Leucotaraxis piniperda (Malloch), 2021
publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5067.1.1 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:3915D929-50E3-4235-A02F-EA9DE4B1E48F |
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5684367 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/1C6E87CA-400A-A41B-FF06-848EDA57E707 |
treatment provided by |
Plazi (2021-11-09 07:53:35, last updated 2023-11-08 18:27:18) |
scientific name |
Leucotaraxis piniperda (Malloch) |
status |
comb. nov. |
Leucotaraxis piniperda (Malloch) View in CoL , comb. nov.
( Figs 1D View FIGURE 1 , 2E–H View FIGURE 2 , 3C, 3H View FIGURE 3 )
Leucopis piniperda Malloch 1921: 351 View in CoL . United States. Illinois: Urbana (HT ♀, INHS). References – McAlpine 1965: 709 (catalog); Cole & Schlinger 1969: 376 (note); Tanasijtshuk 2002: 203 (redescription), figs 29–30 (head), figs 31–34 (♂ genitalia). Kohler et al. 2008: 494 (biology, as Leucopis atrifacies View in CoL ); Grubin et al. 2011: 1410 (biology); Havill et al. 2018 (biology, population genetics); Neidermeier et al. 2020 (biology, biological control); Dietschler et al. 2021 (biology, biological control).
Diagnosis. The lunule, face and parafacial are either entirely silvery-grey pruinose ( Fig. 2F View FIGURE 2 , eastern form), entirely brown to black pruinose ( Fig. 2H View FIGURE 2 , western form), or the lunule and face are brown to black pruinose with the parafacial silvery-grey pruinose ( Fig. 2G View FIGURE 2 , mixed form). The postpronotum ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ) has 1 strong postpronotal seta, and no additional setulae longer than those on the scutum. In the male (see figs 31–34 in Tanasijtshuk 2002), the epandrial complex is simple, small, and yellowish- to silvery-grey pruinose, with no central epandrial process; the surstylar lobe is short and stout; the phallus ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3 ) is very long and thin in lateral view, more than 10 X longer than its height at the middle, and is gently curved throughout to a pointed tip. In the female ( Fig. 3H View FIGURE 3 ), tergite 6 enlarged and about 1.5 X wider than long, tergite 7 absent (position represented only by tiny setulae), tergite 8 longer than wide, parallel-sided, with distal end enlarged; sternites as in Leucotaraxis atrifacies ( Fig. 3F View FIGURE 3 ).
Immatures. Egg and puparium as in Leucotaraxis atrifacies .
Biology. Predators as larvae on species of Adelges and Pineus on Pinaceae ( Abies , Picea , Pinus ). Specific records (including our own rearings) include: Adelges piceae on Abies grandis ; Adelges tsugae on Tsuga heterophylla ( Kohler et al. 2008) ; Pineus boerneri on Pinus densiflora ; Pineus coloradensis on Pinus sp. (a 5-needle pine, possibly Pinus lambertiana ) and Picea engelmannii ; Pineus pini on Pinus sylvestris ; Pineus similis on Picea glauca ; Pineus strobi on Pinus strobus ( Tanasijtshuk 2002; Wantuch et al. 2019); Pineus sp. on Pinus sylvestris . They have also been collected as adults from Pinus contorta and Pinus resinosa .
Remarks. Unfortunately, the few specimens from Oregon and Washington in the study by Kohler et al. (2008) were misidentified as Leucopis atrifacies . After examination of the specimens from this work and from Tanasijtshuk (2002), the color of pruinosity on the lunule, face and parafacial are variable, with a distinct distributional pattern. The specimens from eastern North America ( Canada – New Brunswick, Quebec; USA – Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, Virginia) all have uniformly silvery-grey pruinosity ( Fig. 2F View FIGURE 2 ), while those in western North America ( Canada – Alberta, British Columbia; USA – California, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming) all have uniformly brown to black pruinosity ( Fig. 2H View FIGURE 2 ). The east-west divergence is also displayed in molecular data (see Havill et al. 2018). Only the specimens from Ontario, Canada, have a mixed state ( Fig. 2G View FIGURE 2 ), with the lunule and face being brown to black pruinose with the parafacial silvery-grey pruinose. Both the male and female genitalia, as well as other external characteristics, make the identity of this species unambiguous despite this variation. The puparial stage is indistinguishable from that of Leucotaraxis atrifacies , both of which are only distinguishable from Leucotaraxis argenticollis by the shorter posterior spiracular tubercle that is not heavily sclerotized distally, and the slightly smaller size.
Distribution. Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan). USA (Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia).
Specimens examined. All specimens from Tanasijtshuk (2002) were examined, with additional specimens as follows. CANADA: ALBERTA. Seebe, 20.i.1971, ex. duff around C. com . infected P [inus]. contorta , #2670 (1 ♀, CNC). ONTARIO. Chalk River, 1.viii.1951, coll. J.M. Anderson, ex. Pissodes strobi (1 ♀, CNC). Ottawa, 29.vi.1994, coll. J.R. Vockeroth, ex. damp second-growther Acer - Betula woods (1 ♀, CNC). Sault Ste. Marie, 18. vii.1951, coll. L. Lyons, ex. red pine [= Pinus resinosa ], No. R-70-19 (1 ♀, CNC). SASKATCHEWAN. Smeaton, 53.6181, –104.7409, 9.vi.2010, coll. N. Havill, ex. Pineus on Picea sp. (1 larva [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT764124). USA. CALIFORNIA. El Dorado Co., Eldorado National Forest, 38.9148, –120.3904, 31.v.2010, coll. Nathan Havill, Stephen Gaimari, ex. Pineus coloradensis on Pinus sp. (5-needle) (1 larva [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT790140). COLORADO. Boulder Co., Boulder, Flagstaff Canyon, 5800 ft., 10.vi.1961, coll. C.H. Mann, ex. on side of stream (1 ♂, CNC). Larimer Co., Zimmerman Lake trail, 40.5397, –105.8792, 27.vii.2016, coll. Nathan Havill, ex. Pineus coloradensis on Picea engelmannii (1 larva [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT857046). CONNECTICUT. Hartford Co., Hartford, Cedar Hill Cemetery, 41.7266, –72.6932, 5.vi.2016, coll. M.E. Montgomery, ex. Pineus strobi on Pinus strobus (8 larvae [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT961079–86). New Haven Co., Hamden, Exeter Rd. & Deerfield Dr., 41.426°N 72.936°W, 16.vi.2009, coll. M.E. Montgomery, ex. reared from Pineus sp. on Pinus sylvestris, N. Havill sample 09-134, Specimen #09E471 (1 ♂ [molecular voucher], CSCA). IDAHO. Idaho Co., Warm Springs Point, 13.viii.1969, 51-488b (2 ♀, USNM). ILLINOIS. Champaign Co. Urbana, 12.vi.1967, coll. J. Appleby, ex. larvae in wax mass of pine aphid (1 ♀ with puparium, 2 ♀, USNM). Morgan Co., Meredosia, 29.v.1917 (1 ♀, INHS). MARYLAND. Baltimore Co., Baltimore, Cylburn Arboretum, 39.532, –76.653, 28.v.2008, coll. Melody Keena, ex. Pineus boerneri on Pinus densiflora (7 larvae [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT856378–84). MASSACHUSETTS. Hampshire Co., Amherst, 42.3928, –72.5323, 20.v.2018, coll. Ryan Crandall, ex. Pineus strobi on Pinus strobus (1 larva [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT996097). Worcester Co., Worcester, 42.2790, –71.7733, 12.v.2018, coll. Felicia Andre, ex. Pineus strobi on Pinus strobus (1 larva [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT996096). MICHIGAN. Benzie Co., Lake Ann, 44.7436, –85.9131, 6.xi.2018, coll. Scott Lint, ex. Pineus strobi on Pinus strobus (2 puparia [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT996098–99). MINNESOTA. Beltrami Co., Bemidji, visitor center nr. Paul Bunyan statue, 47°28’13”N 94°52’43”W, 23.v.2009, coll. N. Havill, ex. old gall of Adelges sp. on Picea sp. , N. Havill sample 09-123, Specimen #09E475 (1 ♂ [molecular voucher], CSCA). NEW MEXICO: San Miguel Co., Las Vegas Hot Springs, 7.viii, coll. H.S. Barber (1 ♂, USNM). NEW YORK. Cayuga Co., McIlroy Bird Sanctuary, 42.6661, –76.2834, 2.vii.2019, coll. Nicholas Dietschler, Marshall Lefebvre, Katharine O’Connor, ex. Pineus strobi on Pinus strobus (1 puparium [molecular voucher], CUIC). Monroe Co., Rochester, Highland Park, 43.1278, –77.6122, 8.vii.2017, coll. Cynthia Smith, ex. Pineus strobi on Pinus strobus (3 larvae, 13 puparia [molecular voucher], CUIC). Steuben Co., Addison, McCarthy Hill State Forest, 42.0975, –77.1938, 26.vii.2018, coll. Nicholas Dietschler, Marshall Bigler-Lefebvre, ex. Pineus strobi on Pinus strobus , (7 larvae, 2 puparia [molecular voucher], CUIC). Tompkins Co., Ithaca, Cornell campus, 42.4454, –76.4755, 3.vi.2016, coll. Nathan Havill, Mark Whitmore, Amalia Havill, ex. Pineus strobi on Pinus strobus (12 larvae [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT856925–36). Ulster Co., Woodstock, Overlook Mountain Forest, 42.0760, –74.1259, 31.v.2018, coll. Nicholas Dietschler, Marshall Bigler-Lefebvre, ex. Pineus strobi on Pinus strobus (5 larvae [molecular voucher], CUIC). NORTH CAROLINA. Macon Co., Highlands, Wightman College, 10. vii.1987, coll. W.W. Wirth, ex. UV light (1 ♀, USNM). Transylvania Co., Sapphire, 20.vii.1990, coll. W.W. Wirth, ex. UV light trap(2♀,USNM). OHIO. Morgan Co., Beverly, 39.6431, –81.7060, 26.vi.2019, coll. Page Weckbacher, ex. Pineus strobi on Pinus strobus (1 larva, 4 puparia [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT961088–92). Portage Co., Kent, 16.vii.1969, coll. T.P. Sluss, biological note 6914 (1 ♂, UAIC). OREGON. Benton Co., Corvallis, 12.v.1951, coll. R.G. Mitchell, ex. reared, predaceous on Adelges piceae (1 ♂, CNC). Multnomah Co., Portland, Grant Park, 45°32.450’N 122°37.800’W, 14.iv.2006, coll. G. Kohler, ex. reared from field collected puparium on Adelges tsugae (1 ♂ with puparium, CSCA), 12.v.2006, ex. flight caught (2 ♀, CSCA). PENNSYLVANIA. Greene Co., Mt. Morris, 39.7730, –80.1475, 19.vi.2015, coll. Andrew Liebhold, ex. Pineus strobi on Pinus strobus (2 larvae [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT856919, ENT856697). RHODE ISLAND. Washington Co., University of Rhode Island, Kingston, 12.vi.1982, coll. R. Casagrande (1 ♂, USNM). UTAH. Davis Co., Farmington Canyon, 40.9932, –111.8186, 5.ix.2017, coll. Danielle Malesky, ex. Adelges piceae on Abies lasiocarpa (1 larva [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT996095). VIRGINIA. Fairfax Co., Alexandria, 14.vi.1952, coll. W.W. Wirth (1 ♀, USNM), 15.vi.1952 (1 ♂, USNM). Montgomery Co., Blacksburg, Coal Mining Heritage Park, 37.1870, –80.427, 18.v.2010, coll. Melissa Fischer, ex. Pineus strobi on Pinus strobus . (9 larvae [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT856988–89, ENT856702–08). WASHINGTON. Clark Co., Vancouver, 45.7031, –122.6707, 21.vi.2013, coll. Darrell Ross, ex. Adelges tsugae on Tsuga heterophylla (1 larva [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT856663). Island County; Camano Island, 48.1474, –122.4411, 4.iv.2017, coll. Mark Whitmore, Isis Caetano, ex. Adelges tsugae on Tsuga heterophylla (1 larva, 2 puparia [molecular voucher], CUIC). King Co., Vashon, 47°27.200’N 122°26.950’W, 22.iii.2006, coll. G. Kohler, ex. reared from field collected puparium on Adelges tsugae (1 ♀ with puparium, CSCA), S. Grubin sample L48, Specimen #10F865 (1 ♂ with puparium [molecular voucher], CSCA), 4.viii.2010, coll. S.M. Grubin, ex. reared, Adelges tsugae on Tsuga heterophylla , Specimen #10F880 (1 ♀ with puparium, CSCA-FTC). Pierce Co., Ruston, 47°18’02.86”N 122°31’01.31”W, 22.vii.2010, coll. S.M. Grubin, ex. reared, Adelges tsugae on Tsuga heterophylla (1 ♀ with puparium, CSCA). Tacoma, 47°16’41.02”N 122°31’01.69”W, 7.vii.2010, coll. S.M. Grubin, ex., reared, Adelges tsugae on Tsuga heterophylla, S. Grubin sample L44 (1 ♂, CSCA), S. Grubin sample SU132 (1 ♂ with puparium, CSCA), 22.vii.2010 (2 ♂ with puparia, 1 ♀ with puparium, CSCA), S. Grubin sample L50 (1 ♂ with puparium, CSCA), S. Grubin sample SU180 (1 ♂ with puparium, CSCA), S. Grubin sample SU181, Specimen 10F864 (1 ♂ with puparium [molecular voucher], CSCA), Specimen #10F874 (1 ♀ with puparium, CSCA-FTC), Specimen #10F878 (1 ♂ with puparium, CSCA-FTC). Tacoma, 47°16’49.80”N, 122°30’58.96”W, 24.iv.2010, coll. S.M. Grubin, ex. reared, Adelges tsugae on Tsuga heterophylla (2 ♂ with puparia, 2 ♀ with puparia, CSCA), Specimen #10F663 (1 ♂ with puparium [molecular voucher], CSCA), Specimen #10F664 (1 ♂ with puparium [molecular voucher], CSCA), Specimen #10F665 (1 ♂ with puparium, CSCA). Tacoma, Masonic Memorial Cemetery, 1.i.2016, coll. Rachel Brooks (2 larvae [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT856920–21). Tacoma, Point Defiance Park, 47.304, –122.516, 12.v.2008, coll. Michael E. Montgomery, Richard McDonald (2 adults [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT856401, ENT856408). Tacoma, Point Defiance, 47°18.300’N 122°30.000’W, 9.vi.2005, coll. G. Kohler (1 ♀, CSCA). Tacoma, Point Defiance, 47°18.246’N 122°30.979’W, 25.iv.2009, coll. S.M. Grubin, ex. reared, Adelges tsugae on Tsuga heterophylla, N. Havill sample 10-05.1, Specimen #10F135 (1 ♀ [molecular voucher], CSCA), N. Havill sample 10-05.2, Specimen #10F133 (1 ♀ [molecular voucher], CSCA), N. Havill sample 10-05.3, Specimen #10F138 (1 ♂ [molecular voucher], CSCA), N. Havill sample 10-05.4, Specimen #10F134 (1 ♀ [molecular voucher], CSCA), N. Havill sample 10-05.5, Specimen #10F137 (1 ♂ [molecular voucher], CSCA), 24.iv.2010, S. Grubin sample SP023, Specimen #10F655 (1 ♂ with puparium, CSCA), 5.v.2010, Specimen #10F656 (1 ♂ with puparium [molecular voucher], CSCA), Specimen #10F657 (1 ♀ with puparium [molecular voucher], CSCA), Specimen #10F658 (1 ♀ with puparium, CSCA-FTC). Thurston Co., Olympia, 47°01’03.42”N, 122°54’10.50”W, 24.iv.2010, coll. S.M. Grubin, ex. reared, Adelges tsugae on Tsuga heterophylla , Specimen #10F666 (1 ♂ with puparium [molecular voucher], CSCA), Specimen #10F667 (1 ♀ with puparium [molecular voucher], CSCA), Specimen #10F668 (1 ♀ with puparium, CSCA-FTC), Specimen #10F669 (1 ♂ with puparium, CSCA), Specimen #10F670 (1 ♀ with puparium, CSCA), 5.v.2010, Specimen #10F678 (1 ♀ with puparium [molecular voucher], CSCA), 21.vi.2010, S. Grubin sample SU120, Specimen #10F868 (1 ♂ with puparium [molecular voucher], CSCA), 7.vii.2010, S. Grubin sample SU166 (1 ♀ with puparium, CSCA), S. Grubin sample SU162, Specimen #10F879 (1 ♂ with puparium, CSCA-FTC), 22.vii.2010 (1 ♀ with puparium, CSCA). Olympia, 47°00’48.30”N 122°54’18.21”W, 8.vii.2010, coll. S.M. Grubin, ex. reared, Adelges tsugae on Tsuga heterophylla, S. Grubin sample L34 (1 ♀ with puparium, CSCA). Olympia, 47°02.454’N 122°54.054’W, 29.vii.2009, coll. S.M. Grubin, ex. reared from Adelges tsugae, N. Havill sample 10-02, Specimen #10F136 (1 ♀ [molecular voucher], CSCA). Pierce, King, and Thurston Cos., 11.iv–25.v.2015, from lab colony, coll. Darrell Ross, Arielle Arsenault, (4 adults [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT791591, ENT791607, ENT791616, ENT791620). WEST VIRGINIA. Jefferson Co., Shepherdstown, U.S. Fish & Wildlife National Conservation Training Center, 39.486, –77.805, 28.v.2008, coll. Melody Keena, ex. Pineus strobi on Pinus strobus (3 ♀ [molecular voucher], YPM; ENT856387– 89). MISC. Oregon / Washington. Cage reared on Adelges tsugae , v–vii.2006, G. Kohler (1 ♂, 3 ♀, CSCA).
Cole, F. R. & Schlinger, E. I. (1969) The Flies of Western North America. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, 693 pp.
Dietschler, N. J., Bittner, T. D., Trotter III, R. T., Fahey, T. J. & Whitmore, M. C. (2021) Biological control of hemlock woolly adelgid: Implications of adult emergence patterns of two Leucopis spp. (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae) and Laricobius nigrinus (Coleoptera: Derodontidae) larval drop. Environmental Entomology, 50 (4), 803 - 813. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / ee / nvab 037
Grubin, S. M., Ross, D. W. & Wallin, K. F. (2011) Prey suitability and phenology of Leucopis spp. (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae) associated with hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) in the Pacific Northwest. Environmental Entomology, 40 (6), 1410 - 1416. https: // doi. org / 10.1603 / EN 11127
Havill, N. P., Gaimari, S. D. & Caccone, A. (2018) Cryptic east-west divergence and molecular diagnostics for two species of silver flies (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae: Leucopis) from North America being evaluated for biological control of hemlock woolly adelgid. Biological Control, 121, 23 - 29. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. biocontrol. 2018.02.004
Kohler, G. R., Stiefel, V. L., Wallin, K. F. & Ross, D. W. (2008) Predators associated with the hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) in the Pacific Northwest. Environmental Entomology, 37, 494 - 504. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / ee / 37.2.494
Malloch, J. R. (1921) Forest insects in Illinois, I. The subfamily Ochthiphilinae (Diptera, Family Agromyzidae). Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey, 13, 347 - 361. https: // doi. org / 10.21900 / j. inhs. v 13.338
McAlpine, J. F. (1965) Chamaemyiidae. In: Stone, A., Sabrosky, C. W., Wirth, W. W., Foote, R. H & Coulson, J. R. (Eds.), A catalog of the Diptera of America north of Mexico. USA Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Handbook 276. Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., pp. 706 - 709.
Neidermeier, A. N., Ross, D. W., Havill, N. P. & Wallin, K. F. (2020) Temporal asynchrony of adult emergence between Leucopis argenticollis and Leucopis piniperda (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae), predators of the hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae), with implications for biological control. Environmental Entomology, 49 (4), 823 - 828. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / ee / nvaa 049
Tanasijtshuk, V. N. (2002) Studies on Nearctic species of Leucopis (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae). I. The redescription of Nearctic Leucopis published before 1965. Zoosystematica Rossica, 11, 193 - 207.
Wantuch, H. A., Havill, N. P., Hoebeke, E. R., Kuhar, T. P. & Salom, S. M. (2019) Predators associated with the pine bark adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae), a native insect in Appalachian forests, United States of America, in its southern range. The Canadian Entomologist, 151 (1), 73 - 84. https: // doi. org / 10.4039 / tce. 2018.53
FIGURE 1. Immature stages of Leucotaraxis species. A. L. atrifacies, egg, dorsal view, posterior pole right (measure bar = 0.1 mm). B–C. L. argenticollis, puparium, dorsal view: B. habitus (measure bar = 0.2 mm); C. posterior spiracles. D. L. piniperda, puparial posterior spiracles, dorsal view.
FIGURE 2. Leucotaraxis species. A–B. L. argenticollis: A. head and thorax, lateral view; B. head, anterior view. C–D. L. atrifacies: C. head and anterior thorax, lateral view; D. head, anterior view. E–H. L. piniperda: E. head and thorax, lateral view; F–H. heads, anterior view: F. eastern form; G. mixed form; H. western form.
FIGURE 3. Terminalia of Leucotaraxis species. A–C. Male, phallus, oriented with distal part right (measure bar = 0.1 mm): A. L. argenticollis; B. L. atrifacies; C. L. piniperda. D–H. Female, terminalia. D–E. L. argenticollis: D. ventral view; E. dorsal view. F–G. L. atrifacies: F. ventral view; G. dorsal view. H. L. piniperda, dorsal view. Numbers to the left indicate segments (D, F are sternites; E, G, H are tergites).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Leucotaraxis piniperda (Malloch)
Gaimari, Stephen D. & Havill, Nathan P. 2021 |
Leucopis piniperda
Grubin, S. M. & Ross, D. W. & Wallin, K. F. 2011: 1410 |
Kohler, G. R. & Stiefel, V. L. & Wallin, K. F. & Ross, D. W. 2008: 494 |
Tanasijtshuk, V. N. 2002: 203 |
Cole, F. R. & Schlinger, E. I. 1969: 376 |
McAlpine, J. F. 1965: 709 |
Malloch, J. R. 1921: 351 |
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