Ernoporus Thomson, 1859: 147

Johnson, Andrew J., Hulcr, Jiri, Knížek, Miloš, Atkinson, Thomas H., Mandelshtam, Michail Yu., Smith, Sarah M., Cognato, Anthony I., Park, Sangwook, Li, You & Jordal, Bjarte H., 2020, Revision of the Bark Beetle Genera Within the Former Cryphalini (Curculionidae: Scolytinae), Insect Systematics and Diversity 4 (3), No. 1, pp. 1-81 : 55-56

publication ID

persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Valdenar (2021-08-30 04:30:14, last updated 2023-11-15 07:56:09)

scientific name

Ernoporus Thomson, 1859: 147


Ernoporus Thomson, 1859: 147 View in CoL ( Figs. 27–29 View Figure 27 View Figure 28 View Figure 29 )


= Cryphalops Reitter, 1889: 94 View in CoL .

= Stephanorhopalus Hopkins, 1915: 35 View in CoL .

= Euptilius Schedl, 1940c: 589 View in CoL .

= Ernocladius Wood, 1980: 93 View in CoL syn. nov.

= Allothenemus Bright and Torres, 2006: 400 View in CoL syn. nov.

Type of genus

Apate tiliae Panzer, 1793 .


This genus can be diagnosed by the combination of the entire eye, by the pronotum with concentric rows of asperities, by the distinct summit, and by the proventriculus which has anteriorly pointing spines posterior to the masticatory brush.

Bright, D. E., and J. A. Torres. 2006. Studies on the West Indian Scolytidae (Coleoptera) 4. A review of the Scolytidae of Puerto Rico, USA with descriptions of one new genus, fourteen new species and notes on new synonymy (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Koleopterol. Rundsch. 76: 389 - 428.

Hopkins, A. D. 1915. Classification of the Cryphalinae, with descriptions of new genera and species. United States Department of Agriculture, Report No. 99. Government Printing Office, Washington, New Zealand. 75 pp, 4 pls.

Panzer, G. W. F. 1793. Faunae insectorum Germanicae initia oder Deutschlands Insecten. Heft 8. Felsecker, Nuremberg, Germany. 24 pp., 24 pls.

Reitter, E. 1889. Coleopteren aus Circassien, gesammelt von Hans Leder im Jahre 1887. XI. Theil. Wiener Entomol. Ztg. 8: 93 - 94.

Schedl, K. E. 1940 c. Zur Einteilung und Synonymie der Cryphalinae. (Col. Scolyt.). 71. Beitrag zur Systematik und Morphologie der Scolytoidea. Mitt. Munch. Entomol. Ges. 30: 583 - 591.

Thomson, C. G. 1859. Skandinaviens Coleoptera, synoptiskt bearbetade, Vol. 1. Berlingska Boktryckeriet, Lund; 10 + 290.

Wood, S. L. 1980. New genera and new generic synonymy in Scolytidae (Coleoptera). Great Basin Nat. 40: 89 - 97.

Gallery Image

Figure 27. Images of Ernoporus spp.: Dorsal and lateral photos of A) E. corpulentus, B) E. imitatrix, C) E. parvulus, and D) E. tiliae. Eye and antennae of E) E. imitatrix and F) E. parvulus.

Gallery Image

Figure 28. Images of Ernoporus spp.: A) Ernoporus tiliae showing eye and antennae, B) male genitalia of E. imitatrix. Proventriculus of C) E. corpulentus, D) E. imitatrix, E) E. parvulus, and F) E. tiliae.

Gallery Image

Figure 29. Images of Ernoporus spp.: Dorsal and lateral photographs of A) E. armatus (holotype), B) E. concentralis (lectotype), C) E. tuberculatus (holotype). Proventriculus of D) E. concentralis, E) eye and antennae of E. concentralis.









