Ficinus sagittarius Distant

Schaffner, JC & Schwartz, MD, 2008, Revision Of The Mexican Genera Ficinus Distant And Jornandes Distant With The Description Of 21 New Species (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae: Orthotylini), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2008 (309), pp. 1-87 : 15-17

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Ficinus sagittarius Distant


Ficinus sagittarius Distant View in CoL Figures 2, 6–9

Ficinus sagittarius Distant, 1893: 450 View in CoL (orig. desc.); Carvalho, 1958: 62 (catalog); Carvalho and Dolling, 1976: 806 (disc. of type); Schuh, 1995: 109 (catalog).

DIAGNOSIS: Hemelytron with most of corium, cuneus, and base of clavus dark fuscous to black, remainder of clavus and usually an angulate spot immediately anteri- or to cuneus shining yellowish brown (fig. 2); metepisternum with microtrichia extending well dorsal to evaporative area of scent gland (fig. 6C).

REDESCRIPTION: Male: COLORATION: General body coloration dark fuscous to black with yellow markings. Head black, slightly paler in area of maxillary plate; base of antennal segment I fuscous, remainder yellowish brown sometimes darker apically, remaining segments pale yellowish brown to pale fuscous; labium pale yellowish brown, dark fuscous at apex. Pronotum uniformly black. Scutellum black. Hemelytron with corium including cuneus dark fuscous to black, clavus from apex of scutellum and angulate spot on corium reaching cuneal suture pale yellowish brown; membrane fuscous with distinct clear spotlike area at apex of cuneus. Legs, except for fuscous apices of apical tarsomeres, pale yellowish brown; hind femur of specimens examined from Oaxaca with apical half fuscous. Underside shining, dark fuscous to black, evaporatorium dark fuscous to black. GEN- ITALIA (fig. 7): Genital segment with bifurcate tergal process projecting from region slightly to right of midline on dorsal margin of aperture; medial lobe of process short and pointed, lateral lobe larger and hornlike; ventroposterior margin of capsule not modified, distal width of subgenital plate narrow, slightly projecting beyond aperture of capsule. Left paramere C-shaped in dorsal view; with slightly developed sensory lobe; diameter of paramere gradually expanded distally to wide, flattened mitten-shaped apex. Right paramere longer than left paramere; diameter thick basally and medially, distal region slightly attenuate to large, sinuate bifurcate apex. Phallotheca elongate, cone shaped, 1/2 length of spiculum; aperture convoluted, open on right side, dorsal margin, and apex, right margin with medial point and lateral flange. Vesica with one long, medially thickened spiculum, situated on dorsal surface of ductus seminis; distal region of spiculum bifurcate with recurved, strongly serrate branches almost reaching middle of spiculum; apex of process with S-shaped, somewhat flattened distal region; basal portion of spiculum approximately equal to length of sclerotized portion of ductus seminis.

Female: Similar to male in color and form. GENITALIA (fig. 8); right side of GP8 strongly produced, surrounded by cuplike left side; ventral surface of VLP broadly projecting into VUL; dorsal portion of IRL approximately twice as wide as ventral portion; otherwise as in generic description.

MEASUREMENTS: Male (n 5 20; mean followed in parentheses by range): Length, 4.98 (4.40–5.32); width, 1.27 (1.10–1.44). Head length, 0.22 (0.18–0.26); width through eyes, 0.91 (0.86–0.98); vertex width, 0.46 (0.42–0.48). Length of antennal segment I, 0.40 (0.34–0.44); II, 1.43 (1.28–1.56); III, 1.18 (1.02–1.30); IV, 0.50 (0.40–0.54). Pronotal length, 0.87 (0.82–0.96); width, 1.30 (1.14– 1.44). Cuneal length, 0.78 (0.68–0.82); width, 0.40 (0.34–0.42).

Female (n 5 20; mean followed in parentheses by range): Length, 5.26 (5.04–5.68); width, 1.43 (1.32–1.62). Head width, 0.25 (0.24–0.28); width through eyes, 0.97 (0.94– 1.02); vertex width, 0.52 (0.50–0.54). Length of antennal segment I, 0.41 (0.38–0.44); II, 1.47 (1.40–1.58); III, 1.17 (1.04–1.26); IV, 0.51 (0.44–0.58). Pronotal length, 0.93 (0.88–1.00); width, 1.34 (1.24–1.50). Cuneal length, 0.74 (0.68–0.82); width, 0.41 (0.38– 0.44).

DISCUSSION: The color pattern of this attractive species shows some significant variation on the hind femur. Specimens from the state of Oaxaca have the hind femur with dark fuscous coloration, whereas specimens from Guerrero and Morales have a uniformly pale hind femur. The elongate spot anterior to the cuneus varies in size and is occasionally absent. There is moderate geographical variation in the size of the male genitalia, most easily observed in length of the vesical spiculum and size of the bifurcate serrate apical region. The vesica of specimens from Guerrero is approximately 30% larger than of those from Oaxaca. The lectotype along with three paralectotypes were designated by Carvalho and Dolling (1976). These specimens are deposited in the Natural History Museum, London. Distant (1893) mentioned that his description of F. sagittarius was based on six specimens; the whereabouts of two of these specimens is currently unknown.

HOST PLANTS: Both adults and nymphs of this species were taken on species of Ipomoea Roem and Schult (Convolvulaceae) . This

small- to medium-sized tree grows commonly along stream beds found in these seasonally arid regions.

DISTRIBUTION: Known from 24 localities in Guerrero, Mexico, Morelos, Oaxaca, and Puebla at altitudes between 1,220 to 1,830 meters (approx. 4,000 to 6,000 feet) (fig. 9).

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: MEXICO: Guerrero: 1 mi NE of La Laguna, 19.91028 ° N 101.75586 ° W, 17 Jul 1984, Carroll, Schaffner, Friedlander , Ipomoea sp. (Convolvulaceae) , 33 ( AMNH _ PBI 00119124 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00119126 About AMNH ), 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00119127 About AMNH ) ( CNC). Ipomoea murucoides Roem and Schult (Convolvulaceae) , 253 ( AMNH _ PBI 00244628 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244652 About AMNH ), 4♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00244653 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244656 About AMNH ) ( TAMU). 10.3 mi S of Iguala, 17.70023 ° N 100.36666 ° W, 23 Jul 1981, Bogar, Schaffner and Friedlander, Ipomoea murucoides Roem. & Schult. (Convolvulaceae) , 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00244421 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00244422 About AMNH ), 3♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00244423 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244425 About AMNH ) ( TAMU). 11.2 mi N of Iguala, 18.49691 ° N 99.60424 ° W, 1311 m, 05 Jul 1987, Kovarik and Schaffner, 53 ( AMNH _ PBI 00244426 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244430 About AMNH ), 5♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00244431 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244435 About AMNH ) ( TAMU). 2.1 mi N of Cacahuamilpa, 18.67339 ° N 99.55333 ° W, 19 Jul 1984, Carroll, Schaffner, Friedlander, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00244436 About AMNH ) ( TAMU). 2.1 mi NE of Cacahuamilpa, 18.74431 ° N 99.53547 ° W, 1600 m, 27 Jul 1983, Kovarik, Harrison, and Schaffner, 2♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00244419 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00244420 About AMNH ) ( TAMU); 04 Jul 1987, Kovarik and Schaffner, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00244407 About AMNH ), 43 ( AMNH _ PBI 00244408 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244411 About AMNH ), 7♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00244412 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244418 About AMNH ) ( TAMU). 5 mi S of Chilpancingo, 17.51488 ° N 99.49785 ° W, 1293 m, 01 Aug 1963, Naumann and Willis, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00117856 About AMNH ) ( KU). 6.2 mi SW of Xochipala, 17.75291 ° N 99.68363 ° W, 1728 m, 13 Jul 1985, Jones and Schaffner, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00119118 About AMNH ), 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00119119 About AMNH ) ( CNC). 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00244679 About AMNH ) ( TAMU); 06 Jul 1987, 2♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00119128 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00119129 About AMNH ) ( CNC). 133 ( AMNH _ PBI 00244657 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244669 About AMNH ), 9♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00244670 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244678 About AMNH ) ( TAMU). Chilpancingo [17.55 ° N 99.5 ° W, 1402 m], Jun 1890, H. H. Smith, Lectotype, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00085407 About AMNH ) ( BMNH); 24 Jul 1961, R. & K. Dreisbach, 53 ( AMNH _ PBI 00133952 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00133960 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00133963 About AMNH ), 5♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00133964 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00133968 About AMNH ) ( USNM). Cuernavaca to Acapulco Road, 24 Aug 1936, Ball and Stone, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00133973 About AMNH ) ( USNM). Mexico: Temascaltepec, Tejupilco, 18.89996 ° N 100.15051 ° W, 1341 m, Jul 1932, H. Hinton, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00080053 About AMNH ) ( UCB). Morelos: 10 km NE of Yautepec, 18.94464 ° N 99.0035 ° W, 1439 m, 13 Sep 1983, H. Brailovsky, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00244438 About AMNH ) ( UNAM). 12 mi E of Cuernavaca, 18.89741 ° N 99.06354 ° W, 1280 m, 12 Aug 1954, R. R. Dreisbach, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00127382 About AMNH ) ( UMMC). 4.4 mi E of Cuernavaca, 18.91665 ° N 99.18237 ° W, 06 Jul 1974 – 08 Jul 1974, Clark, Murray, Ashe, Schaffner, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00244437 About AMNH ) ( TAMU). Cuernavaca , 18.91666 ° N 99.25 ° W, 15 Aug 1954, R. R. Dreisbach, 33 ( AMNH _ PBI 00127377 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00127379 About AMNH ), 2♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00127380 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00127381 About AMNH ) ( UMMC); 13 Aug 1944, N. L. H. Krauss, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00133969 About AMNH ), 2♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00133970 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00133971 About AMNH ) ( USNM). Oaxaca: 10 km NW of Huajuapan, 17.88944 ° N 97.80863 ° W, 2139 m, 09 Aug 1988, J. T. Doyen, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00080054 About AMNH ) ( UCB). 10 mi N of Miltepec, 16.71209 ° N 94.61666 ° W, 04 Aug 1976, Peigler, Gruetzmacher, R &M Murray, Schaffner, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00119120 About AMNH ) ( CNC). 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00116845 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00116846 About AMNH ), 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00116847 About AMNH ) ( JTP). Ipomoea murucoides Roem & Schult. (Convolvulaceae) , 43 ( AMNH _ PBI 00244439 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244442 About AMNH ), 7♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00244443 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244449 About AMNH ) ( TAMU). 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 01333847 About AMNH ) ( USNM); 12 Aug 1978, Plitt and Schaffner, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00116848 About AMNH ) ( JTP). 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00244453 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00244454 About AMNH ), 3♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00244450 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244452 About AMNH ) ( TAMU); 15 Jul 1971 – 16 Jul 1971, Clark, Murray, Hart, Schaffner, 73 ( AMNH _ PBI 00244455 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244461 About AMNH ), 12♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00244592 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244603 About AMNH ) ( TAMU). 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 01333846 About AMNH ) ( USNM); 11 Jul 1973 – 12 Jul 1973, Mastro and Schaffner, 33 ( AMNH _ PBI 00244604 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244606 About AMNH ) ( TAMU); 11 Jul 1973, Mastro and Schaffner, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00244607 About AMNH ) ( TAMU). 10 mi SE of Huajuapan, 17.80032 ° N 97.76728 ° W, 1612 m, 27 Jul 1965, Burke, Meyer, Schaffner, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00244402 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00244403 About AMNH ), 3♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00244404 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244406 About AMNH ) ( TAMU). 31.3 km SE of Huajuapan de Leon, 17.66531 ° N 97.5606 ° W, 2000 m, 11 Aug 1988, J. K. Liebherr and D. A. Yager, 10♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00116213 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00116222 About AMNH ) ( CUIC). 38 km SE of Huajuapan, 17.60843 ° N 97.52862 ° W, 2312 m, 11 Aug 1988, J. Doyen, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00080043 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00080044 About AMNH ), 8♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00080045 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00080052 About AMNH ) ( UCB). 4 mi NE of Miltepec, 16.60092 ° N 94.57941 ° W, 21 Jul 1984, Carroll, Schaffner, Friedlander, 63 ( AMNH _ PBI 00244611 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244616 About AMNH ), 11♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00244617 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00244627 About AMNH ) ( TAMU); 21 Jul 1984, J. B. Woolley, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00244608 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00244609 About AMNH ), 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00244610 About AMNH ) ( TAMU). Huajuapan , 17.8 ° N 97.76667 ° W, 1633 m, 25 Aug 1969, L. A. Kelton, 223 ( AMNH _ PBI 00110999 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00112258 About AMNH , AMNH_PBI 00112914, AMNH_ PBI 00112916, AMNH_PBI 00113748, AMNH_ PBI00114053,AMNH_PBI00114065,AMNH_ PBI 00114249– AMNH _ PBI 00114263 About AMNH ), 27♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00112257 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00113749 About AMNH , AMNH_PBI 00114066, AMNH_PBI 00114264– AMNH _ PBI 00114287 About AMNH ) ( CNC). Tehuantepec, 16.33333 ° N 95.23333 ° W, 21 Jul 1952, E. E. Gilbert and C. D. MacNeil, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00080042 About AMNH ) ( UCB). Puebla: 34 mi SE of Acatlan, 17.80703 ° N 97.78427 ° W, 1609 m, 09 Jul 1952, E. E. Gilbert and C. D. MacNeil, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00080041 About AMNH ) ( UCB). Unknown State: Unknown locality, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00133972 About AMNH ) ( USNM). GoogleMaps


American Museum of Natural History


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


University of California at Berkeley


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico


Cornell University Insect Collection














Ficinus sagittarius Distant

Schaffner, JC & Schwartz, MD 2008

Ficinus sagittarius

Schuh, R. T. 1995: 109
Carvalho, J. C. M. & W. R. Dolling 1976: 806
Carvalho, J. C. M. 1958: 62
Distant, W. L. 1893: 450
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