Dusungwua quadrangula ( Du, Sung & Wu, 2005 )

Ren, Yingdang, Yang, Linlin, Liu, Hongxia & Li, Houhun, 2020, Taxonomic review of the genus Dusungwua Kemal, Kizildağ & Koçak, 2020 (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), with descriptions of six new species and propositions of synonyms, Zootaxa 4894 (3), pp. 341-365 : 354

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scientific name

Dusungwua quadrangula ( Du, Sung & Wu, 2005 )


Dusungwua quadrangula ( Du, Sung & Wu, 2005)

( Figs 1 View FIGURE 1 , 11 View FIGURES 11–13 , 22 View FIGURE 21–22 , 32 View FIGURES 32–34 )

Furcata quadrangula Du, Sung et Wu, 2005: 101 . TL: China (Fujian). TD: IZCAS.

Dusungwua quadrangula: Kemal, Kizildağ & Koçak, 2020: 2 .

Diagnosis. This species can be separated from its congeners by the forewing has bigger and separated discal spots, the uncus is quadrate, postero-lateral lobe of the transtilla is short, fingerlike, forming an obtuse angle of about 120°, lateral lobe of the juxta is short, bean-shaped, and the phallus has dense fascicle-shaped microtrichia and crimples, and a sclerotized sword-like structure bearing dense spinules in the male genitalia ( Fig. 22 View FIGURE 21–22 ), and the sub-rounded corpus bursae has a round, invaginated cup-shaped signum situated at middle in the female genitalia. It is quite similar to the new species D. similiquadrangula Ren & Li , sp. nov., but differs as noted in the description of the latter.

Description. Adult ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 11–13 ) with wingspan 21.0̅24.0 mm.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 32 View FIGURES 32–34 ). Papillae anales large and wide, shield-like, rounded at apex, with dense setae. Apophyses posteriores expanded at base, slightly longer than apophyses anteriores. Eighth segment broad and short. Antrum sub-rectangular. Ductus bursae membranous, less than half length of corpus bursae. Corpus bursae membranous, sub-rounded, 1.4 times as long as maximum width, granulated on inner wall; signum round, invaginated cup consisting of concentrically arranged granules, situated at middle of corpus bursae. Ductus seminalis from corpus bursae near ductus bursae.

Material examined. 39 male and 20 female specimens in different localities of China are examined .

Distribution. China (Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Zhejiang).

Remarks. The female of this species is described for the first time in science.

Du, Y. L., Sung, S. M. & Wu, C. S. (2005) A new genus in the subfamily Phycitinae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) from China. Annales Zoologici, 55 (1), 99 - 105.

Kemal, M., Kizildag, S. & Kocak, A. O. (2020) On the nomenclature of a generic name in the Phycitinae of East Asia (Lepidop- tera, Pyraloidea). Miscellaneous Papers, 205, 1 - 2. [https: // www. researchgate. net / publication / 339415662]

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Distribution of Dusungwua in China ● D. antennalveata sp. nov.; ♣ D. basinigra sp. nov.; ■ D. dichromella; ♠ D. fascecornuta sp. nov.; ♥ D. karenkolla; ▼D. ohkunii; ▲D. paradichromella; ☆ D. paripalpa sp. nov.; ♦ D. quadrangula; Ǫ D. similiquadrangula sp. nov.; □ D. strictivinculum sp. nov.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 11–13. Adults of Dusungwua spp. 11, D. quadrangula, ♂; 12, D. similiquadrangula sp. nov., paratype, ♀; 13, D. strictivinculum sp. nov., paratype, ♀ (Scale bars: 11–13 = 5.0 mm; 11a–13a = 0.5 mm).

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FIGURE 21–22. Male genitalia of Dusungwua spp. 21, D. paripalpa sp. nov., holotype, silde No. RYD04803; 22, D. quadrangula, slide No. RYD04467. (Scale bar = 0.5 mm).

Gallery Image

FIGURES 32–34. Female genitalia of Dusungwua spp. 32, D. quadrangula, slide No. DYL00953; 33, D. similiquadrangula sp. nov., paratype, slide No. RYD04730; 34, D. strictivinculum sp. nov. slide No. RYD04820 (Scale bar = 0.5 mm).











