Agriotes kurdistanus, Platia & Akrawi, 2013

Platia, Giuseppe & Akrawi, Halgurd Rashed Ismael, 2013, Contribution to the knowledge of the click-beetles (Coleoptera ¡ Elateridae) from Kurdistan Region - Iraq, with description of three new species., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 8, pp. 209-218 : 213-214

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12643615

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scientific name

Agriotes kurdistanus


Tribe Agriotini Laporte, 1840

Agriotes kurdistanus n. sp.

( Figs. 7, 7a, 11, 14 View Figs )

Material examined. Holotype ♂ - Iraq ¡ Kurdistan Region, Dohuk-Akre, Bjil, district, VI-IX.2011, at light (UOD). 26 Paratypes ♂ - same data as HT (CPG; UOD).

Diagnosis. Species of the nuceus Fairmaire –group related to A. emaciatus Platia & Gudenzi, 1997 , it can be separated by the smaller body, punctures of pronotum clearly umbilicate on the disk, posterior angles of pronotum with very fine, just visible carina and male genitalia.


Male. Entirely yellow-ferruginous, generally darker on head and at the margins of body; covered with short, dense, yellow-fulvous vestiture.

Frons flat between the eyes, slightly impressed before the anterior margin, the latter not thickened and substraight; suprantennal carinae reaching the anterior margin; punctures coarse, umbilicate, with very short intervals.

Antennae exceeding by nearly three articles the apices of posterior angles of pronotum, slightly serrated from fourth article on; second article subcylindrical, third subconical, subequal in length or the third just longer than second, taken together, as long as fourth; fourth-tenth subtriangular, on average twice longer than wide, last a little longer than penultimate, subellipsoidal.

Pronotum 1,15x wider than long, widest at the apices of posterior angles, very convex, with a very narrow and shallow, impressed mid-longitudinal line before and at the basal slope; sides briefly subparallel at the middle, dilated forward and very shortly tapering before the anterior margin; sinuate before the posterior angles, the latter, long, acuminate, divergent, with a very fine, just visible carina parallel to the lateral margins, these complete or briefly obsolescent at the middle; punctures on the disk umbilicate, with variable intervals, on average smaller than their own diameters, gradually denser towards the sides, contiguous at the lateral extremities.

Scutellum shield-shaped , ridged at base, flat, densely punctured.

Elitra 3x longer than pronotum and as wide as it, convex; sides subparallel from base to behind the middle then gradually tapering to the apices, these rather acute and just divergent; striae regularly marked and punctured; interstriae flat, punctured, with wrinkled surface.

Aedeagus as in figs. 7, 7a (length 1,12 mm).

Female unknown.

Size. Length 7,8-8,8 mm; width 2,1-2,4 mm.

Etymology: The name is derived from the region where the species was collected¡ Kurdistan.

Agriotes duhokensis n. sp.

( Figs. 8, 8a, 12, 15 View Figs )

Material examined. Holotype ♂ - Iraq ¡ Kurdistan Region, Duhok-Akre, Amydi, Bjil, district, VI-IX.2011,

at light (UOD). Diagnosis. Species of the nuceus Fairmaire –group related to Agriotes constrictus Reitter, 1900 it can be separated by the second and third antennal articles, taken together, a little shorter than fourth, pronotal punctures coarser and clearly umbilicate on the disk, carina of posterior angles well apparent and male genitalia.


Male. Entirely yellow-ferruginous, darker on head and at the margins of body; covered with short, dense, yellow-fulvous vestiture.

Frons convex between the eyes, slightly impressed before the anterior margin, the latter not thickened and substraight; suprantennal carinae reaching the anterior margin; punctures coarse, unbilicate, with very short intervals.

Antennae exceeding by about 1,5 articles the apices of posterior angles of pronotum, serrated from fourth article on; second article subcylindrical, third subconical, subequal in length, taken together, just shorter than fourth; fourth-tenth subtriangular from twice to more, the apical, longer than wide, last as long as penultimate, subellipsoidal.

Pronotum 1,2x wider than long, widest at the apices of posterior angles, convex, with a trace of mid-longitudinal depression at basal slope; sides subparallel from the middle to the anterior margin, sinuate before the posterior angles, the latter long, acuminate, divergent, with a very fine, just visible carina parallel to the lateral margins, these briefly obsolescent at the middle; puncturation rather uniformly distributed; punctures on the disk umbilicate, with variable intervals, on average smaller than their own diameters, gradually denser towards the sides, nearly contiguous at the lateral extremities.

Scutellum shield-shaped , ridged at base, flat, densely punctured.

Elytra 3,3x longer than pronotum and as wide as it, convex; sides subparallel from base to behind the middle then gradually tapering to the apices, these rather acute and divergent; striae regularly marked and punctured; interstriae flat, punctured, with wrinkled surface.

Aedeagus as in figs. 8, 8a (length 1,02 mm).

Female unknown.

Size. Length 9,0 mm; width 2,3 mm.

Etymology: The name is derived from the Duhok province where the species was collected.













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