundyella lebaensis Krömmelbein, 1958: 118 , pl. 1 figs 11–15, pl. 3 figs 45–46.

Roundyella krommelbeini sp. nov. Kozur, 1991: 15, 16, pl. 7, fig. 2.

Roundyella lebaensis wangi n. subsp. Kozur, 1991: 15, 16, pl. 8, figs 2, 13.

Roundyella lebaensis — Knüpfer 1967: 76, pl. 1 fig. 1. — Ivanov 1975: 164, pl. 33 fig. 34, pl. 39 fig. 4. — Woszczyńska 1987: 188, pl. 9 figs 1–2, 8. — Olempska & Błaszyk 1996: 15, pl. 2 fig. 5, pl. 4 fig. 1.

Material examined

USA • 1 left valve; Guadalupe Mountains , West Texas, Williams Ranch Member , Cutoff Formation , Quarry section, samples GM4; Roadian, Middle Permian; MNHN.F. F63388 View Materials 1 right valve; same locality as for preceding; Roadian, Middle Permian; MNHN.F. F63389 View Materials 1 right valve; Guadalupe Mountains , West Texas, Williams Ranch Member , Cutoff Formation , Quarry section, samples GM1; Roadian, Middle Permian; MNHN.F. F63390 View Materials 5 valves; Guadalupe Mountains , West Texas, Williams Ranch Member, Cutoff Formation, Quarry section, samples GM1, GM4; Roadian; MNHN.F. F63654 View Materials 3 valves; same locality as for preceding; ‘ McKittrick Canyon’ Member , Bell Canyon Formation , MKCS1 section, sample 4 (GM5) Capitanian; Middle Permian; MNHN.F. F63480 View Materials .


German basin, Werrakarbonate, Zechstein ( Knüpfer 1967); USSR, Baltic region, Novoakmyanskaya svita ( Ivanov 1975); Polish lowlands, cyclothem PZ1, Zechstein ( Woszczyńska 1987); Bükk Mountain, Hungary, Wuchiapingian, Late Permian ( Kozur 1991); southwest Spitzbergen, Norway, Wuchiapingian, Late Permian ( Olempska & Błaszyk 1996); samples GM1, GM4, Quarry section, Williams Ranch Member, Cutoff Formation, Roadian; sample 4 (GM5), MKCS1 section, ‘McKittrick Canyon’ Member, Bell Canyon Formation, Capitanian, Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas, USA, Middle Permian (this work).

Ivanov V. K. 1975. Oсtрakodы. In: P. I. СuviЙZdiс (ed.) PiрмсKAi сiсtiмA PрibAЛtiKi: 156 - 184. Viльнюс. [In Russian.]

Knupfer J. 1967. Mikrofauna aus dem unteren Teil des Zechsteins von Rugen. Freiberger Forschungshefte C 213: 73 - 87.

Kozur H. 1991. Neue Ostracoden - Arten aus dem Oberen Mittelkarbon (Hoberes Moskovian), Mittel- und Oberperm des Bukk-gebirges (N-Ungarn). Geologisch- Palaontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck 2: 1 - 145.

Krommelbein K. 1958. Ostracoden aus dem unteren Zechstein der Bohrung Leba in Pommern. Geologisches Jahrbuch 75: 115 - 135.

Olempska E. & Blaszyk J. 1996. Ostracods from Permian of Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research 17 (1 - 2): 3 - 20.

Woszczynska S. 1987. Foraminifera and ostracods from the carbonate sediments of the polish Zechstein. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 32 (3 - 4): 155 - 205.

Gallery Image

Fig. 6 (next page). SEM micrographs of ostracods from the Middle Permian (Roadian, Quarry section, samples GM1, GM2, and GM4; Capitanian, MKCS1 section, samples 4 (GM5) and 2 (GM6)) of the Guadalupe Mountains (West Texas, USA).All specimens are temporarily housed in the collections of the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris, France (MNHN). A–B. Aurikirkbya guadalupensis Crasquin sp. nov. A. Holotype, left lateral view of a carapace, sample GM2 (MNHN.F.F63383). B. Paratype, left lateral view of a carapace, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63384). – C, E. Aurikirkbya wordensis (Hamilton, 1942). C. External view of a left valve, sample 2 (GM6) (MNHN.F.F63385). E. External view of a left valve, sample GM4 (MNHN.F.F63387). – D. Kirkbyella (Berdanella) cf. quadrata Croneis & Gutke, 1939, external view of a right valve, sample 4 (GM5) (MNHN.F.F63386). – F–H. Roundyella lebaensis Krömmelbein, 1958. F. External view of a left valve, sample GM4 (MNHN.F.F63388). G. External view of a right valve, sample GM4 (MNHN.F.F63389). H. External view of a right valve, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63390). – I–L. Hollinella (Hollinella) williamsranchensis Crasquin sp. nov. I. Holotype, external view of a right valve, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63391).J. External view of a right valve, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63392). K. Paratype, external view of a left valve, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63393). L. External view of a left valve, sample GM4 (MNHN.F.F63394). – M. Glyptopleura sp., external view of a right valve, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63395). – N–P. Geisina culbersonensis Crasquin sp. nov. N. Holotype, external view of a right valve, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63396). O. Paratype, external view of a right valve, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63397). P. External view of a left valve, sample GM2 (MNHN.F.F63398). – Q–R. Miltonella cf. shupei Sohn, 1950. Q. External view of a left valve, sample 4 (GM5) (MNHN.F.F63399). R. External view of a left valve, sample 4 (GM5) (MNHN.F.F63400). Scale bars: 100 µm.

















