Phyracaces flammeus

Clark, J., 1930, New Formicidae, with notes on some little-known species., Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 43, pp. 2-25 : 4-5

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Phyracaces flammeus


Phyracaces flammeus   HNS , n. sp. (Text-fig. 1, No. 3.)

Worker.-Length, 6-5 mm.

Red. Eyes and margins of the head, thorax and node black. Shining. Mandibles punctate. Front of the face finely rugose, the rest of the head, thorax, node and gaster with isolated, shallow, piligerous punctures. Hair yellow, long and suberect, abundant throughout, particularly on the apical segments of the gaster. Pubescence not apparent.

Head as broad as long, broader behind than in front, the occipital border and sides feebly convex, the angles rounded and margined; the margin extends from the inferior posterior corner to within one-third of its length from the posterior border of the eyes; this carina is continued on the under surface, and is the same length as the one above. Frontal carinae erect, truncate and confluent behind, with a distinct longitudinal carina between them. Clypeus very short and rounded. Eyes moderately large and convex, placed at the middle of the sides. No ocelli. A moderately strong carina on the cheek extending to the anterior third of the eyes, strongly bent inward behind the middle. Scapes extending to the posterior fourth of the head, gradually thickened to their apex; apical segment of the funiculus barely as long as the two preceding segments together. Mandibles triangular, the external border concave in the middle, the inner border edentate. Thorax one and one-half times longer than broad, the sutures f eebly indicated. Pronotum feebly convex in front and on the sides, the angles sharp, strongly marginate. The posterior border of the epinotum almost straight, the sides convex; in profile the declivity straight and at an obtuse angle, the sides marginate. The pronotum is sharply margined vertically. Node one fourth broader than long, much broader in front than behind, the anterior border straight, strongly marginate, the sides strongly convex and marginate, the posterior corners produced as broad sharp teeth, directed upward and backward; in profile there is a broad bifid tooth in front below, directed backward. Postpetiole one fourth broader than long, the anterior border straight, or f eebly concave, the sides strongly convex and margined. First segment of the gaster fully one fourth broader than long. Legs long and slender. Coxae of the hind pair with a broad translucent lamina on top behind.

Female.-Length, 6-5-7 mm.

Closely resembles the worker, differing only in larger size, the ocelli well developed, and the sutures of the thorax more strongly impressed. The pilosity is a little longer and more abundant.

Habitat.-Western Australia: Lesmurdie Falls (J. Clark).

This species comes nearest to P. brevicollis Clark   HNS , but is readily distinguished by its smaller size and more slender form.

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