Rugabinthus nabire, Tan & Robillard, 2022

Tan, Ming Kai & Robillard, Tony, 2022, Rugabinthus, a new genus of Lebinthina (Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Eneopterinae) from New Guinea, Journal of Orthoptera Research 31 (1), pp. 9-40 : 9

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Journal of Orthoptera Research by Pensoft

scientific name

Rugabinthus nabire

sp. nov.

Rugabinthus nabire sp. nov.

(Figs 3 View Figure 3 , 4I View Figure 4 , 5I View Figure 5 , 6I View Figure 6 , 7I View Figure 7 , 8I View Figure 8 , 9F View Figure 9 , 10F View Figure 10 , 20C View Figure 20 , 20D View Figure 20 , 21) View Figure 21

Material examined. -

Holotype: INDONESIA • ♂; West Papua, Nabire, S. Geelvink Bay , 5-50 m; 25 August-2 September 1962; J. Sedlacek leg.; BPBM . Paratypes: INDONESIA • 1♀; West Papua, Nabire, S. Geelvink Bay , 0-30 m; 2-9 September 1962; J. L. Gressitt leg.; BPBM 1♂; West Papua, Nabire, S. Geelvink Bay , 10-40 m; 13 October 1962; N. Wilson leg.; molecular sample L162; BPBM 1♂; West Papua, Nabire, S. Geelvink Bay ; 16 September 1962; Malaise trap, in jungle; H. Holtmann leg.; MNHN-EO-ENSIF11332 1♂; West Papua, Nabire, S. Geelvink Bay , 10-40 m; sweeping; 12 October 1962; N. Wilson leg.; BPBM .

Type locality. -

INDONESIA: West Papua: Nabire.

Etymology. -

The species is named after the type locality, Nabire; noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. -

This new species differs from all congeners by male subgenital plate rounded apically (pointed in all congeners) and male genitalia with stout pseudepiphallus, slightly convex dorsally, its posterior part very short, slightly concave dorsally, with apex narrowed forming two small lophi with subacute apices; basal margin of pseudepiphallus strongly indented in the middle; pseudepiphallic parameres stout, posterior half forming an internal lobe, apex truncated. Except for the respective original characters of each species, in particular in the shape of the apical part of the pseudepiphallus, the male genitalia of the new species resemble that of R. karimui sp. nov. and R. albatros sp. nov.

Description. -

Average sized among congeners (Fig. 21 View Figure 21 ). Dorsum of head with 6 broad dark red brown bands barely separated (Fig. 4I View Figure 4 ). Fastigium dark red brown (Fig. 4I View Figure 4 ). Scapes yellow brown with red brown bands. Fastigium verticis dark brown with a faint M-shaped yellow brown pattern, frons dark brown with two faint yellow brown spots; clypeus and mouthparts yellow brown with dark brown patterns (Fig. 5I View Figure 5 ). Pronotal disk and lateral lobe unicolorous dark red brown, pronotal disk with two faint lateral spots along posterior margin, lateral lobe not darker than disk (Figs 4I View Figure 4 , 6I View Figure 6 ). FIs and FIIs cream-colored with dark spots, TIs and TIIs dark brown with one median pale ring. FIIIs yellow brown in ventral half to red brown in dorsal half, knees dark brown. Tergites brown.

Male. FWs slightly surpassing apex of fourth abdominal tergite. FW coloration (Fig. 7I View Figure 7 ): Dorsal field cells and veins mostly brown; area between M and R whitish; basal area with a small cream-colored well-defined spot on external corner. Lateral field dark red brown, with ventral margin cream-colored. FW venation typical of genus; 1A bisinuate anteriorly to angle; oblique vein bifurcated, posterior branch almost straight. Apex of dorsal field rounded. Apical field with only few cells in E alignment. Apex of longitudinal veins in dorsal field strong. Subgenital plate short, its apex rounded.

Male genitalia: (Figs 8I View Figure 8 , 20C View Figure 20 , 20D View Figure 20 ) Pseudepiphallus triangular, stouter, convex dorsally, its basal margin straight but strongly indented in the middle and slightly raised dorsally. Lateral margins generally parallel, tapering near apex into a narrow posterior end. Posterior part of pseudepiphallus short, concave dorsally, its apex indented in the middle, forming two small lophi with subacute apices; lophi more developed ventrally, slightly setose. Rami very short, shorter than half of pseudepiphallus length. Pseudepiphallic parameres stout, posterior half forming an internal lobe, apex truncated. Ectophallic apodemes surpassing anterior margin of pseudepiphallic sclerite. Endophallic sclerite with anterior region slightly surpassing anterior margin of pseudepiphallic sclerite; posterior apex of endophallic sclerite with long, rounded and diverging arms, median expansion not distinct.

Female. FW reaching apex of second tergite, brown with two clearly defined triangular, cream-colored spots laterally, at base and apex (Fig. 9F View Figure 9 ).

Female genitalia: Ovipositor shorter than FIII. Copulatory papilla with a large rounded apical part strongly plicate; ventro-anterior end forming a rounded rim (Fig. 10F View Figure 10 ).

Measurements. -

See Table 1 View Table 1 .