Thomasomys Coues 1884

Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Cricetidae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 955-1189 : 1179

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.7316535


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scientific name

Thomasomys Coues 1884


Thomasomys Coues 1884 View in CoL

Thomasomys Coues 1884 View in CoL , Am. Nat., 18: 1275.

Type Species: Hesperomys cinereus Thomas 1882

Synonyms: Erioryzomys Bangs 1900 ; Inomys Thomas 1917 .

Species and subspecies: 36 species:

Species Thomasomys apeco Leo L. and Gardner 1993

Species Thomasomys aureus (Tomes 1860)

Species Thomasomys baeops Thomas 1899

Species Thomasomys bombycinus Anthony 1925

Species Thomasomys caudivarius Anthony 1923

Species Thomasomys cinereiventer J. A. Allen 1912

Species Thomasomys cinereus ( Thomas 1882)

Species Thomasomys cinnameus Anthony 1924

Species Thomasomys daphne Thomas 1917

Species Thomasomys eleusis Thomas 1926

Species Thomasomys erro Anthony 1926

Species Thomasomys gracilis Thomas 1917

Species Thomasomys hudsoni Anthony 1923

Species Thomasomys hylophilus Osgood 1912

Species Thomasomys incanus Thomas 1894

Species Thomasomys ischyrus Osgood 1914

Species Thomasomys kalinowskii Thomas 1894

Species Thomasomys ladewi Anthony 1926

Species Thomasomys laniger Thomas 1895

Species Thomasomys macrotis Gardner and Romo R. 1993

Species Thomasomys monochromos Bangs 1900

Species Thomasomys niveipes Thomas 1896

Species Thomasomys notatus Thomas 1917

Species Thomasomys onkiro Luna and Pacheco 2002

Species Thomasomys oreas Anthony 1926

Species Thomasomys paramorum Thomas 1898

Species Thomasomys popayanus J. A. Allen 1912

Species Thomasomys praetor Thomas 1900

Species Thomasomys pyrrhonotus Thomas 1886

Species Thomasomys rhoadsi Stone 1914

Species Thomasomys rosalinda Thomas and St. Leger 1926

Species Thomasomys silvestris Anthony 1924

Species Thomasomys taczanowskii ( Thomas 1882)

Species Thomasomys ucucha Voss 2003

Species Thomasomys vestitus Thomas 1898

Species Thomasomys vulcani Thomas 1898

Discussion: Thomasomyini. A speciose and taxonomically complex genus whose nomenclatural history is intertwined with Aepeomys , Delomys , and Wilfredomys , taxa that have been used as subgenera (e.g., Ellerman, 1941; Cabrera, 1961) or as genera (see their accounts). Comparative anatomical studies involving some Thomasomys include Carleton (1973), Hooper and Musser (1964 a), and Voss and Linzey (1981); chromosomal numbers of several species published by Gardner and Patton (1976), Gómez-Laverde et al. (1997), and Aguilera et al. (2000). Based on 6-7 species surveyed, sister genus to Chilomys according to phylogenetic interpretations of mitochondrial DNA sequences (D’Elía et al., 2003; Smith and Patton, 1999). Revisionary studies required to critically overhaul species taxonomy and to place ranking of genus-group taxa in a phylogenetic context. Lacking a current revisionary standard, species recognized here basically follow Cabrera (1961), supplemented by our own museum examinations and subsequent descriptions.












Thomasomys Coues 1884

Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn 2005


Coues 1884: 1275
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