Cryphalus sundaensis Schedl, 1942d: 14
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Valdenar (2021-08-30 04:30:14, last updated 2023-11-11 10:33:14) |
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Cryphalus sundaensis Schedl, 1942d: 14 |
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Cryphalus sundaensis Schedl, 1942d: 14 View in CoL .
Cryphalus sylvicola ( Perkins, 1900: 181) (Hypothenemus) View in CoL . = Ericryphalus henshawi Hopkins, 1915: 38 View in CoL (syn: Schedl, 1941b). = Piperius pini Hopkins, 1915: 39 View in CoL (syn: Schedl, 1963c). = Cryphalus swezeyi Schedl, 1942b: 147 View in CoL (syn: Wood, 1960). = Cryphalus dimorphus Schedl, 1950b: 38 View in CoL (syn: Beaver, 1991). = Cryphalus sylvicola obliquus Schedl, 1950b: 48 View in CoL .
Cryphalus szechuanensis Tsai and Li, 1963: 614 View in CoL .
⊇ Cryphalus szechuanensis tehchangensis Tsai and Li, 1963: 615 View in CoL . Cryphalus tabulaeformis Tsai and Li, 1963: 609 View in CoL .
⊇ Cryphalus tabulaeformis chienzhuangensis Tsai and Li, 1963: 610 View in CoL .
Cryphalus taiwanus Schedl, 1970c: 359 View in CoL .
Cryphalus takahashii Johnson nom. nov. [ Ernoporus View in CoL ]
= Euptilius exiguus Browne, 1984c: 451 View in CoL syn. nov. (secondary homonym).
Remarks: A replacement name is proposed for Euptilius exiguus Browne, 1984c because the name is occupied by Cryphalus exiguus Blandford, 1894b . The replacement name is a noun in the genitive case, honoring the original collector, K. Takahashi.
Cryphalus tenuis Schedl, 1942d: 16 View in CoL .
Cryphalus terminaliae Browne, 1980b: 384 View in CoL .
Cryphalus tetricus ( Schedl, 1940a: 437) (Ericryphalus) View in CoL .
= Cryphalus papuanus Schedl, 1942c: 170 View in CoL (syn: Schedl, 1979c). = Cryphalus grayi Schedl, 1968: 265 View in CoL (syn: Schedl, 1979c). = Ptilopodius brevis Browne, 1970: 556 View in CoL (syn: Schedl, 1972j). Cryphalus theobromae Nunberg, 1956b: 208 View in CoL (replacement name). = Cryphalus horridus Graham, 1908: 113 View in CoL (syn: Nunberg, 1956b) (permanently invalid name due to primary homonymy).
Cryphalus triangularis ( Schedl, 1975a: 351) (Hypocryphalus) comb. nov. [ Hypocryphalus View in CoL ].
Cryphalus trypanoides Beeson, 1935a: 106 View in CoL .
Cryphalus trypanus Sampson, 1914: 383 View in CoL .
Cryphalus tutuilaensis ( Schedl, 1951d: 147) (Hypocryphalus) comb. nov. [ Hypocryphalus View in CoL ].
Cryphalus uapouensis ( Beeson, 1935a: 107) (Ericryphalus) View in CoL . Cryphalus upoluensis Schedl, 1951d: 144 View in CoL .
Cryphalus variolosus Schedl, 1950b: 49 View in CoL .
Cryphalus vestitus Blandford, 1895: 318 View in CoL .
Cryphalus viburni Stark, 1936: 151 View in CoL .
= Cryphalus viburni Eggers, 1942: 30 View in CoL (syn: Pfeffer, 1944). Cryphalus vitiensis Browne, 1974: 67 View in CoL .
Cryphalus walkeri ( Blandford, 1896a: 200) (Cryptarthrum) View in CoL . = Coccotrypes hagedorni Eggers, 1908: 216 View in CoL (syn: Schedl, 1963c). = Cryphalus javanus Schedl, 1954a: 148 View in CoL (syn: Schedl, 1958e). Cryphalus wapleri Eichhoff, 1872a: 131 View in CoL .
= Cryphalus mekeoi Schedl, 1972e: 61 View in CoL (syn: Schedl, 1979d). Cryphalus yamaguchii Inouye and Nobuchi, 1957: 55 View in CoL .
Beaver, R. A. 1991. New synonymy and taxonomic changes in Pacific Scolytidae (Coleoptera). Ann. Nat. Hist. Mus. Wien Ser. B Bot. Zool. 92 (B): 87 - 97.
Beeson, C. F. C. 1935 a. Scolytidae of the Marquesas. Bull. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 142: 101 - 114.
Blandford, W. F. H. 1894 b. The rhynchophorous Coleoptera of Japan. Part III. Scolytidae. Trans. Entomol. Soc. Lond. 1894: 53 - 141.
Blandford, W. F. H. 1895. A list of the Scolytidae collected in Ceylon by Mr. George Lewis, with descriptions of new species. J. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 6). 15: 315 - 328.
Blandford, W. F. H. 1896 a. Descriptions of new Scolytidae from the Indo- Malayan and Austro-Malayan regions. Trans. Entomol. Soc. London. 1896: 191 - 228.
Browne, F. G. 1970. Some Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera) in the collection of the British Museum. J. Nat. Hist. 4: 539 - 583.
Browne, F. G. 1974. A summary of the scolytid fauna (Coleoptera) of Fiji, with some new species. Commonw. For. Rev. 53: 63 - 71.
Browne, F. G. 1980 b. Bark beetles and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera, Scolytidae and Platypodidae) intercepted at Japanese ports, with descriptions of new species, II. Kontyu. 48: 380 - 389.
Browne, F. G. 1984 c. Bark Beetles and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera, Scolytidae and Platypodidae) intercepted at Japanese ports, with description of new species, X. Kontyu. 52: 448 - 457.
Eggers, H. 1908. Funf neue Borkenkafer. Entomol. Blat. 42: 14 - 217.
Eggers, H. 1942. Zur palaearktischen Borkenkaferfauna (Coleoptera: Ipidae). VIII. Borkenkafer aus dem asiatischen Russland. Arb. Morph. Taxon. Ent. Berl. 9: 27 - 36.
Eichhoff, W. J. 1872 a. Neue exotische Tomiciden-Arten. Berl. Entomol. Z. 15: 131 - 136.
Graham, W. M. 1908. Some new and undescribed insect pests affecting cocoa in West-Africa. J. Econ. Biol. 3: 113 - 117, pls. viii, ix.
Hopkins, A. D. 1915. Classification of the Cryphalinae, with descriptions of new genera and species. United States Department of Agriculture, Report No. 99. Government Printing Office, Washington, New Zealand. 75 pp, 4 pls.
Inouye, M., and A. Nobuchi. 1957. A revision of Cryphalus species injurious to coniferous trees from Hokkaido, Japan (Coleopt, Scolytidae). Bull. Gov. Forest Exp. Station. 103: 45 - 56, 2 pls.
Nunberg, M. 1956 b. Zmiany nazw i synonimika niektorych kornikow (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) [Namensanderungen und Synonymie einiger Borkenkafer]. Ann. Zool. 16: 207 - 214.
Perkins, R. C. L. 1900. Coleoptera, II. Coleoptera Rhynchophora, Proterhinidae, Heteromera and Cioidae, pp. 117 - 270 + pl. VII - X. In D. Sharp (eds.), Fauna Hawaiiensis or the Zoology of the Sandwich (Hawaiian) Isles: Being Results of the Explorations instituted by the Joint Committee appointed by the Royal Society of London for Promoting Natural Knowledge and the British Association for the Advancement of Science. And carried on with the assistance of those Bodies and of the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum at Honolulu. The University Press, Cambridge, UK. Vol., 2. Part 3.
Pfeffer, A. 1944. Bemerkungen zur Arbeit von Hans Eggers: zur Palearktischen Borkenkaferfauna. VIII. Borkenkafer aus dem asiatischen Russland (Coleoptera: Ipidae). Arb. Morph. Taxon. Ent. Berl. 11: 130 - 131.
Sampson, F. W. 1914. The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905, under the leadership of Mr J. Stanley Gardiner, M. A. XVIII. Coleoptera; Platypodidae and Ipidae from the Seychelles Islands. Trans. Linn. Soc. London. 16: 379 - 391.
Schedl, K. E. 1940 a. Scolytidae and Platypodidae. 61. Contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of the Scolytoidea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 11). 5: 433 - 442.
Schedl, K. E. 1941 b. 77 th Contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of the Scolytoidea. Proc. Hawaii. Entomol. Soc. 11: 109 - 116.
Schedl, K. E. 1942 d. Neue Scolytidae aus Java. 76. Beitrag zur Morphologie und Systematik der Scolytoidea. Tijdschr. Entomol. 85: 1 - 49.
Schedl, K. E. 1942 b. Insects of Guam, 1. Coleoptera: barkbeetles of Guam. Bishop Mus. Bull. 172: 147 - 149.
Schedl, K. E. 1942 c. Interessante und neue Scolytiden und Platypodiden aus der australischen Region. 79. Beitrag zur Morphologie und Systematik der Scolytoidea. Mitt. Munch. Entomol. Ges. 32: 162 - 201.
Schedl, K. E. 1950 b. Fauna Fijiana (Scolytoidea). 94. Contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of the Scolytoidea. Occas. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 20: 35 - 54.
Schedl, K. E. 1951 d. Fauna Samoana (Scolytoidea), I. 109. Contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of the Scolytoidea. Occas. Pap. Bernice P. Bishop Mus .. 20: 131 - 156.
Schedl, K. E. 1954 a. Fauna Indomalayensis, IV. 141. Beitrag zur Morphologie und Systematik der Scolytoidea. Philipp. J. Sci. 83: 137 - 159.
Schedl, K. E. 1958 e. Zur Synonymie der Borkenkafer, II. 159. Beitrag zur Morphologie und Systematik der Scolytoidea. Tijdschr. Entomol. 101: 141 - 155.
Schedl, K. E. 1963 c. Zur Synonymie der Borkenkafer, XI. 215. Beitrag zur Morphologie und Systematik der Scolytoidea. Koleopterol. Rundsch. 40 / 41: 60 - 66.
Schedl, K. E. 1968. On some Scolytidae and Platypodidae of economic importance from the territory of Papua and New Guinea. 250. Contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of the Scolytoidea. Pacific Insects. 10: 261 - 270.
Schedl, K. E. 1970 c. Bark-beetles and pin-hole borers (Scolytidae and Platypodidae) intercepted from imported logs in Japanese ports, IV. 274. Contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of the Scolytoidea. Kontyu. 38: 353 - 370.
Schedl, K. E. 1972 j. Zur Synonymie der Borkenkafer, XXII. 296. Beitrag zur Morphologie und Systematik der Scolytoidea. Entomol. Arb. Mus. G. Frey. 23: 255 - 267.
Schedl, K. E. 1972 e. New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from the Papuan subregion and Australia. 279. Contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of the Scolytoidea. Papua New Guinea Agric. J. 23: 61 - 72.
Schedl, K. E. 1975 a. New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea, IV. 317. Contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of the Scolytoidea. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien. 79: 337 - 399.
Schedl, K. E. 1979 c. New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua New Guinea, V (Coleoptera). 311. Contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of the Scolytoidea. Faun. Abh. 7: 95 - 120.
Schedl, K. E. 1979 d. Zur Synonymie der Borkenkafer, XXIX. 345. Beitrag zur Morphologie und Systematik der Scolytoidea. Entomol. Arb. Mus. G. Frey. 28: 119 - 131.
Stark, V. N. 1936. Novye vidy koroedov iz Aziatskoi chasti SSSR [Neue Borkenkaferarten aus dem asiatischen Teile der USSR]. Bull. Far East. Branch Acad. Sci. USSR. 18: 141 - 154.
Tsai, P-H., and C-L. Li. 1963. Research on the Chinese bark-beetles of the genus Cryphalus Er. with descriptions of new species. Acta Entomol. Sin. 12: 597 - 624, 6 pls. [in Chinese and English].
Wood, S. L. 1960. Insects of micronesia. Coleoptera: platypodidae and scolytidae. Insect. Micronesia. 18: 1 - 73.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
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Family |
Genus |
Cryphalus sundaensis Schedl, 1942d: 14
Johnson, Andrew J., Hulcr, Jiri, Knížek, Miloš, Atkinson, Thomas H., Mandelshtam, Michail Yu., Smith, Sarah M., Cognato, Anthony I., Park, Sangwook, Li, You & Jordal, Bjarte H. 2020 |
Euptilius exiguus
Browne, F. G. 1984: 451 |
Cryphalus terminaliae
Browne, F. G. 1980: 384 |
Cryphalus triangularis ( Schedl, 1975a: 351 ) (Hypocryphalus)
Schedl, K. E. 1975: 351 |
Cryphalus mekeoi
Schedl, K. E. 1972: 61 |
Inouye, M. & A. Nobuchi 1957: 55 |
Cryphalus taiwanus
Schedl, K. E. 1970: 359 |
Cryphalus szechuanensis
Tsai, P-H. & C-L. Li 1963: 614 |
Cryphalus szechuanensis tehchangensis
Tsai, P-H. & C-L. Li 1963: 615 |
Tsai, P-H. & C-L. Li 1963: 609 |
Cryphalus tabulaeformis chienzhuangensis
Tsai, P-H. & C-L. Li 1963: 610 |
Cryphalus tutuilaensis ( Schedl, 1951d: 147 ) (Hypocryphalus)
Schedl, K. E. 1951: 147 |
Cryphalus variolosus
Schedl, K. E. 1950: 49 |
Cryphalus zimmermani
Schedl, K. E. 1950: 51 |
Cryphalus sundaensis
Schedl, K. E. 1942: 14 |
Cryphalus tenuis
Schedl, K. E. 1942: 16 |
Cryphalus papuanus
Browne, F. G. 1970: 556 |
Schedl, K. E. 1968: 265 |
Nunberg, M. 1956: 208 |
Schedl, K. E. 1942: 170 |
Graham, W. M. 1908: 113 |
Cryphalus viburni
Browne, F. G. 1974: 67 |
Eggers, H. 1942: 30 |
Cryphalus tetricus ( Schedl, 1940a: 437 ) (Ericryphalus)
Schedl, K. E. 1940: 437 |
Cryphalus viburni
Stark, V. N. 1936: 151 |
Cryphalus trypanoides
Beeson, C. F. C. 1935: 106 |
Cryphalus uapouensis ( Beeson, 1935a: 107 ) (Ericryphalus)
Schedl, K. E. 1951: 144 |
Beeson, C. F. C. 1935: 107 |
Cryphalus trypanus
Sampson, F. W. 1914: 383 |
Cryphalus sylvicola ( Perkins, 1900: 181 ) (Hypothenemus)
Schedl, K. E. 1950: 38 |
Schedl, K. E. 1950: 48 |
Schedl, K. E. 1942: 147 |
Hopkins, A. D. 1915: 38 |
Hopkins, A. D. 1915: 39 |
Perkins, R. C. L. 1900: 181 |
Cryphalus walkeri ( Blandford, 1896a: 200 ) (Cryptarthrum)
Schedl, K. E. 1954: 148 |
Eggers, H. 1908: 216 |
Blandford, W. F. H. 1896: 200 |
Eichhoff, W. J. 1872: 131 |
Cryphalus vestitus
Blandford, W. F. H. 1895: 318 |